Manifest destiny definition is - a future event accepted as inevitable; broadly : an ostensibly benevolent or necessary policy of imperialistic expansion. There was territorial expansion. The term "Manifest Destiny," which American writer John L. O'Sullivan coined in 1845, describes what most 19th-Century Americans believed was their God-given mission to expand westward, occupy a continental nation, and extend U.S. constitutional government to unenlightened peoples.While the term sounds like it is strictly historical, it also more subtly … This lesson is most appropriate for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Generally, expansions mean improvement and progress. Manifest destiny refers to a belief and a sustained racial and imperialist project that the Christian God ordained United States settlers and land speculators to occupy the entire North American continent and claim territorial, political, and economic sovereignty over its people and resources. 1. Although Manifest Destiny was embraced by many, it was still a disputed philosophy with opposing views stemming out from Americans even in the 1800s. There are proponents and opponents stating their points of view. manifest destiny "sea to shining sea"; the belief that the U.S. should own all territory between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Manifest destiny was the continuation of the Doctrine of Discovery adapted to the needs of 19th century US colonial aspirations. Manifest Destiny was a term that came to describe a widespread belief in the middle of the 19th century that the United States had a special mission to expand westward. Manifest Destiny: American Expansionism and the Empire of Right. the 19th century American belief that the United States was destined to expand across the continent. Manifest Destiny is a term for the attitude prevalent during the 19th century period of American expansion that the United States not only could, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast. List of Pros of Manifest Destiny. Focuses on the religious aspect of manifest destiny ideology. Manifest destiny was the popularly held belief in the 19th century that US settlers were destined by God to expand the country’s territory. Explores the paradox between the particular and universal qualities of nationalism. With the opening of the Oregon Trail, the Mexican-American War, and the gold rush in California, much of the public’s attention was on western expansion. "Manifest Destiny" was the social theory in the USA in the 19th century which claimed that the USA and its white, Christian citizens were chosen by God. How to use manifest destiny … The 1840s was a time of tremendous transformation in the US. Because of this "choosing" they were entitled to any land they pleased, despite who already owned it (not limited to Native Americans; also including other countries), with the purpose being that they spread their religion of … Manifest Destiny. New York: Hill and Wang, 1995. First used for the annexation of Texas issue. An examination of the effects of manifest destiny over three centuries. It was used by Democrats in the 1840s to justify the war with Mexico; the concept was denounced by Whigs, and fell into disuse after the mid-19th century. Louisiana Purchase. This Nearpod Author’s lesson introduces the concept of Manifest Destiny through analysis of primary sources and allows students to create a working definition through their own analysis. This attitude helped fuel western settlement, Native American removal and war with Mexico. Manifest Destiny: the Great Expansion West. The term was first published in the United States Magazine and Democratic Review in the summer of 1845.
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