How good are you in this part of history? Go to Sway Home. Solo Practice. Chapter 3 Section 1 67 Teach England Seeks Colonies Founding Jamestown pp. Finish Editing. These colonies had puritans among them who desired to enforce strict religious governments. 7th grade . New Orleans. Make sure to include information about the Middle Passage, slave codes, & slave life. Now students will focus on the reasons for the growth of the Middle Colonies. Chapter 2, Section 3 GUIDED READING A. Chapter 2 23. Life in the American Colonies; Chapter 4 DRAFT. Read Section 1, pages 108-113. Chapter 3Colonial America. Find out below and all the best. How did the diverse Middle Colo- Section Focus Question nies develop and thrive? The geography and climate impacted the trade and economic activities of New England Colonies. The Framers were well-educated men experienced in government and public service. The main goal of the colonists who settled the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies was to a. find gold. Chapter 4 New England This presentation goes along with Chapter 4, Section 1 of the Prentice Hall American Nation textbook. Homework and Practice Book ... 3 Which goods did the New England Colonies export to England? Write the letter of your answer in the blank. Homework due Tuesday, December 12, 2017: Students will complete ALL 8 Reading Check Questions found in the Chapter 5 The New England Colonies Packet that you received on Friday, December 8, 2017. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Use after reading Chapter 5, Lesson 2, pages 208 – 213. Results: Puritans suffered reli-gious persecution; some Puritans left England to form colonies (Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay) in America. Several leaders, recognizing the need for a change in the Articles, called meetings for the purpose of discussing plans to revise and improve the Articles. 2. 25. What city at the mouth of the Mississippi did the French found? New England Colonies. Start studying Chapter 3 Lesson 2: The New England Colonies. Instead of relying on printed flyers and word of mouth to attract settlers, the founders of colonies might have made infomercials. Read, study the sections on Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, and New Hampshire, and Union for Protection. Chapter 4 - The Colonies Develop. Edit. Chapter 2: Beginnings of English America (1607-1660) Chapter 2: Beginnings of English America (1607-1660) Focus Questions. The Act of Toleration. Section 2 - The Middle Colonies: Farms and Cities. This assignment is due on Wednesday, December 13, 2017. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Good luck! Why did Pilgrims and Puritans leave England for America? Section 2 reviews early European exploration and settlement in the New World. Practice. o eratlon ne Hutchinson itans nnec 1 John Winthrop and his followers were part of a religious group known as the (1) . All of the questions are to be answered IN the packet. History. Played 34 times. Formation of the orginal 13 colonies. Chapter 3 study guide answers.doc View Download: Study Guide for Chapter 3 with all of the lessons. Which colonies were found mainly by settlers seeking religious freedom? Skillbuilder: Reading a Bar Graph - Students will identify various parts of the graph: title, horizontal axis, vertical axis, and grid lines. Day 2 Chapter 4. Chapter 2 – The English Colonies Section Notes The Southern Colonies The New England Colonies The Middle Colonies Life in the English Colonies Conflict in the Colonies Video English Settlement in North America History Close-up Plymouth Colony Images Peter Stuyvesant The Great Awakening Primary Source: The Boston Massacre Quick Facts Church and State Characteristics of the Middle Colonies … Region Climate/Geography Settlers Type of Farming Industries New England Middle Colonies Southern Colonies 5 W’s: Describe slavery in the Americas. The best answers will be awarded! 32 Unit 1, Chapter 2 Name Date RETEACHING ACTIVITY Puritan New England Section 3 CHAPTER2 Multiple Choice Choose the best answer for each item. Section 4 - The Backcountry . Chapter 5 - Beginnings of an American Identity. 1. Questions and Answers . 33k: v. 5 : Mar 29, 2012, 10:29 AM: Unknown user: Ċ: Slavery Document.pdf View Download: Primary source doc.
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