Knight of Swords in a time-based position. He is filled with sheer ambition, strength and determination to succeed with his quest no matter what. The Knight of Swords The Knight of Swords The Intelligent, Assertive Fast Mover & Thinker Air Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Knight of Swords Hanged Man. Knight of Swords Hierophant. Once the knight sets forth towards his goals, there is absolutely no stopping him. The Knight of Swords shows a fierce, well-dressed, ironclad, ready-for-any-fight type of knight with a raised sword, darting into the heart of action on his equally fierce horse. © 2016-2021 Labyrinthos LLC. Try and be a bit more careful with your language and how you communicate. Challenge: Remember that it is more important to be kind than to be right. Sign up to get the link! The whole dating and romance game often seems silly and like a waste of time to him. The person or situation is more modern and ready than Page. Be wary of the reversed Knight of Swords in a tarot love reading, as this person may be aggressive, controlling and perhaps even a bully. Self-control. You are likely putting a lot of energy into doing this. The Knight of Swords in Reversed Position. The cinema (preferably SciFi) or simply a game of chess. Let’s face it, they will never matter as much as. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual. Knight of swords in Six of swords: Expanding your horizon. He has a genuine interest in the bigger picture and doesn’t mind putting the footwork in to research things to get to the heart of the matter. The Knight of Swords indicates that a stagnant situation will soon change. Without cynicism, this can be quite a beautiful journey to be on, with profound truths uncovered along the way. This can sometimes point to behavior that can be illegal. Opportunity: A new point of view may be gained if you are willing to listen. The Court Card videos are yet to be remade. Edit. All Rights Reserved |, Knight of Swords Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings, Career Meaning - Upright Knight of Swords, Finances Meaning - Upright Knight of Swords, Career Meaning - Reversed Knight of Swords, Finances Meaning - Reversed Knight of Swords, Seventh Sphere Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck, Claves Astrologicae: Astrology Oracle Deck, Small Misprint - Arcana Iris Sacra Lenormand Deck, assertive, direct, impatient, intellectual, daring, focused, perfectionist, ambitious, rude, tactless, forceful, bully, aggressive, vicious, ruthless, arrogant, fears about intimacy, easily bored partner, decisive action, getting things done, focus on career, efficiency, making big moves, focus on financial goals, taking action on financial goals, aggressive partner, bullying, abuse, intense arguments, ruthless or vicious at work, arrogance, intimidation, fraud, scams, coercion, shady financial deals. This can come in the form of making a commitment or a romantic proposal to a suitor, or even winning a lover back should they be on their way out of the relationship. Knight of Swords and Major Arcana. They may have very little sympathy or understanding, and can delight in getting themselves into arguments, sometimes not just to have a debate, but to intimidate and pressure others. It exemplifies a dynamic and aggressive personality who is determined and motivated to attain success in his endeavors. KNIGHT OF SWORDS This can be a person, side of a person, situation, event or message. The Prince of Swords is all about the intellect and it will feel at times today that it has a life force all its own. A mind which has newly mastered creative – intuitive thinking has good intentions, but … In reverse, the Knight of Swords can indicate a soul leaving. He’s not afraid to experiment and try new things in the bedroom. This can sometimes point to behavior that can be illegal. He doesn’t see - and he doesn’t care - about any upcoming challenges. quickly be reduced to tears by his sharp tongue and. This person can also be someone that finds it difficult to become too emotionally intimate with another person. Once the knight sets forth towards his goals, there is absolutely no stopping him. If he finds something to be true, he latches on to it for dear life but if a new (and possibly completely opposed) theory makes more sense, I promise you’ll never see anyone make a quicker 180 degree turnaround and cling to this new truth more forcefully. Knight of Swords – Libra (Cardinal/Air). He is the master of logic and reason. Reversed: frivolous, inadaptable, insincere and indecisive. Labyrinthos Academy is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. Dating the Knight of Swords. often suffers from ‘rebel without a cause’ syndrome. This may intimidate others sometimes, but this may not be a very big concern to you. However, this determination could also blind him to see the potential consequences of his actions on others as he makes his way to success. he may introduce you to them after the first date. FOR THE KNIGHT OF SWORDS CARD MEANING AND KEYWORDS ONLY CLICK HERE. We need to be direct and not beat around the bush. The horse’s harness is also decorated with images of birds and butterflies. The Knight of Swords reversed is someone whose determination is so strong, that they stop at nothing to earn a buck. The money is never what motivates him though. Are you so focused on money that you sometimes cross the line when it comes to acceptable behavior? Knight of swords in Three of swords: Speaking the truth even if it is hurtful. Should these fights become commonplace, it may be better for the two of you to part ways. people. Unlike the Knight of Swords, for example, the Knight of Cups doesn't ride a powerful warhorse, his horse is small and calm. This Knight will always be on a quest for truth and knowledge. The Knight of Swords can provide the motivation that you need to move past this, so long as you are willing to have faith in yourself and push forward. Knight of Swords Lovers. If you’ve had your sights on a promotion, a new job, or a particularly exciting project, go for it! Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (first two decans) and Capricorn (final decan), Archangel: Raphael (Ruler of the Element of Air) and Uriel (Angel of Aquarius), Gemstone: Sugilite, yellow calcite, brown jasper, Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. Click the magic button to start your initiation ritual. With all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide on using tarot for introspection, self-understanding and inner growth. Knight of Swords Tower. He also loves his gadgets, so don’t be surprised if your baby is the first of the toddler playgroup kids who knows how to use a laptop. I had never had any need for the useless emotion of envy before, I had simply taken any woman I desired. So what if his friends or family can’t keep up? Let’s face it, they will never matter as much as The Truth to this guy. Action Advice: Stand up for your beliefs You'll get an email guiding you in your first steps as a witch, wizard or mage. In every Tarot reading, the cards are dealt into positions that represent your past, your present and your future. FOR THE KNIGHT OF SWORDS PERSONALITY & APPEARANCE … He’s also quite quick to pick faults with things… and people. A Minor Arcana in the Suit of Swords, the Knight of Swords is a sign that bravery and action are needed. Be as determined and daring as the Knight of Swords, and you can find success. He frequently needs grounding and as he grows older he could quite easily turn to cynicism as a defense. Sure, your methods may yield the results you want, but in the long term, consider what happens when nobody is there to support you. So mote it be! In fact, they are probably even a little irritated by you just now. The outcome will be favourable if a firm line is taken. It might be a man or a strong woman who is fearless and proud. When you combine your lofty ambitions with your determination, and almost singular focus, you’re sure to get what you want. It also says your goal is within reach and you know exactly how The Knight of Swords finds it particularly difficult to commit to a partnership. Perhaps you are concerned with saving up for something big, or you just want to optimize what you’re saving. The cape of the knight is also decorated with those same birds. This person requires a lot of intellectual stimulation, and without it, can quickly become bored. Knight of Swords Magician. Type of dad he would make: Aloof but usually quite concerned with the academic side of things. You thrive on high levels of energy that propel you forward and inspire you to take action to manifest your goals. There are two Readings based on Relationships using the One Horse Shoe Spread. The Knight of Swords reversed is someone whose determination is so strong, that they stop at nothing to earn a buck. The Knight of Swords represents a bold young individual who is determined to succeed and be heard. Knight of Swords as Situation, Challenge, Opportunity and Action Advice. REVERSED. Why complicate things? Affirmation: “I consider the other person’s emotions before I open my mouth.”. His worst match: The Queen of Cups because she would a) quickly be reduced to tears by his sharp tongue and b) would feel very lonely as she craves ten billion times more emotional intimacy than this man is capable of. If you are romanced by the Knight of Swords it will move very fast. Do you ignore or dismiss the ideas of others without giving reasons? In his old age, you can find him pondering the evils of Christmas on ‘Grumpy Old Men.’. Sexually, he may be more interested in technique than intimacy. her heart is the least likely to get broken by his sometimes thoughtless fault-picking. The Knight of Swords suggests that you are quick to take action and tend not to plan ahead, instead preferring to dive right in. Sometimes, others may also find you arrogant, and pushy when it comes to your ideas. With so much positive energy flowing into your life, it’s easy to take on more than you’re realistically capable of accomplishing. General: If you're waiting for news from someone or something, you are likely to like what you hear. Upright: diplomatic, cooperative, impartial and balanced. Today's Card Of The Day Is: The Knight Of Swords Today we are joined by the Knight of Swords, we need to be acting today with pure intellect and less emotions. In a career Tarot reading, the Knight of Swords represents ambition, drive and determination. The Prince/Knight of Swords often suffers from ‘rebel without a cause’ syndrome. This needs to be balanced with a proper and actual realization of compassion and responsibility. However, as soon as this Knight makes cynicism his travel companion, he will have nothing to show for his quest but scars – his own and those of people he did battle with. Knight of Swords in Love . Make a big move, and get someone’s attention. So what if his friends or family can’t keep up? This Knight comes with great energy and speed. He doesn’t see - and he doesn’t care - about any upcoming challenges. When he believes in something, he believes with his whole heart, but as soon as what he believes in stops making sense to him, he quickly (and without regret) changes direction, much to the surprise to people who thought they knew him (or her). He is not emotionally manipulative and jealousy doesn’t float his boat. Dear Mother-Father God (or whichever higher power you acknowledge), save me from cynicism and remind me – always – that being kind is more important by far than being right. Situation: Clashing ideals are at the root of the situation at hand. Explore how tarot can help you slow down and reconnect with your innermost self. The Knight of Swords' card features an adult knight, on the back of a powerful horse with blue hooves. Pros: If he finds a worthy cause that he believes in, he will be a staunch ally and advocate for that cause. If this doesn’t represent a person in your love life, the Knight of Swords tarot love meaning can point to a situation in which you’ll need to muster your courage, and quickly make decisions and take action. It also connotes dark and struggling times and the need to overcome all of it through grit and critical thinking. He does his best work when he manages to channel his inherent idealism constructively. Today we need to be confident and bold and know that the choices and decisions we are making are for the best. But now Gabriel kindled that flame until it scorched my very insides. His best match: The Queen of Swords as a) she probably bumped into him at Comic-Con in the first place and b) her heart is the least likely to get broken by his sometimes thoughtless fault-picking. The Readings attached to the Card Spread below have been invented for teaching purposes. The Knight of Swords won’t mince his words; he knows what he wants and how to get it. This color highlights the fit between the character and his horse, but also how receptive the animal is to orders from its master. My new YouTube channel is : Thoth Tarot Videos. This card tends to be symboli9c of the ‘Knight in Shining Armor,’ rushing in to save the ‘Damsel in Distress.’ This is because there is no one better to come in and rescue you after a time of trouble, then a Knight. Things will move quickly and you will have to pay attention or you will quickly fall behind. but if you know this guy and he is mostly well-meaning then please stay here. Having a sharp, analytical mind, he’s often found in the IT industry where he earns a good living. They are most likely disorganized and unprepared for the things that they actually want to achieve. If he finds a worthy cause that he believes in, he will be a staunch ally and advocate for that cause. she probably bumped into him at Comic-Con in the first place and. He is not emotionally manipulative and jealousy doesn’t float his boat. Knight of swords in Seven of swords: Working alone. “I consider the other person’s emotions before I open my mouth.”, Aquarius (first two decans) and Capricorn (final decan), Raphael (Ruler of the Element of Air) and Uriel (Angel of Aquarius). In relationships the Knight of Swords can be the clinical and fussy partner who is not easily satisfied. The Knight of Swords appearing reversed in your spread means that you’re going to burn yourself out if you don’t take a moment to collect and organize your thoughts. Please confirm your acceptance letter in your inbox to start orientation. Because his heart is not always aligned with or in proportion to his mind, he often surprises himself too when the odd swell of emotions takes over. Expect the unexpected! Situation: Clashing ideals are at the root of the situation at hand, Challenge: Remember that it is more important to be kind than to be right, Opportunity: A new point of view may be gained if you are willing to listen, “Cynics are – beneath it all – only idealists with awkwardly high standards.”. You might be surprised at his readiness is to respond to almost anything and tackle any hassle. However, in most cases, the Knight of Swords predicts that your partner is not that interested in you. Apr 8, 2019 - Explore Susan Sayre's board "Knight of Swords" on Pinterest. Knight of Swords: Yes or No . He frequently needs grounding and as he grows older he could quite easily turn to cynicism as a defense. The Knight of Swords may depict ‘riding into battle’ and implies that there is a focus on reckless actions. He’s also quite quick to pick faults with things…. Knight of swords in Four of swords: Using meditation as a tool for change. If this doesn’t represent a person, the reversed Knight of Swords love tarot meaning can simply suggest intense arguments, conflict and disagreement. Not until he is convinced being with you makes sense. FOR THE REVERSED KNIGHT OF SWORDS CARD MEANING AND KEYWORDS ONLY CLICK HERE. Knight of Swords Strength. The same vigour and gusto as he charges forth into a determined state of being, this soul will likely mirror in love. Nothing quite scares you off, when it comes to your job. Being able to compromise can be a useful skill in certain circumstances, but now is the time to hold fast to your opinions and fight for what you believe in. Convinced that they are right, they strong-arm others to do things their way regardless of how much it hurts the other person. The Readings have been compiled with The Knight of Swords … If this doesn’t represent you, someone in your life may be playing the part of this reversed Knight of Swords, so be wary with who you allow in your circle. Knight of Heavenly Swords, Fort (i) Knight Of Swords Thoth Tarot Card Video. The reversed Knight of Swords suggests incredible impatience, impulsiveness alongside his bursting with energy. The Knight of Swords points you towards a path of rapid, stormy, and whirlwind-like changes as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth. Their thoughts are oftentimes scattered throughout without any actual organization or logic. “Cynics are – beneath it all – only idealists with awkwardly high standards.” The meaning for the Knight of Swords is very similar to the reversed meaning in my opinion. When we are thoroughly obsessed by a certain idea and strongly wish to manifest it, we are oftentimes so blinded by the actual desire for its fulfillment that we fail to note the difficulties which we may come across, or the actions and consequences that it could bring. If this doesn’t represent you right now, you may be called to use this Knight’s energy to go after something you want in your career. Since love never does, you may have to wait a while…. Conflict. This is something to consider. (ii) Thoth Knight of Swords. The Knight of Swords reversal meaning indicates that you still have a lot of miles to walk in order to get the valuable life experience that you need in order to overcome adversities along the way. Past – The Knight of Swords tarot in the Past position can represent a history of working to the numbers and being clear cut. He does his best work when he manages to channel his inherent idealism constructively. He has a genuine interest in the bigger picture and doesn’t mind putting the footwork in to research things to get to the heart of the matter. The Knight of Swords reminds you to be assertive in getting what you want. You know what you want to achieve and you are going for it. So be bold, brave, daring and … ... His reaction sparked the flame of jealousy within me. While upright, the Knight of Swords’ ambition and drive left people in awe, in reverse, the Knight may instead come off as ruthless or vicious. Knight of Swords Justice. If this doesn’t represent you, someone in your life may be playing the part of this reversed Knight of Swords, so be wary with who you allow in your circle. Even though he often demands complete freedom for himself in the relationship, he can be oddly possessive about his partner. It won't hurt, we promise! Knight of Swords Chapter Four. This Knight of Swords has a lot of energy but lacks any kind of direction, and this oftentimes results in them making rather rash decisions as well as pulling down other people with them. The Knight of Swords also points to your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy being at a peak. If you have received the Knight of Swords in your reading, then there are many assertive energies that are encircling you at this time. Knight of Swords High Priestess. He may be a an arrogant pain in the arse sometimes (aren’t we all?) TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – Study and Learning Deck Knight of swords can signify a soldier or someone who is in war, battle and/or conflict area. ~ Albert Einstein. The meaning of a The Knight of Swords – Sample Reading V.1&2 – Relationships The Knight of Swords – Sample Reading Versions 1 & 2 – Relationships. This can mean that in the love situation you are in, something has boiled over and reached a crucial stay or go moment. The Knight of Swords can have an anger problem, rebellious and be an anarchist. Knight of Swords says brainstorm new thoughts without judgment or censorship. Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. The Knight of Swords Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money. Knight of Heavenly Swords, Fort. Element: Air Wedding style: If walking down the aisle to the theme of Star Wars is your idea of the most romantic wedding ever, then this guy is your man! The Knight of Swords is a very powerful figure that is full of life as well as energy. The white color of his horse is a reference to the overall purity and intellectual energy which motivates this young rider. If walking down the aisle to the theme of Star Wars is your idea of the most romantic wedding ever, then this guy is your man! Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. His quick wit can be his enemy as well as his greatest ally. Beware of hurting others as you complete your career goals; you may instead get a reputation for being a cutthroat, not caring who else gets hurt as long as you get what you want. Knight of Swords Death. jealousy irrationality hypersensitivity sadness impulsiveness . Feb 15, 2018 - Explore Lilly-Tarot's board "Knight of Swords", followed by 137 people on Pinterest. The Knight of Swords is an image of conflict, loss and intellectual control. Knight of swords in Five of swords: War. All the Knights are on a quest for something and this one is on a quest for Truth. You might have worked in an authoritative job or otherwise been in charge of people. The blowing winds on the cards were certainly matched by the rain and lightning storms that were prevalent through the day and we did enough charging about too!
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