Apprentices This was Qui-Gon Jinn's first encounter with the holocron of prophecies, and it would not be the last. [20] Together with the Jedi and the Gungans, Amidala put together a plan of attack, where the Gungans would fight the Federation army away from Theed as a diversion, allowing Amidala, her forces, and the Jedi to infiltrate the city with little opposition. [4], In watching Skywalker work on his pod, Jinn told Shmi he could sense a Jedi's potential in the boy. [39] Kenobi finally killed a resurgent Darth Maul in a duel on Tatooine in 2 BBY, using Jinn's Ataru stance to defend himself against Maul. [4], While other Jedi focused on meditation to try to understand the future, Jinn lived in the moment. [18], Yoda asked Jinn and Kenobi to escort the infant to the Jedi Temple, with Yoda assuring Lo that he was in safe hands with Jinn. He guided Yoda through Dagobah to learn the secret of eternal consciousness; but, Yoda was interested in knowing if Jinn, existing outside of normal time, could tell him Darth Sidious's true identity. However, Jinn's pleas were for naught, as Skywalker didn't heed his words in his uncontrolled rage. Jinn explained that Dooku lets him do his homework in his quarters if he doesn't disturb him. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Discovering the secrets of life after death. Kenobi asked for his guidance, as he feared that the Galactic Empire would capture Luke Skywalker, Anakin's son, upon his return to the Lars moisture farm. The final season of The Clone Wars reveals that freaking Darth Maul was aware that Anakin Skywalker would directly lead to the downfall fo the Jedi and the destruction of the Republic. Qui-Gon Jinn was considered by Luke Skywalker as a member of the Skywalker family due to his deep connection with the Skywalkers' history with the Jedi. [Source]. The Jedi stowed away aboard separate ships, which made their way to the planet's surface and planned to warn the Naboo that the invasion was coming. Maul was able to disarm and knock Kenobi partly down a reactor shaft and kick his lightsaber into it. [4], After traveling through the core and evading multiple large sea creatures, they arrived in Theed and rescued Queen Padmé Amidala, who was taken into Federation custody. Then-Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum dispatched Jinn and Kenobi to Naboo, tasking them with resolving the situation through diplomatic means.[4]. [5] He believed that one's focus on the future shouldn't compromise their concentration on the present and believed in trusting one's instincts. They all shared dinner, where Skywalker deduced that Jinn was a Jedi, having seen his lightsaber. Feeling the great pain and distress, Jinn called out to Skywalker through the Force, which Yoda could hear—but not comprehend—through his own meditations. Jinn asked if there are Jedi prophets, to which Dooku replied not any longer. When the negotiations were cut short, Jinn took the Priestess to meet up with Kenobi aboard their shuttle. [4], The Council tested Skywalker and agreed with Jinn that he was mighty with the Force, but declined to accept him for training. In his search for Jedi knowledge, Luke learned about the life of Jinn, his relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi, his encounter with the Force Priestesses, and the role he played in his father's training. Masters [15] He also learned from a Shaman of the Whills that achieving eternal consciousness required absolute selflessness. Additionally, the final screenplay described Qui-Gon Jinn as being in his 60s, far older than actor Liam Neeson was at the time.[49]. But Gungan prejudices against the Naboo were too strong for the Boss to care about what happened on the surface. [48], Neeson reprised his role again in 2019 in a brief audio cameo in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the final film of the Skywalker saga. He viewed his journey to be easier now that he had a friend to show him the path. Jinn eventually took on a Padawan named Obi-Wan Kenobi, who believed that Jinn could've been a member of the Jedi High Council if he followed the Code,[4] though as Kenobi knew, Jinn had rejected an offer to join. He also described Anakin as a "vergence" in the Force, suggesting that Qui-Gon's interest in Anakin was 100 percent connected to the idea that Anakin was a blend of light and dark. Public Figure. [45] A few years later, Kenobi appeared as a physical spirit to tell Luke to train with Yoda on Dagobah. Jinn took Skywalker with him and began giving him some initial lessons about the Force. The specifics of Anakin's dark fate were probably obscure to him, but from the moment Qui-Gon found Anakin, he was very clearly convinced Anakin was "the Chosen One." TCW Maul is desperate, unstable, blinded by … Rather than comforting Jinn about the battle, which would've embarrassed him, Rael instead commented that Dooku is hard to get to know and offered to help Qui-Gon out. They were assembled to track and find the notorious Falleen bounty hunter Shenda Mol. Qui-Gon thrashes, he was a match for Maul in his peak mental state coming out of decades of personal training under Sidious. Together, along with a number of the queen's guards and handmaidens, they made their way to a hangar to take the queen's starship off of Naboo. Qui-Gon Jinn was a human male who stood 1.93 meters tall[5] and had light skin, blue eyes, and long, brown hair. During the mission, Kenobi developed romantic feelings for the Jedi's charge. Once onboard, he introduced Skywalker to Kenobi. [8] At some point in his life after the mission, Jinn went through trials on Felucia, and, although his commitment was tested, he ultimately stayed loyal to the Jedi Order. Still, Dooku told Kenobi that Jinn knew about the corruption in the Galactic Senate and might have joined the Separatist cause—especially if he had learned that the Republic was under Darth Sidious's control. Through the training Yoda gave Luke, the boy confronted and redeemed his father from the dark side, and Anakin killed Darth Sidious. [23] Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano, had been lured to the planet Mortis by three beings known as the Father, Son, and Daughter. In the timeframe of the Skywalker saga, Qui-Gon is the Jedi who introduces (or reintroduces) the power of becoming one with the Force, and still communicating with those who are "alive." Just For Fun. And because he too was a bit of a rebel among the Jedi, Qui-Gon would have been better equipped to handle Anakin's free-spirited nature and may have been more attuned to any troubling behavior and taken action to address it. They believed that he was too old to begin training and dangerously full of fear and anger despite his power. [5], Jinn and Kenobi were sent to Bri'n to protect the Priestess Th'er of Wood from the Metal Clan. [31], It was not until the Clone Wars' waning days that Yoda learned Jinn had retained his consciousness after death. These suspicions were confirmed when the Federation flooded the conference room with poison gas to kill the Jedi. He is determined, pretty early on, that Anakin is the real deal. Jinn used the Force to help it land on blue, and Watto agreed to free Skywalker if he won the race—but, according to Watto, the Dug racer Sebulba was sure to win.[4]. When asked why, after looking into himself through the fear, Jinn answered that he was not afraid of Dooku, but of not becoming a Jedi, that he was afraid of failing. [4] Jinn, for his part, had not been fooled by the Queen's disguise since their first meeting but had gone along with the charade for reasons of his own, one of which presumably included safeguarding the queen's life. While doing so, an ancient holocron, more ancient and of a different shape than the rest, caught Jinn's eye. Maul wasn't aware of these things because Palpatine slipped him a note, he, like other Force-users, saw into the future. Sometime later, Jedi Master Mace Windu was sent to the planet Oosalon to search for several Padawans who had been kidnapped by the warlord Guattako. Vader led the purge of the Jedi Order and acted as the Emperor’s enforcer during the reign of the Empire. They were able to board the ship after fighting through many battle droids and took the vessel into orbit where they encountered the Federation blockade. Jinn and his Padawan were assigned to protect Duchess Satine Kryze of the pacifistic New Mandalorians faction, who had become a target for insurgents. [8], To help Jinn understand the Jedi Temple more completely, Dooku then took him throughout most of the Temple, including the Padawans' sparring dojo, and the one for full Jedi Knights, and the Great Assembly Room. Editor discretion is advised. When Jinn saved the Gungan exile Jar Jar Binks, and Binks swore a life-debt to him, his compassionate nature was such that Jinn took the hapless Gungan under his wing, much to Kenobi's dismay. [2] Identified as a Force-sensitive, he was taken for training by the Jedi Order and was assigned to the Heliost Clan where he learned lightsaber combat from Jedi Master Tera Sinube. Skywalker was unsure about leaving his mother, but he always had dreamed of becoming a Jedi and decided to go. Qui-Gon Jinn In this case, Jinn was reporting on the different schools of theosophy a century ago. By killing Sidious and sacrificing himself, Jinn's strongly-held belief was finally proven right: Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen One. Upon arriving at the Trade Federation command ship, Jinn and Kenobi were escorted into a conference room, where they were told that Viceroy Nute Gunray would greet them. Qui-Gon Jesus the Jedi. Meanwhile, Kenobi could take his Jedi Trials and become a Jedi Knight, as the Jedi Code forbade a Jedi from having two Padawans. [22], Due to his incomplete training, Jinn's spirit couldn't physically manifest himself, much as he occurred in a vision on one known occasion. The report about Mortis did not change these Jedi beliefs or teachings. But the two were able to hold their breath long enough for the Federation to open the doors and inadvertently give the Jedi a chance to escape. They were all fascinating to him, and Qui-Gon kept reading, unable to stop. When you consider how often and how many characters in Star Wars had visions of the future, you gotta wonder: Were there other characters who saw the future, but just weren't as chatty about it? Darth Vader envisioned of Jinn's existence having happened had he not turned to the dark side and Padmé had not died in childbirth. Who said being the "Chosen One" had to be a good thing? The scene appeared in the film's novelization. Only at the beginning. Born [14], Jinn and Kenobi spent a year on Mandalore, always on the run from bounty hunters targeting Kryze. The race began later that day, and Skywalker emerged victoriously. Qui-Gon was born Force-sensitive on the planet of Coruscant. Qui-Gon protested, surprising Rael, then said not until he's finished his report. The opening sequence, in which Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn take on battle droids aboard the Trade Federation ship. Chronological and political information He brought Amidala—masquerading as a royal handmaiden—and Binks along with him. Shortly after Jinn, Plo Koon, and Depa Billaba arrived to help. Similar to Qui-Gon, Anakin has shown hesitations towards many aspects of the Jedi code. After a moment of silence, and with pressing from Dooku, Jinn confessed that he was. [34], In the years following Anakin's redemption and fulfillment of the prophecy, Luke embarked on a quest to rediscover the Jedi Order's forgotten history in hopes to reestablish it. Dooku then summarized it as Jinn being afraid of himself, of a future not being the one he wanted. [33] The fall confirmed the Council's fears about Skywalker's training,[4] but he was still the Chosen One. We also know from on-screen evidence that Qui-Gon was in the habit of defying the wishes of the Jedi Council and questioning contemporary Jedi dogma. Watto agreed to the condition, and Skywalker set out to begin getting his pod race-ready. [4] Kenobi upheld his vow to Jinn dutifully over the years. Jinn noted that he could not feel the presence himself but offered to join him on his quest if he so wanted. [15] He traveled to a planet strong with the Force, a world that legend said was the birthplace of life and the origin of midi-chlorians. Darth Vader Killed Darth Maul's Clone. Maybe Qui-Gon Jinn was right: Anakin was "the Chosen One." The two agreed that Watto would pay Skywalker's entry fee and collect all of the winnings from a potential victory, except for whatever money Jinn needed to repair his ship. The same could be true for the most pivotal Jedi in the Skywalker saga. 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