For many years, from a pathogenic perspective, the focus of research has been on the role of T cells in the initiation and perpetuation of inflammation [3, 4]. N Engl J Med. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Over time, the excess eosinophils enter … The biological pathways that IgE uses to influence cell activity rely on interactions with specific receptors. 2013;132:485–6. Romagnani S. Immunologic influences on allergy and the TH1/TH2 balance. Kelly JT, Busse WW. Nature Med. The authors were assisted in the preparation of the manuscript by Dr. Ian Wright (Novartis Product Lifecycle Services), who provided writing and editorial support, funded by Novartis Pharma AG in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP3) guidelines ( I. Functional characterization of a TRF-producing helper T cell subset and genetic studies on TRF production. The Belgian Severe Asthma Registry (BSAR). 2012;67:1223–32. Google ScholarÂ. statement and PLoS One. Eur Respir J. 2016;149:413–22. V. Correlation of reaginic activity with gamma-E-globulin antibody. Methods Mol Biol. Dupilumab has demonstrated significant results in both eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic asthma, and in patients with atopic dermatitis [101]. Openshaw PJ, Tregonin JS. Eosinophil's role remains uncertain as anti-interleukin-5 only partially depletes numbers in asthmatic airway. 2006;174:975–81. IgE antibodies are also able to negatively modulate the innate function of plasmocytoid DCs. Garcia G, Magnan A, Chiron R, Contin-Bordes C, Berger P, Taillé C, et al. Treatment decisions should consider the biological background that is “driving” the inflammation as this is likely to predict patients’ responses to treatment. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. From a clinical perspective, it is important to note that the efficacy of biological therapies is evident only in patients who have experienced asthma exacerbations. This cytokine, produced at the bronchial level by Th2 cells as well as by mast cells and basophils, circulates through the blood and arrives at the bone marrow where it stimulates eosinophil progenitors, which migrate towards the bronchial walls under the effect of chemokines such as eotaxins (CCL11) [59]. Immunol Today. These effects represent the biological background that explains why anti-IgE mAbs prevent extracellular matrix and collagen deposition, and airway remodelling [49]. A proof-of-concept, randomized, controlled trial of omalizumab in patients with severe, difficult-to-control, nonatopic asthma. CAS  Pulm Pharmacol Ther. Mauri P, Riccio AM, Rossi R, Di Silvestre D, Benazzi L, De Ferrari L, et al. The availability of anti-IL-5 mAbs has directed attention towards eosinophils as the main target of asthma treatment, neglecting the central role of IgE in SAA despite increasing awareness of the role of IgE in allergic inflammation. Price DB, Rigazio A, Campbell JD, Bleecker ER, Corrigan CJ, Thomas M, et al. Mepolizumab for prednisone-dependent asthma with sputum eosinophilia. Some common symptoms of leukemia include fevers of indeterminate origin, unexplained weight loss and chronic fatigue. Asthma can be divided into at least two different endotypes based on the degree of Th2 inflammation (T2 ‘high’ and T2 ‘low’). Article  Fajt ML, Gelhaus SL, Freeman B, Uvalle CE, Trudeau JB, Holguin F, et al. J Immunol. However, in clinical practice, the frequency and severity of asthma symptoms may not always be associated with eosinophil count, particularly in patients with blood eosinophilia close to the cut-off point identified as the predicting marker for prescribing an anti-IL-5 strategy. Overall, the wide range of functions of IgE place it at the center of the pathogenic mechanisms of the allergic inflammatory process. 2005;18:541–5. Smith-Norowitz TA, Wong D, Kusonruksa M, Norowitz KB, Joks R, Durkin HG, Bluth MH. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;127:355–6. PubMed Central  Clin Exp Allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Eosinophilic esophagitis in children In infants and toddlers, eosinophilic esophagitis can cause irritability, problems with feeding, and poor weight gain. Beeh KM, Ksoll M, Buhl R. Elevation of total serum immunoglobulin E is associated with asthma in nonallergic individuals. Learn what it is, how it’s different from other types of asthma, and what causes it. Farhan FK, Vickers MA, Ghaemmaghami AM, Hall AM, Barker RN, Walsh GM. Efficacy and safety of dupilumab in adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis inadequately controlled by topical treatments: a randomised, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging phase 2b trial. Involvement of Fc epsilon RII/CD23 and L-arginine dependent pathway in IgE-mediated activation of human eosinophils. Bronchial asthma (BA) is a chronic inflammatory disease with a marked heterogeneity in pathophysiology and etiology. It is generally believed that in types of asthma with high eosinophilia (frequently non-allergic types), an anti-IL-5 strategy could be considered as the first choice of treatment [67,68,69]. Robinson DS, Hamid Q, Ying S, Tsicopoulos A, Barkans J, Bentley AM, et al. Vultaggio A, Nencini F, Pratesi S, Petroni G, Romagnani S, Maggi E. Poly (I:C) promotes the production of IL-17A by murine CD1d-driven invariant NKT cells in airway inflammation. This condition most often indicates a parasitic infection, an allergic reaction or cancer. Eosinophils were first identified in the late nineteenth century and eosinophilia has been known to be associated with a wide variety of conditions, including asthma and atopic diseases [52]. Omalizumab may decrease IgE synthesis by targeting membrane IgE+ human B cells. However, seasonal variation in patients with food induced EoE can be seen as high as 25 percent of the patients. For patients with severe uncontrolled asthma, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against IgE or IL-5 are now available as add-on treatments to inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) plus long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) therapy. 1993;23:360–9. Available at: []. volume 19, Article number: 113 (2018) Wenzel S, Ford L, Pearlman D, Spector S, Sher L, Skobieranda F, et al. Among them the so-called innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) are able to produce Th2 cytokines, particularly IL-5, and these cells have been shown play a role, at least in amplyfing the bronchial inflammation [64, 65]. Too much of cortisol can restrain your immune system, thus causing your eosinophils count to go too low. These are some of the most common causes of mild to moderate eosinophilia, particularly in children. Observation of a time-limited early phase reaction is a rare occurrence that, in any case, develops into a late phase reaction as a consequence of the production of several mediators, cytokines and chemokines by activated mast cells and basophils [20]. 2009;360:985–93. The discussion on the pleiotropic role of IgE appears more intriguing when taking into account the fact that omalizumab also exerts its therapeutic effects in non-allergic forms of asthma as well as in patients with nasal polyps [79, 80] This raises the question of how can these clinical findings be explained? It is known that allergic patients sensitised to perennial allergens (or polysensitised) are constantly exposed to these substances resulting in ongoing inflammation. Lotvall J, Akdis CA, Bacharier LB, Bjermer L, Casale TB, Custovic A, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. IL-5 inhibition as a therapy for allergic disease. Google ScholarÂ. PubMed  Is IgE or eosinophils the key player in allergic asthma pathogenesis? These patients often rely on oral steroids to manage their symptoms, which can lead to serious side effects. Chest. T-helper type 2-driven inflammation defines major subphenotypes of asthma. 2013;8:e5601. Privacy A new category of cells, belonging to the innate immune system, has recently been identified as the source of cytokines involved in the pathogenesis of BA [63]. 2017; Safety profile, pharmacokinetics, and biologic activity of MEDI-563, an anti-IL-5 receptor alpha antibody, in a phase I study of subjects with mild asthma. Article  Woodruff PG, Modrek B, Choy DF, Jia G, Abbas AR, Ellwanger A, et al. 1982;101:889–96. The number of granules in an eosinophil can vary because they have a tendency to degranulate while in the blood stream. The biological role of IgE is complex and related to its ability to influence the functioning of several immune and structural cells involved in the pathogenesis of chronic allergic inflammation. Jartti J, Jerne JE. Eosinophils are a type of disease-fighting white blood cell. Eosinophilic asthma is a type of asthma that’s hard to manage and usually happens in adults. 2011;242:69–90. 1997;158:1438–1445. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Article  It has been shown that IgE captures the allergens, facilitating their presentation to memory Th2 lymphocytes [29]. PubMed  Lancet Respir Med. Prostaglandin D2 pathway upregulation: relation to asthma severity, control, and TH2 inflammation. 1997;99:699–706. 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Furthermore, the activation of allergen-specific Th2 cells is associated with an amplification of allergen-specific IgE production in a vicious cycle of the pathogenic mechanisms of allergic asthma. Effect of SCH55700, a humanized anti-human interleukin-5 antibody, in severe persistent asthma: a pilot study. 2014;133:921–3. Although omalizumab does not have a direct effect on FcεRI, the depletion of free IgE induces a down-regulation of FcεRI expression, which interferes with the functioning of several FcεRI+ cells [92]. In particular, T helper 2 (Th2) cells have been identified as the cells involved in controlling immunoglobulin E (IgE) production because of their ability to produce interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13, and influence the functioning of eosinophils through the actions of IL-5 [5]. In addition, some very interesting data have suggested that omalizumab may modulate human B-cell functions, including IgE synthesis [40]. American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (2014). 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J Immunol. 7 History Podcasts You Should Download Today, The Life of Sacagawea — and What Your History Book Didn't Tell You, De Agostini Photo Library/De Agostini Photo Library/Getty Images. Does IgE bind to and activate eosinophils from patients with allergy? Roy DN, Signaling Pathway GR, Update A. Against all odds: anti-IgE for intrinsic asthma? PubMed Central  Among this network, attention has been given to IL-4 and IL-13. By using this website, you agree to our Barbato A, Turato G, Baraldo S, Bazzan E, Calabrese F, Panizzolo C, et al. The most common causes of a high number of eosinophils (called eosinophilia or hypereosinophilia) are. 1997;9:809–14. The ability of omalizumab to reduce sputum eosinophilia and increase of the dose of methacholine required to induce a fall in FEV1 shows that in addition to inhibiting free IgE, omalizumab also has an effect on inflammatory cells [22]. 2013;25:755–60. Effects of interleukin-13 blockade on allergen-induced airway responses in mild atopic asthma. In fact, GM-CSF-stimulated human eosinophils can act as antigen-presenting cells to stimulate Th-cell responses against a range of antigens including allergens, an ability that may help the development of allergic disease [62]. Kraft S, Kinet JP. J Immunol. Omalizumab is effective in allergic and nonallergic patients with nasal polyps and asthma. For patients with severe uncontrolled asthma, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against immunoglobulin E (IgE) or interleukin (IL)-5 are now available as add-on treatments. Gounni AS, Lamkhioued B, Ochiai K, Tanaka Y, Delaporte E, Capron A, et al. Role of parainfluenza virus-specific IgE in pathogenesis of croup and wheezing subsequent to infection. Even though the main, and well-known, function of eosinophils relate to the induction of bronchial wall damage as final effector cells, they also represent the source of a number of regulatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-3; IL-4; IL-6; GM-CSF; TNF-α; transforming growth factor-β) and chemokines (eotaxins [CCL11]; RANTES [CCL5]) [59]. Woodfolk JA. A high white blood cell count may also be troubling. © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Fact Check: Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe? The effect of mepolizumab and reslizumab is related to their ability to bind with high affinity to IL-5 and block the interaction between IL-5 and its receptor on the surface of eosinophils. Thaçi D, Simpson EL, Beck LA, Bieber T, Blauvelt A, Papp K, et al. Kips JC, O'Connor BJ, Langley SJ, Woodcock A, Kerstjens HA, Postma DS, et al. Kita H. Eosinophils: multifaceted biologic properties and roles in health and disease. 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In fact, the targeting of allergens to FcεRI via IgE leads to a 1000-fold increase in the activation of T cells in addition to the production of chemokine ligand 28 (CCL28), a chemokine that selectively attracts Th2 lymphocytes [30]. The authors would like to thank Alberto Porpiglia, Fabiana Saccheri and Xavier Jaumont of Novartis Pharma for their advice and help during the development of this manuscript. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Furthermore, immunological research has clearly demonstrated that the cytokine network is a ‘redundant’ system in which several cytokines exert the same effects and one receptor can bind different cytokines. Goldman M, Hirsch I, Zangrilli JG, Newbold P. Xu X. In this regard, omalizumab can down-regulate FcεRI on both myeloid and plasmocytoid DCs and, as a consequence, reduce the allergen-specific proliferative response of T cells. IgE directly activates ASMCs to produce cytokines [IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)], chemokines (CCL5, CCL11, CXCL8, CXCL10) and the traditional mediators, and cause ASMC proliferation and contraction [48]. J Immunol. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. Mouthuy J, Detry B, Sohy C, Pirson F, Pilette C. Presence in sputum of functional dust mite-specific IgE antibodies in intrinsic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Leckie MJ, ten Brinke A, Khan J, Diamant Z, O'Connor BJ, Walls CM, et al. 1999;12:81–5. Cross-linking IgE augments human conventional dendritic cell production of CC chemokine ligand 28. Maurer D, Fiebiger S, Ebner C, Reininger B, Fischer GF, Wichlas S, et al. Eosinophilic inflammation in asthma. J Immunol. However, it is known that a small but significant proportion of patients do not achieve adequate control despite optimised treatment, and these patients are frequently prescribed high doses of oral steroids in an attempt to achieve control [15]. Regarding the type of bronchial infiltrate, eosinophils have been considered important pro-inflammatory and epithelial-damaging cells, both in allergic and non-allergic asthma [8], although alternative inflammatory cells such as neutrophils may be involved [9]. Lebrikizumab in moderate-to-severe asthma: pooled data from two randomised placebo-controlled studies. [Accessed 20/07/2017]. Takatsu K, Tominaga A, Hamaoka T. Antigen-induced T cell-replacing factor (TRF). 2011;364:1005–15. Relationship between induced sputum eosinophils and the clinical pattern of childhood asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Around the late 1970s, the role of IgE was believed to be limited to the activation of mast cells and basophils leading to the release of mediators that induced the acute phase of allergic inflammation and were responsible for the acute symptoms. PubMed Google Scholar. The question is not whether an anti-IgE or an anti-eosinophilic strategy is more effective, but rather what the mechanism is at the origin of the airway. 2015;15:57–65. Outcomes after cessation of mepolizumab therapy in severe eosinophilic asthma: a 12-month follow-up analysis. Additionally, Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center explains that past treatment with some anti-cancer drugs can cause people to be at high risk for developing leukemia. Google ScholarÂ. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. It is a sign of abnormality in the bone marrow and death or maturation of cells associated with leukemia. Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma and Association with Disease Severity. Terms and Conditions, Gavala M, Bertics PJ, Rhinoviruses GJE, Inflammation A. FcεRI–IgE-dependent allergen presentation by DCs may critically lower the atopic individual’s threshold to mount allergen-specific T cell responses. One concept that needs to be considered is that asthma endotypes can change over time, particularly regards the pattern of cellular components. Regulation of the mast cell response to the type 1 Fcε receptor. Since epithelial cells are the first cells to be exposed to inhaled allergens, they play a key role in the initiation of allergic airway inflammation, and several studies have identified an important role of the airway epithelial-derived cytokines, IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP in asthma pathogenesis [51]. Together, these findings suggest that IgE is the cause of allergic airway inflammation rather than the consequence of this process and that IgE could also play a role in intrinsic asthma. Despite being fully saturated by IgE, the real function of this receptor on human eosinophils remains incompletely defined [44]. The relatively recent discovery of IL-5, in 1980 [53], its interaction with eosinophils, and subsequent results of anti-IL-5 blocking mAb treatment in patients with asthma confirmed the importance of IL-5 in eosinophil-mediated inflammation in humans [54, 55]. Most cases of BA are related to an IgE-mediated pathogenic mechanism, at least in patients sensitised to allergens. All the phases leading to inflammation of the airways, and therefore clinical expression of allergic asthma, must be considered as dynamic processes. In fact, after the discovery of IgE a great deal of attention was paid to explaining the mechanisms of acute allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis. As a result, patients with leukemia bleed profusely when injured and experience chronic fatigue, as well. Nat Rev Immunol. Flood-Page PT, Menzies-Gow AN, Kay AB, Robinson DS. The role of IgE is suggested by the fact that in allergic and non-allergic asthma patients there is an increase of total and specific IgE levels in the serum, and an inverse relationship between IgE levels and lung function (FEV1) [82, 83]. 2014;44:813–21. Peripheral blood dendritic cells express Fc epsilon RI as a complex composed of Fc epsilon RI alpha- and Fc epsilon RI gamma-chains and can use this receptor for IgE-mediated allergen presentation. Proteomics of bronchial biopsies: galectin-3 as a predictive biomarker of airway remodelling modulation in omalizumab-treated severe asthma patients. Asthma endotypes: a new approach to classification of disease entities within the asthma syndrome. 2016;47:304–19. As previously mentioned, the question is not whether an anti-IgE or anti-eosinophil therapy is more effective but rather what is the cause and pathogenic mechanism prevalent in each patient. An eosinophil is one subtypes of white blood cell. Immunol Rev. Nair P, Pizzichini MM, Kjarsgaard M, Inman MD, Efthimiadis A, Pizzichini E, et al. Future directions in asthma treatment also include the use small molecules such as fevipiprant, an antagonist of the DP2 receptor, which has been shown to reduce eosinophilic airway inflammation in patients with moderate-to-severe asthma [102]. The complex biological role of IgE, how IgE mAbs achieve their clinical effects and the ability of IgE to regulate the functioning of several cells has been increasingly studied over the past few years by retracing our steps, that is, starting with the clinical observations of the effectiveness of omalizumab in severe asthma patients and then analysing how IgE mAbs achieved this effect. Cytokines. …, DOI: Palaniyandi S, Tomei E, Li Z, Conrad DH, Zhu X. CD23-dependent transcytosis of IgE and immune complex across the polarized human respiratory epithelial cells. Mechanisms of immune regulation in allergic diseases: the role of regulatory T and B cells. Lymphocytes tend to react to viruses, so a low lymphocyte count indicates that there is no viral infection. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Modeling TH 2 responses and airway inflammation to understand fundamental mechanisms regulating the pathogenesis of asthma. Thorax. Hypereosinophilic (hy-per-ee-o-SIN-o-phil-ik) syndrome (HES) is a group of blood disorders that occur when you have high numbers of eosinophils — white blood cells that play an important role in your immune system. 2015;70:748–56. 2017;139:964–76. Among structural cells, airway smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) have been considered for many years to only be involved in bronchoconstriction during acute exacerbations of asthma. Immunoallergology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, Largo Brambilla 3, 50134, Florence, Italy, Center for Research, Transfer and High Education DENOTHE, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, You can also search for this author in While animal models have shown that antibody-mediated neutralisation of Th2 cytokines greatly diminishes airway inflammation [85,86,87], clinical trials of some biological agents have not always been particularly successful with positive trials frequently requiring patient stratification [88]. This article discusses the different roles of the IgE and IL-5/eosinophil pathways in the pathogenic mechanisms of airway inflammation occurring in asthma, shedding light on the parts played by each in the induction and maintenance of the inflammatory process. Lynch P, Mazzone SB, Rogers MJ, Arikkatt JJ, Loh Z, Pritchard AL, et al. It is important to underline that among all severe forms of asthma, particularly in young subjects, a specific IgE sensitization is demonstrable in a significant proportion of patients [14]. developments in targeted therapy. Respir Res 19, 113 (2018). 2013;19:977–9. Arock M, Le Goff L, Bécherel PA, Dugas B, Debré P, Mossalayi MD. Expression of high-affinity IgE receptors (Fc epsilon RI) on peripheral blood basophils, monocytes, and eosinophils in atopic and nonatopic subjects: relationship to total serum IgE concentrations. Fahy JV. Bousquet J, Chanez P, Lacoste JY, Barneon G, Ghavanian N, Enander I, et al. Benralizumab, a humanised afucosylated mAb that binds the α-subunit of the IL-5 receptor, has a different mechanism of action for inhibiting the proliferation and activation of eosinophils, as well as efficiently depleting eosinophils by inducing apoptosis through antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity [97]. Eosinophils also have kidney-shaped lobed nuclei (two to four lobes). 2013;131:110–6. In EGPA, the percentage of eosinophils may reach as high as 60%. J Allergy Clin Immunol. In severe allergic asthma (SAA), both IgE and eosinophils are participants in a complex process in which they play different roles. As mentioned previously, several new biological agents have recently been launched that target specific pathways, particularly in patients with type-2-high or eosinophilic asthma, and are currently included in the therapeutic guidelines. Indeed, unlike other biological agents, the clinical efficacy of omalizumab has been appreciated before fully understanding its overall mechanisms of action. Predominant TH2-like bronchoalveo-lar T-lymphocyte population in atopicasthma. 2015;3:849–58. PubMed  Dupilumab is a fully human mAb to the IL-4 receptor alpha (IL-4Ra) subunit that is activated by both IL-4 and IL-13 [100]. Immunology. Staphylococcus aureos enterotoxin-specific IgE is associated with asthma in the general population: a GA(2)LEN study. Eosinophils: If a person registers high levels of eosinophils, the body might be reacting to a parasitic infection, allergen, or asthma. Russi JC, Delfraro A, Borthagaray MD, Velazques B, Garcia-Barreno B, Hortal M. Evaluation of immunoglobulin E-specific antibodies and viral antigens in nasopharyngeal secretions of children with respiratory syncytial virus infection. This article discusses the different roles of the IgE and IL-5/eosinophil pathways in the pathogenic mechanisms of airway inflammation occurring in allergic asthma, and the possible reasons to choose an anti-IgE mAb or anti-IL-5 treatment. While among clinicians the importance of anti-IL-5 mAbs has been related to their ability to indirectly target eosinophils, some concerns have been raised. 2007;7:365–78. In contrast, eosinophils, which are responsible for bronchial wall damage, are the final effector cells in the process (Fig. Despite interest in IgE antibodies being lessened, a number of studies achieved decidedly important results regarding not only the biological role of IgE but also the therapeutic effects of IgE-blocking mAbs [22]. Google ScholarÂ. You can have high levels of eosinophils in your blood (blood eosinophilia) or in tissues at the site of an infection or inflammation (tissue eosinophilia). It is well known that omalizumab selectively binds to free IgE molecules, blocking the binding site for both FcεRI and CD23 receptors, modulating and acting upstream of the IgE network and slowing or preventing the allergic inflammatory cascade. CAS  Current understanding, recommandations, and unanswered questions. Coyle AJ, Le Gros G, Bertrand C, Tsuyuki S, Heusser CH, Kopf M, et al. The airway inflammatory responses during virus-induced exacerbations depend on the viral species and on host-related factors and may be associated with increases in neutrophils, eosinophils and macrophages [75,76,77,78]. 2004;170:583–93. The next phase of the disease is often marked by eosinophilia, the finding of an excessive number of eosinophils in the blood or in tissues. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Froidure A, Mounthuy J, Durham SR, Chanez P, Sibille Y, Pilette C. Asthma phenotype and IgE responses. Nat Med. The prevalence of severe refractory asthma. Roth M, Zhong J, Zumkeller C, S'ng CT, Goulet S, Tamm M. The role of IgE-receptors in IgE-dependent airway smooth muscle cell remodelling. Nat Rev Immunol. 2017;98:59–70. The reduction in IFN production correlates with the defect in anti-viral response in allergic asthma patients [32].
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