21:2). Woudstra doesn’t hold that the church replaces Israel, but rather that the church is God’s true people, beginning in the Old Testament. Most of Christendom has been taught that God’s purpose for national Israel … New Testament Acceptance of Old Testament teaching required unless specifically abrogated by New Testament. Holiness in the Old Testament: Relationship with the Transcendent. This new Israel, founded by Messiah, exists in spiritual continuity with the Old Testament saints and so counts as a “spiritual Israel.” It includes Gentiles who believe in the Messiah and so through baptism are spiritually circumcised (Col. 2:11–12) and are reckoned as spiritual Jews (Rom. The subject of Israel's New Covenant, and the erroneous notion of its relationship to the New Creation Christian and the Body of Christ--the Church, remains a hot topic in dispensational circles. God chose the descendants of the godly Seth and showed Himself to all nations by the great wonders He did through Israel. by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. The word Gentiles is used to refer to those who are not Jews or of the literal “seed of Abraham.” In the Old Testament, God designed to separate His children from the wicked to maintain their purity so that they would be a good example to the world (). The faithful remnant of Old Testament Israel and New Testament Christianity are together the one genuine seed of Abraham and thus heirs according to the promise. The church, however, is not coterminous with Israel; discontinuity also characterizes the relationship. Israel is, on the other hand, often used as a 'type' of the Church. To avoid misunderstanding, in this document we have used the term "Israel" only when referring to the people in Old and New Testament times; no present-day political reference is intended or implied. THE CHURCH AND ISRAEL 31 This dialectical relationship is not the re-sult of a confused insight, but springs from the essence of the matter in question.""' Selected Answer: Tru e Question 18 2 out of 2 points God entered into a covenant with _____ promising to never again flood the entire earth. We may now give short answers to the problems raised earlier (p. 28). A close examination of these instances reveals that the apostles never used Israel as a synonym for the Church. The Catholic Church has traditionally understood itself to be the new Israel (Catechism of the Catholic Church 877).Just as Israel was God’s people in the Old Testament, the Church is his people now, and to many in our culture, this sounds extremely arrogant and possibly even anti-Semitic. Like the doctrine of the Fall, the subject of the "New Covenant" is a 'watershed' issue in both Christendom and among truly born-again Christians. No one can explain the phenomena of Israel and the Holy One of Israel adequately without realizing the fundamental distinctive of Yahweh's transcendence. The relationship between Israel and Gentiles undergirds Konradt’s discussion about the church. Jesus is an Israeli, as were all the apostles, and the concerns of Israel, spiritually and politically, were very much a … However, Woudstra does argue that there is, “a point where all Israel virtually ceases to be God’s people…Gentiles now fill up the ranks of all Israel” (p236). Each entity–Israel and the Church–has its own destiny and purpose. In this new dispensation God was grafting in a people with a special relationship to Christ which would be mainly made up of Gentiles.(Rom. "The New Testament consistently differentiates between Israel and the church," claims Arnold Fruchtenbaum.1 Fruchtenbaum supports this conclusion through a powerful twofold argument in which he first demonstrates the biblical view of Israel and secondly, by showing that the church is viewed in the New Testament as a separate entity. The sign of this covenant was a rainbow. Matt. The Church was a new creation which began with the apostle Paul just as Israel was a new creation God revealed through Abraham. Personal relationship based on faithfulness was a ludicrous idea outside Israel. Selected Answer: Noa h Question 19 2 out of 2 points Dispensational theology sees continuity among the Testaments. There are four key passages of the New Testament that speak concerning the relationship of the Church as the Bride of the Messiah. It must be kept in mind, however, that the Church is pictured today as an engaged Bride who is not yet joined by marriage to her husband. 11:17-24) The institution of the church, this new dispensation, did not replace Israel which is represented as the vine, but were grafted in to God's program for His coming Kingdom promised to the Jews. There are about 77 instances in the New Testament where the words Israel or Israelite occur. S ome believe that the church has replaced Israel or is the “New Israel,” so is the church the New Israel?. This remnant is chosen not on the basis of religion or race but rather on the basis of relationship to the resurrected Redeemer. Old Testament prescriptions are not binding unless reaffirmed in New Testament. These years will include the tribulation. While the New Testament writers see the focus of Old Testament prophecy as related to things present and accomplished, Dispensationalists state that prophecy centrally relates to the future glory of national Israel and not the Church age (Zens 2005b). Covenant Theologians boldly state that the Church is the new Israel and sometimes make it sound as if that claim is an obvious foregone conclusion of the New Testament. The government of Israel was originally a theocracy, eventually replaced by a theocratic-chosen king. This remnant is not chosen on the basis of religion or race but rather on the basis of relationship to the resurrected Redeemer. In this lesson, we only have time to selectively consider a handful of portraits related to Israel’s relationship to God. relationship of Israel in the Old Testament to the church in the New Testament. The church, according to the New Testament, is the eschatological Israel incorporated in Jesus Messiah and, as such, is a progression beyond historical Israel ( 1 Cor 10:11; 2 Cor 5:14-21; etc Cox even claimed that the two terms are used interchangeably. As discussed, Israel failed and broke the contract, and so in the New Testament era the contract was offered to Gentiles – namely the church. If these commandments were part of God’s conditional covenant with the nation of Israel, which was broken, is there any abiding use of these commands in evangelism or moral instruction?” 21:43). 2).The family concept in the Old Testament represented one of the most commonly used models, metaphors, or analogies to expiate in human way the unique relationship between God and Israel.2 (ii) New Testament The Greek term oikia, which means house or a … 11:1a). Patterns of Disunity and DiscontinuityThe first major challenge to the unity of the Scripture came from a man by the name of Marcion, 2 who being influenced by Gnosticism stressed the total disunity between the Old Testament and the New Testament, between Israel and the Church, and between the God of the Old Testament and the Father of Jesus. They explain, “In the New Testament the word ‘Israel’ has been translated into ‘the Jewish people’, ‘the Jews’ or ‘the people’ because when the Greek text uses the word ‘Israel’ it is referring to a people with whom God has a special relationship - Jacob's descendants. God needed a nation where he could preserve the witness he was accumulating about himself. The Use of Israel in the New Testament. The church is the spiritual people of Today the church has the opportunity to receive the blessings of the contract (God’s blessings). Past Purpose: In the Old Testament the nation of Israel was both a spiritual and national entity. Nor does the phrase 'the new Israel' occur anywhere in the New Testament. 3:5). Micah in Buffalo, New York: “Hello, Pastor John! Israelite Feast Days. Relationship Between Church and State. 2:26–29). Speaking of Israel, he writes, “I ask, then, has God rejected his people? The relationship of the New Testament Church (Greek ekklesia) to the congregation of Israel in the Old Testament can be better understood when we learn the different interpretations placed on the two Hebrew words for "congregation": 'edah and qahal.. The New Testament Church was very much involved with the vicissitudes of Israel. What role do the Ten Commandments play in the life and ministry of the New Testament church? Classical dispensational theology proposes a radical difference between Israel (the Jewish people) and the Church (New Testament believers in Christ).
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