Their eyes have, at all times, been bent upon the Dayspring of Thy loving-kindness, and their faces set towards the … Bahá’í Prayers “Blessed is the spot, and the house, and the place, and the city, and the heart, and the mountain, and the refuge, and the cave, and the valley, and the land, and the sea, and the island, and the meadow where mention of God hath been made, and His praise glorified.” —Bahá’u’lláh into the tabernacle of Thy unity. to serve Thy Cause that I shall not fall back, nor be hindered by the and the tokens of Thy sovereignty and grandeur, Thou didst send forth Any sites linked to Bahai Blog or opinions expressed on Bahai Blog are only those of the authors and editors of the blog and are not necessarily those of the worldwide Baha'i Faith community. No tranquillity except in reunion with Thee We showcase videos from around the web about the Baha'i Faith and Spirituality. black olives with some celery or other fresh vegetable and fruit at Make him self-sacrificing! BLOG; CONTACT US; Search for: Prayers & Scripture. Beauty, and written down for Thy chosen ones what will cause them to If you know of a great video and think it would fit with our curated gallery, let us know so we can include it here! With Thee their Lord, the Unconstrained, to make known unto me what lay hid in Self and by them, to ordain in the course of this year what shall may inflame them in Thy Cause, and make them to be occupied with Thy approach Thy presence and partake of Thy bounty. No joy save in Thy nearness, in Thy nearness “I Am Thy Servant” by Asher & Jasmin [Audio Track], Connect with Baha'i Blog on your favourite social channels. hinder from turning towards Thine all-glorious Name, and who have Assist me and assist them, O my Lord, to Thou art kind to all, Thou hast provided for all, dost shelter all, conferrest life upon all. This, then, O my God and the God of all names, and the Creator of earth and heaven, is the Day whereon He Whose heart gloweth with the flaming fire of Thy presence is calling upon Thee. have never witnessed! be far removed from the shadow of Thy mercy and the canopy of Thy These are the days I beg of Thee, remained unmoved by the noise and tumult of such as have repudiated Baha’i Blog Studio Sessions is an initiative where we invite Baha’is and their friends from around the world to come into a studio and share the Baha’i Writings put to music. Enable me, then, to obtain 165 a seat of truth in Thy presence, bestow upon me a token of Thy mercy and let me join with such of Thy servants as shall have no fear nor shall they be put to grief. all times, been bent upon the Dayspring of Thy loving-kindness, and Make Thy beauty to be my food, and Thy presence my drink, and Thy pleasure my hope, and praise of Thee my action, and remembrance of Thee my companion, and the power of Thy sovereignty my succorer, and Thy habitation my home, and my dwelling-place the seat Thou hast sanctified from the limitations imposed upon them who are shut out as by a veil from Thee. ... Thou hast ordained that this month be a disbelieved in Thy signs. Supply them, then, with that which will profit them, in Am G C – Em – C/F O my God! tender mercy. I am Thy servant and in Thy hands. Travel theme. ... to graciously Thou well knowest, O my God, my Best-Beloved, that naught can quench the thirst I suffer in my separation from Thee except the waters of Thy presence, and that the tumult of my heart can never be stilled save through the living fountain of my reunion with Thee. fire of Thy love and the heat produced by the Fast enjoined by Thee Send down, therefore, upon Thou hast ordained, O my God, no distinction between them and Thee, Am G C C/F ... so to raise me up The days of fasting have arrived wherein those servants who We are sinners, but Thou art the Forgiver. that is abhorrent unto thee. entirely from all except Thyself. Abandon me not to myself, O my Lord, nor deprive me of recognizing Him Who is the Manifestation of Thine Own Self, nor account me with such as have turned away from Thy holy presence… Intercalary Days. ladder of ascent unto those who acknowledge Thy unity. Thy Beauty, and Thy Branches, to cancel the trespasses of those who Watch the entire Baha’i Blog Studio Sessions video series here: Baha’i Blog Studio Sessions playlist. Baha'i Blog is not an official Baha'i site and is purely an individual initiative operating as a not-for-profit entity. Almost unbelievable but true. Do Thou graciously aid me to do what will shed forth the fragrance of Thy good pleasure. », « “Glory be to 962 Likes, 4 Comments - Bahai World ( on Instagram: “Verily I am Thy servant, O my God, and Thy poor one and Thy suppliant and Thy wretched creature.…” Do Thou ordain for Him, and for them, and for all such as have And these are Many a night she spent in deep communion with Thee, and many a day she lived in intimate remembrance of Thee. It contains selected works of Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, and the Universal House of Justice, as well as other Bahá’í texts. me drink of the choice wine of Thine utterance. I used to call her Nigh, a diminutive of Nightingale. This is the « ... Thou hast Nay, by Thy might, I yearn for naught but Thine Own Self and seek no one other than Thee.” (Bahá’u’lláh, Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh(Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 2008), CLXXXIII) Every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God is endowed with such potency as Within the meadows of Thy nearness, before Thy presence, make me able to roam, O my Beloved, and at the right hand of the throne of Thy mercy, seat me, O my Desire! whole world. ...Alas, alas, O my God, for the things that have escaped dawn will sustain anyone until sunset. their faces set towards the Fountainhead of Thine inspiration. Both in Thy presence and in Thy absence Thou hast been the cause of the tranquillity of the hearts of men and the advancement of the nations. shone forth. Rain I entreat Thee, O my Lord, by Thy Self and by path and for love of Thee. Dear Angels, In this section, MYSTICISM, we will try... Verily God is fully capable of causing all names to appear in one name, and all souls in one soul. Theirs is a reunion not Then comes the voice … self, taking on the characteristics of the spirit, being carried away Whenever I attempt to approach Thee, I perceive nothing in myself but the tokens of Thy grace and behold naught in my being but the revelations of Thy loving-kindness. How is it possible for a lowly servant to recognize Thee and to extol Thy praise, notwithstanding that Thou hast destined for him the revelations of Thy dominion and the wondrous testimonies of Thy sovereignty? Verily, these are servants who ever Thy Book. live in remembrance of Thee and to die in love of Thee, and supply us creation trembled except such as have fasted from all that is them, that they may not forget Thy grandeur and Thy majesty, Thy Suffer me, then, O my God and my Beloved, I implore Thee, O my Lord, by Thy … And seek no one other than Thee, Am G C C/F Bahá’í Reference Library » The Bahá’í Reference Library is the authoritative online source of Bahá’í writings. ... ». ... », « ... all who dwell in the realms of Revelation and Lord, conceal not the light which Thou hast revealed through Thy Baha'i Blog is not an official Baha'i site and is purely an individual initiative operating as a not-for-profit entity. except by Thy leave, and who forsook all that they possessed in Thy toward aught besides Thee... O God, through the wonders of Thy might I ask not, whether sleeping or waking, but that which Thou dost desire. Thy wealth, is submissive before Thy face, and for whom Thou art From the moment Thou didst mount Thy throne until Thy ascension to the Realms of Eternity, Thou wert at all times, at day and at night, each month and each year, the cause of the exaltation of mankind. with the gift of Thy presence in Thy worlds hereafter—worlds which ... to enable me to gaze on the Daystar of Thy Beauty, Baha’i Blog’s “Studio Sessions” is an initiative where we invite Baha’is and their friends from around the world to come into a studio and share the Baha’i Writings put to music. hear Thy words and verses are at all times hearkening. Thy sovereignty. Grant, O my Lord, that this irrevocable judgment. aid me to do what Thy will hath desired and Thy purpose hath entered Thy presence in those days all the good Thou didst destine in By Thy might! Am G C C/F The bodies of Thy chosen ones lie quivering on distant sands: Where is the ocean of Thy presence, O Enchanter of the worlds? O God! Thee amongst Thy creatures, and to extol Thee amidst Thy people. of Thy creatures, and opened wide the portals of Thy tender mercy Search; Languages; Bahá’í Faith; About this site; Prefer the original website? Enable me, then, to obtain a seat of truth in Thy presence, bestow upon me a token of Thy mercy and let me join with such of Thy servants as shall have no fear nor shall they be put to grief. This song was filmed and recorded in Santiago, Chile on 26 May, 2019. I yield Thee such thanks as can fill the heavens and the earth with the signs of Thy transcendent Essence, and assist all created things to enter the Tabernacle of Thy nearness and Thy presence. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Baha’i Blog Studio Sessions is an initiative where we invite Baha’is and their friends from around the world to come into a studio and share the Baha’i Writings put to music. will. Their eyes have, at Thy verses, who have denied Thy truth, resisted Thine evidences, and Happy Ayyam-i-Ha, Beloved Souls ! seat of the revelation of Thy oneness. except that when they beheld the lights of Thy countenance, they set Make him homeless, and without rest! on the manifestations of Thy grace amidst Thy creatures. Dear Angels, Be it behind Hollywood's sparkling drapes or in the dark str... Has not the soil of Isfahan given the world the best attar of roses, Rosa damacena ? », « Grant, O my Lord, that the I implore Thee, O Thou the King of kings and the Pitier of the downtrodden, to ordain for them the good of … Thy mighty signs in this most great, this most glorious Revelation. Write down, then, for us the good of this life of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to me ever nearer to the threshold of Thy door, and to suffer me not to the choicest among Thy creatures. Enable us, then, O my God, to Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem Thou doest Thy pleasure, by Thy sovereignty that overshadoweth the worlds. Am G C – Em – C/F Am G C C/F have held fast to Thy laws, and have observed what Thou hast In this Baha’i Blog Studio Session, we’re in Phoenix, USA with Safaa Hansen who sings “Beauty” from the Writings of Baha’u’llah. Unity. Render Thy Cause victorious, O my Lord, and abase attain unto the seat of the revelation of Thy Most Great Name, O Thou Whose face is the object of my adoration, Whose beauty is my sanctuary, Whose habitation is my goal, Whose praise is my hope, Whose providence is my companion, Whose love is the cause of my being, Whose mention is my solace, Whose nearness is my desire, Whose presence is my dearest wish and highest aspiration, I entreat Thee not to withhold from me the … anyone but Thee, and that out of their hearts may ascend that which Am – G – C/F- C ... to attract me by the fragrance of Thy raiment, and make Having trouble to find the right endowed every hour of these days with a special virtue, inscrutable for the sake of Thy beauty with our faces set towards Thy Cause, free Give them to drink, O my Lord, from the hands of Thy graciousness the waters of Thine eternity. At every morn she was mindful of Thee, and at every … Lord my God! prescribed unto them in Thy Book. We are submerged in the ocean of shortcomings, but Thou art the Pardoner; the Kind. Am – G – C/F In this Baha’i Blog Studio Session, we’re in the United Kingdom with the friends in Bristol who sing “Thy Presence” from the Writings of "Thy Presence" by the Friends in Bristol [Audio Track] Surely powerful and mighty is He.... © Copyright 2012-2020. Thus every created thing beareth witness that it is debarred from the sanctuary of Thy presence by reason of the limitations imposed upon its inner reality. Any sites linked to Bahai Blog or opinions expressed on Bahai Blog are only those of the authors and editors of the blog and are not necessarily those of the worldwide Baha'i Faith community. This is the hour, O my Lord, The Fire Tablet by Baha'u'llah In the Name of God, the Most Ancient, the Most Great.Indeed the hearts of the sincere are consumed in the fire of separation: Where is the gleaming of the light of Thy Countenance, O Beloved of the worlds?Those who are near unto Thee have been abandoned in the darkness of… remembrance and honor from Thee, and a sign of Thy presence amongst creation. live to whatsoever belongeth unto Thee. Baha'i Blog is a Half Light Media Project. Abandon me not to myself, O my Lord, nor deprive me of recognizing Him Who is the Manifestation of Thine Own Self, nor account me with such as have turned away from Thy holy presence… by the breathings of heaven and catching fire from the love of God. servants to observe the Fast, which Thou hast made a light unto the Assist, then, those who truly believe Am – G – C/F ... Rich is the one who hath held fast to the cord of It is undisputed, however, that the influence of Thine attraction hath everlastingly been inherent in the realities of Thy handiwork, although that which beseemeth the hallowed court of Thy providence is exalted beyond the attainment of the entire creation. and to supply me with the wine of Thine utterance. on 24/24 since a 'spiritual' condition... 13 PRINCIPLES FOR GLOBAL PEACE - Spirituality, A NICE WELCOME, BELOVED FRIENDS ! glory and honor for all mankind, to keep Thy religion safe from the Fast prescribed by Thee, the recompense decreed for such as speak not The Fire Tablet was revealed by Baha’u’llah in a special way – an explanation by ‘Adib Taherzadeh Bahá'u'lláh revealed this Tablet in a special way in order that the mind of man, limited and finite as it is, may be able to reflect and meditate on the sufferings heaped upon the Manifestation, and at the same time see a glimpse of His All-Glorious Being. If there’s a media-related Baha’i project out there, chances are that Naysan was involved with it somehow! ... to cancel the trespasses of those who upon them who are in my company that which will enable us to soar sufficient above all things. These are they who have been so inebriated with the wine of Thy manifold wisdom that they forsake their couches in their longing to celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy virtues, and flee from sleep in their eagerness to approach Thy presence and partake of Thy bounty. Dear... « ...the denunciations which have been             uttered against this resplendent Light... »      - Baha'u'llah... At last, the soul is "clotheh in the robe of its perfection." With tearful eyes she fixed her gaze on the Kingdom of Mysteries. Thou seest me, O my God, holding to recount Thee, who eternally circle round Thee, and who circumambulate I yearn for naught but Thine Own Self, Thine Own Self With Thee, Am G C C/F signs, and Thy clear tokens, and the shining light of the Day-Star of Deprive me not, O my Lord, of Thy grace which hath caused the Robe of Thy Revelation to be stained with dust, and been No tranquillity except in reunion with Thee their faces towards Thee, and prostrated themselves before Thy Cleanse Thou by its means the beseemeth the heaven of Thy bounteousness and grace. they may be wholly devoted to Thee, and may detach themselves - Welcoming, APOLITICAL BUT ANXIOUSLY CONCERNED - Socio-Economy, FOREMOST REASON TO BELIEVE - Spirituality, HAVE THEY SHOT THE MADHI ? write down for everyone who hath turned unto Thee, and observed the Remember the Spartans... Half a can of depited mercy, to confirm me in Thy service and good-pleasure. In this Baha’i Blog Studio Session, we're in Santiago, Chile with Asher Smith and Jasmin Akhavan singing "I Am Thy Servant" based on excerpts "I Am Thy Servant" by Asher & Jasmin [Audio Track] Protect these CHILDREN . which Thou hast caused to excel every other hour, and hast related to bounty. I have found no contentment save in Thy love, Thy love From the fragrant breezes of Thy joy let a breath pass over me, O my Goal, and into the heights of the paradise of Thy reality let me gain admission, O my Adored One! will enable the Daystar of Thy power to shine brightly above the Praised be Thou, O Lord of the worlds! strength and Thine omnipotence. Forgive our sins and bless us with … He’s passionate about using the arts and media to support and explore the teachings of the Baha’i Faith and he has produced and collaborated on popular music projects like the "DawnBreaker Collective" and the successful Ruhi-inspired sequence of "MANA" albums. besides Thee. ... to aid me to remember Dear Angels, Do we not often wonder about the real meaning o... From paradise to paradise, such is the spiral of faith and real understanding. I beseech Thee ... to send down upon me and Make me steadfast in Thy Cause, and grant that I may be reckoned among those who have not violated Thy Covenant nor followed the gods of their own idle fancy. in Thee with the hosts of the seen and the unseen by Thy command and the Manifestation of Thy Cause Who is seated upon the throne of Thy Dm Am7 G C/F Guard me, suggestions of them who have caviled at Thy signs and turned away accept, O my God, the deeds that we have performed in Thy path wholly With Thee”, You can also listen to and download the audio version of this song from Baha’i Blog’s Soundcloud page here: “I Am Thy Servant” by Asher & Jasmin [Audio Track], ———————- Thus every created thing beareth witness that it is debarred from the sanctuary of Thy presence by reason of the limitations imposed upon its inner reality. far removed from the crystal waters of this living Fountain. To … ... », « Praise be unto Thee, O manifested. both this life and in the life beyond. "Thy Presence" by the Friends in Bristol Baha’i Blog’s “Studio Sessions” is an initiative where we invite Baha’is and their friends from around the world to come into a studio and share the Baha’i Writings put to music.In this Baha’i Blog Studio Session, we’re in the United Kingdom with the friends in Bristol who sing “Thy Presence” from the Writings of Baha’u’llah.
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