Twin Flame Separation & Reconnection When twin flames separate, there are compelling spiritual reasons for it. Another interesting fact of the Twin Flame phenomenon is that 11:11 has special significance for awakened twin flames. Kundalini The Sexual Triad with the Higher Self: Twin flames have one Higher Self and with practice and development of that presence, it can be brought into the bedroom as a third party when the frequency and mood is appropriate. The meeting of Twin Flames will awaken Kundalini. Most of these special reunions, including my own, hit us hard and can bring us to our knees. ... Kundalini Rising With Your Twin Flame - Duration: 3:55. I first learned about Kundalini in my early 20’s. Some may find the learning curve too difficult and choose to give up, others may not. We know that twin flames share the same soul signature and blueprint. The Twin Flame sexual union marries together the two soul-halves and through this ancient snake dance; the Twin Flame pair bridges the gap of separation of self from other, heaven from earth. This activation forces them to do all the necessary shedding, clearing and healing of anything that no longer serves their shared purpose. It is said that our DNA was genetically altered at the time of our creation so that we would remain unaware of our own power as creators and to keep us imprisoned in this 3D construct. Experiencing twin flame separation is one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to go through. It is an energy that is stored at the base of your spine. That is the so-called Kundalini awakening. Also it would follow that the two souls would then be very similar but this is not the case in every respect. Twin Flame Sexual Magic Whether you have had physical relationship with your Twin Flame or not, Twin Flames do not need to be in physical sexual act to experience Kundalini Activation which is a kick start of their ascension process. Understanding what you are going through can make the journey a little less confusing and uncomfortable. In this stage, “Quiet the Mind. Twin flames are always connected through the twin flame energy cord. They also have a telepathic communication of which the awakened twin can receive certain telepathic messages from their twin’s higher consciousness, the unawakened twin is usually unaware of this. 3:55. They are the two important patterns that help twin flames recognize each other. These twin flame signs and symptoms indicate you're nearing a twin flame reunion! Twin Flame Sexual Magic Whether you have had physical relationship with your Twin Flame or not, Twin Flames do not need to be in physical sexual act to experience Kundalini Activation which is a kick start of their ascension process. Another myth is that the twin flames are mirror images of one another. Twin Flame separation and twin flame relationships are also linked to Kundalini, which refers to a flow of energy that happens after all the 7 energy centers in the person are awakened or engaged in some way, and the reason these two are linked is that many people who have experienced kundalini awakening are likely to experience twin flame relationships. In the very beginning of the Awakening the connection is so powerful the awakened twin may even feel the heartbeat of the unawakened twin and meet them in the astral realm without their twin’s conscious mind being aware of it. Other historical twin flames are probably the mystic Richard Rolle, Princess Alice of Greece, St. John of the Cross, Madam Guyon, Teresa of Avila. Because the unawakened twin still has a big ego which prevents them from being aware that they are a twin they will insist that they are not the awakened twin’s flame. It seems that one or some of their chakra’s must be open for the energetic bond to occur. Also, one of them will experience a Kundalini Awakening caused by meeting the other. The unawakened twin can be very envious of the spiritual advancement of the awakened twin and in their envy will even do things to try to hurt the awakened twin. Twin flame separation is not like typical relationship breakdown. I believe this is why there is the separation phase once they find each other. ... At this point, many twin souls decide to separate. Isolation – Alone time is not only specific to the runner Twin Flames to want self-introspection, or self-isolation. A way to describe the connection is that Twin Flames share the same energetic frequency. Because you are not getting the confirmation from your twin in the physical reality that they are still in this together … The Bubble pops fast, folks – so, if you want … It is more common that one is awakened and the other is not and the unawakened twin is often a narcissist even if it is the unawakened twin’s energy that awoke the Kundalini in the awakened twin. You see, there is a necessary process of learning to navigate before twin flames can truly unite. Twin Flame Separation & Reconnection. Yet another myth about twin flames is that it is a romantic relationship, actually it is not about romance with one another at all however it is about romance with the Divine. Although in some rare cases both of the twin flames are awakened or one is fully awakened and the other is becoming awakened. They may never meet again after separation and that is also fine because the ultimate goal is surrender and Union with God. It occurs when one of the twin flames awakens the Kundalini in their counterpart. When we separate from our flames it’s as though our entire lives have been shattered. At the time, I had no idea he was my twin flame. It’s a time in which we are asked to fully believe in a 5D reality that only we can see and manifest it in the 3D physical. My process involved Kundalini Activation after meeting my Twin Flame. It helps to know that all the crazy things you are going through are actually Divinely intended at this time and will bring you into alignment for your ascension. Learn how your comment data is processed. That would have fallen under the most popular titles of soul to soul connection's, Twin Flame, twin Rays, soulmates. Because of this there is nothing the unawakened twin can ever do that would destroy the love the awakened twin has for them. It’s a natural part of the twin flame spiritual connection which keeps the twins together even when they haven’t yet made 3D contact as part of a human experience or when they are in separation.