Member for Hughes, New South Wales Positions Chair of Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Party Independent Chamber House of Representatives. I had a brain-snap last night after reading through a lot of posts – where many were simply focused on their individual benefits from tax-payer funded subsidies – with no idea of the bigger picture. Meantime, google up ‘Calamity Jill’ and have a look at some of the possibilities still available… though Big Brother is closing the loopholes quickly. Facebook has been taking down videos they consider to contain COVID-19 misinformation. Imagine what a pasting he’d get! I first checked to make sure it was a legitimate doctor and legitimate video and I posted that to my Facebook page,” Mr Kelly said. I guess Comrade Kelly may not like markets either.  I am looking forward to his proposals for stronger price controls or the elimination of electricity markets entirely. “Craig Kelly MP is sharing the truth over and over again and keeps moving forward without fear.” Pete Evans The conspiracy theorist and chef finds accord with coronavirus misinformation being posted by the member for Hughes. Do you think it’s strange they’d give them such a massive dose of the drug that’d give them adverse side effects?" You can summon him by placing a dry American biscuit on the ground and chanting the words “Putin on the Ritz” three times. Not sure this is the correct forum, but your’e welcome to contact me —> [email protected] (as is anyone.). Then you say wind can pick up the shortfall at night. Australia COULD criss-cross itself north and south, east and west, with massive transmission lines – but that would prove extremely expensive (and I believe unnecessarily so), especially as this is a big, and fairly empty country. And, you know, I've read everything I can.”. The battery was used during the heatwave on the 24th of January. Hopefully you’ll find your sense of humour soon. The central issue is the cost. Craig Kelly’s question: Why should a doctor be prohibited from giving the drug to COVID-19 patients? “Never argue with an idiot. No one who wasn’t a complete loony expected the battery to supply more energy than it could actually provide.  Can Craig Kelly name one person — who doesn’t talk to their own boogers — who expected the battery to supply more energy than the laws of physics allowed it to? Actually, I should add that link to the article so people will know the precise way in which I am using the word. I’d have loved to see the ideological battle against nuclear abandoned years ago, but now it costs similar amounts of money to build. Who has suggested it is a cost effective solution to buy battery backup batteris for 24 h of the Ausgrid? Since I work at my computer during the day, I was able to do this work without losing too much time. Craig Kelly was born on December 20, 1957 in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Tesla Model 3 Review: Great Car, Ridiculous Claimed Range, Battery Test Centre 8th & 9th Reports: Many Home Batteries Still Unreliable, 3 Phase Solar : What you need to know about connecting solar to your 3 phase supply, Thousands Of Texans Charged $11+ Per Kilowatt-Hour During Blizzard, Australian LG Chem Solar Battery Recall Announced, Consumer Groups Call For Federal Government Regulation Of BNPL, AEMC Introducing New Solar Inverter Standards, Public Submission Period Kicks Off For Warral Solar Farm, Compare Feed-In Tariffs and Electricity Plans, Craig Kelly Calls SA Big Battery A Failure – After It Works Exactly As Expected. That was a problem I faced when I moved into a fairly small flat with a library of about 500 or so books and several hundred vinyl records and cassette tapes, as well as hundreds of colour photographic slides. If I can’t laugh, it’s not my energy revolution. One hypothetical solution might be to provide everybody with a solar system of suitable-to-location size and shut down power-stations altogether ~ on the basis that they can NEVER be as efficient as a DIY system within which the owner MUST live. Craig kelly ripping a turn in 1989. Europe is BIG, has more people, and consumes much more power (and has much more manufacturing) than Australia. He was right, too; but forgot that the proletariat was the proletariat because it was too stupid to be the ruling class. …… and all without a single watt of coal-fired power. In an interview, even Dr Jelenko acknowledges that trials are needed and his protocol provides a “hopeful possibility”. The World Health Organisation has said hydroxychloroquine is ineffective as a treatment for COVID-19, consider to contain COVID-19 misinformation. Category: Hansard Transcripts. To my knowledge, all scientists, and all engineers, expect and encourage peer-review – very few would think that their ideas are complete, and perfect – they accept they may possibly have “missed something”, or may have new ideas or information presented that can trigger further improvements. I had noticed a couple of nuclear stations were absolutely and quitely HAMMERING out power – you could tell by the massive amount of steam coming from there cooling towers. ), and burning coal is an environmental disaster….. how come there’re so MANY healthy, happy Chinamen? We can hear him going Ding Dong Bell. He told Guardian Australia that the company took down three of his posts, which they said violated the platform’s community […] You are correct CU – it might not be enough. Which day are you planning to have 100% of the available supply options – be they renewable or conventional, baseload or peaking – all offline simultaneously for 24 hours? Whether you meant to or not, I feel your statements smack of ignorance, condescension, and arrogance. Whatever provides stand-by power, must be able to provide a large percentage of total power demand. A social media expert at Facebook, to me, should have no right to censor the medical opinion of a highly respected doctor. (582 MW x 24 x 365 = 5,098,320 MWh). Craig Kelly is merely the first wave of vaccine sceptics - The Big Smoke 😉. There remains some unanswered questions including the role of hydroxychloroquine for post-exposure prophylaxis. If you take the time to watch the Good Morning Britain’s (GMB) interview with Australian conservative politician Craig Kelly MP on the Aussie bushfires, the panel swerved onto the other side of the road in an attempt to drive him off the road. It’s not the first time Craig Kelly has broached controversy; he’s previously challenged links between climate change and drought in parliament and appeared in a fiery segment with Good Morning Britain where he said record fuel loads and drought were the key reason behind the summer’s bushfire crisis. ( there are all sorts of alternatives which I’ve employed over 35 years.). Cost was also higher hear, although in the specialised industries I was involved in that was not such a big issue. Carbon dioxide emissions from burning coal contribute to global warming, which also kills people and causes suffering. 4. Final statement not quite true. In actuality, she is saying the Immunologist Professor Robert Clancy, whom Kelly quotes, is a fraud. It requires some infrastructure to be built and that costs. I think AEMO has a pretty good plan but it needs govt’s to back it and private enterprise will hop on board. “We look at the weight of evidence. “…needed spend several hundred million on emergency diesel generators to keep the lights on just before the state election…”. Battery installers who tell porkies to potential customers about what kind of savings they can receive from home battery systems?  I happen to know that at least one of them is a Clean Energy Council, Does he mean the South Australian Home Battery Scheme?  This is more a waste of resources than a con job as people aren’t being lied into buying batteries.  But perhaps Craig Kelly thinks it’s like a con job because the subsidy may mislead many people into thinking they’ll be better off with a battery when they will actually only. An ideal system (cost-wise, talking minimal cost, NOT save the world stuff) would source the bulk of the supply at a cheap rate, and allow bidding on the peak supply demands. : : The Consensus Project Website. The higher dose was shown to be tolerated but the benefits in treating people were not realised. After huge expenditure, Solar Thermal appears to have died, Wave Power in WA’s south has gone belly up, and I understand wave power in SA has sunk. “I’m not saying take the drug. Pumped hydro is one, but really big systems in one place are expesnive, You say running full capacity transmission lines north and south and east and west across our huge country will require “some” infrastructure costs – really! ‘ (see this link: ). We respect your privacy and you can opt out from the newsletter at any time. I believe there were several factors. While we endured Craig Kelly's nonsense about the COVID vaccine rollout, he's merely one wave in a rolling sea of misinformation. What has been done seems disgraceful. His comment came after rumours of Chinese company Shandong Ruyi eyeing AGL’s clapped-out, coal-fired, emissions-belching Liddell Power Station, which AGL plans to shut down. “Not all studies are equal when it comes to guiding treatment selection – only high-quality studies will guide treatment decisions. Craig Kelly says doctors should decide if they want to prescribe the drug to patients. Se I did listen to some of the stuff at school and yes I did go to one. 1d. The Feed has reached out to the Prime Minister’s office for comment but did not receive a response. At the moment, we mostly fall back on coal, or natural gas, to provide backup power. You have evidently never travelled – so have no idea of the concept of scale. Trials are ongoing and evidence is being reviewed by the National Taskforce. Anybody who whines about needing expensive-to-run air-conditioning has no business bitching about the price of production ~ commercially or environmentally. Because the battery performed exactly as expected and didn’t somehow magically provide more energy than was possible it is an enormous failure along with renewable energy. Have misinterpretated the acronym CCGT (I note you wrote GTCC). Perhaps someone told him “our share” of the big battery could only run the grid for 8 minutes – forgetting to mention that that is all it needs for FCAS? Craig Kelly is a three-term Liberal MP in the southern Sydney seat of Hughes. I’ve felt for years that as a Nation we are living well beyond our means – by “selling the farm” – wasted opportunities, no sustainability (electrical enegy aside). But – we DO need backup/time shifting to support the uptake of renewables – no expert denies this, and leading experts support this. Nuclear operation doesn’t produce CO2 emissions. If it had been completed (who knows what the final cost would have been) and if it never shut down for maintenance, you still would have needed 5 of them to supply the Ausgrid area. Tags: Craig Kelly, Dr. Alan Watts, Fraud, Hansard, Health, Wind Industry. It’s not convenient, but workable. ( Though that might be why the Chinese are importing mountains of OUR coal; they’ve run out. Be interesting to know the balance of payments issues for Australian with foreign imports of solar & large scale wind turbines. MP Craig Kelly quotes the letters of Dr. Alan Watts on wind energy and its ill effects, including on human health. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!”. We get so used to it that we get tpo not being able to conceive of living with it. It’s comforting to know that if there’s a fire or something I’ve only got to grab a single 2TB drive to carry away much of my life to safety. These would use natural gas as a fuel – which produces much less CO2 than coal for the same energy produced. Supplying electricity has a large upfront cost whichever way you look at it. Paul KarpSun, 10 January 2021, 2:22 am GMT Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAPPhotograph: Lukas Coch/AAP Federal Liberal MP Craig Kelly has accused social media companies of attempting to “purge” comments about unproven Covid-19 treatments after he received a warning from Facebook over his claims regarding the anti-parasitic drug … When the first bromide flow battery was conceived, it was touted as a possible city-scale storage (read: time shifting) technology. But, they are OK with it, because they believe they are saving the world (when in fact we have simple ‘exported supply’ and the associated emissions to countries which are a little less idealistic. How many solar panels should you install with a Powerwall 2? Wind is a little better – only about 4 times the fatality rate of nuclear. Sent you a quick example, but it hasn’t appeared for whatever reason. Ron wrote an excellent article on this – it would be useful for you to read it. If Craig Kelly thinks South Australia is a failure then he’d have to think Victoria is a smouldering hellhole of a disaster zone.  Surely that’s the only logical conclusion. Or is this a word that can’t be used so that it does not offend our shrinking violets of today. To get your quotes, please enter your postcode: NSW Labor’s Latest Solar Power Pledge – Solar Skills Program, JinkoSolar Ruled The Roost For Solar Panel Shipments In 2018,,,, You talk about “risks and damage” – but are you aware of industry data that shows Solar PV has historically resulted in one hundred times (100x) the fatality rate per terrawatt-hour of energy produced? If not, and you are operating on beliefs and not evidence, then you are in the same basket of idiots as Craig Kelly. Some studies have appeared in the media without appropriate peer-review,” Professor McLachlan said. A senior staff member in Liberal MP Craig Kelly’s office continues to work in his role despite multiple young women – some as young as 16 – coming forward to NSW police to allege inappropriate behaviour in the workplace, including an instance of unwanted touching, and despite an apprehended violence order being granted in one case.
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