And Now for the Reverse But cracking the Da Vinci Code is not necessary to discover that there is so much more to life than punching the time clock and Thursday night bowling. Look into ways you can lead the way with your creativity. But cracking the Da Vinci Code is not necessary to discover that there is so much more to life than punching the time clock and Thursday night bowling. In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Page of Wands reversed can indicate that setback in a relationship. Don’t worry if you’re currently enjoying your life, it’s only going to get better. Future – The King of Wands tarot card in the future position can suggest a strong potential outcome in your career. It can also show a need for new things - new adventures, new approaches, and new ideas. Your lover may be bad with money or not very mature. The Ten of Wands is common in a career related spread for those who are feeling overwhelmed by their jobs. The page of wands can mean financial instability. Well, don't panic. Play our free tarot game. Even though this card may indicate infidelity, it often signifies flirtation and potential for more. A rewarding way to live life is to analyse your fears, and then adapt these into goals. Keeping an eye on the future outcome of all the plans and hard work you have put into making those desires happen. It usually represents the aggressive beginning of something. Work / Education – The Page of Wands tarot card in regards to work or education is a good sign. A director, directing manager, bookkeeper, assistant. All in all, The Page of Wands is a great sign for finding love. It may be an influence that is lacking in your life currently. If yes, then consider doing the sell work, or hiring someone to do it for you. It may also indicate traveling for work. An upright Ace of Wands is a highly action-oriented card that is urging you to take a leap. This is certainly a rather exciting card to draw, and the positivity surrounding it can … Below, you will find details of the meanings of The Page of wands tarot card. He works hard and is the warrior who is ready to defend himself or others, always ready for surprises, but also ready to tackle a problem on a moment's notice. Page of wands shows up in love reading to say that love will be found in your social circle, very possibly on social media. It’s likely that a woman will help you somehow, in the sense that she’ll be able to ‘put in a good word’ for you if there’s something you’re going for. Likewise, it demands a clear, honest communication before doing so. If not a literal person, the Page of Wands indicates the energy of easy distraction. Even if you stay in your current work environment, there will occur some changes that will impact you positively. Expect more fun, travel, vacation or something that will rejuvenate your romance even more. One night stand and short passionate romance also resonate with Page of Wands. This Minor Arcana card reversed can indicate that the initial romance has worn off and you are seriously considering if you and your partner have enough in common to make a … As it is a face card, it could represent a real-life person, even someone that you know; likely a younger male influence in your life. UPRIGHT: Inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, free spirit REVERSED: Newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, a spiritual path Page of Wands Description. In a work-related question Page of wands tarot card can denote a new project or workplace, and work you are very compatible with, thus finding easy. He may consider starting his own travel agency business on a low budget and grow it further. The Page of Swords is telling you that you need to start a new exercise program to bring back the physical strength in your body. It also helps you to open doors that are closed. The Page of Wands reversed invites you to reconnect with your original vision or idea and look for alternative ways to express it. May denote a meeting, a committee or a board of directors. Either it is a new boyfriend or girlfriend, new friend, new job, new project, injection of excitement in a relationship - Page of Wands signals you energetic, positive change. For example, we’ll explore why (and when) you might want a reading. It calls couples to be more open-minded with each other and bring more adventure in the bedroom. You might find that life changes very soon, whereas before you were on a path, you might have just reached the destination now. Maybe this was something you were jealous of. Page of wands denotes creative careers in marketing, publishing, illustrating/design and media. Page Of Wands In Love Tarot Reading. Page of Wands brings good news to the love department. In addition, we’ll look at how the process works, and consider some of the meanings of relevant cards and spreads. It’d a good time to start something creative, even if you have no idea what you want to do. The Page of Wands tarot card also suggests that you may embark on a quest for spiritual knowledge. It is most likely that you will get a positive answer. They’re happy, energetic, and possibly a bit naive – but not in a bad way. Either it is a new boyfriend or girlfriend, new friend, new job, new project, injection of excitement in a relationship - Page of Wands signals you energetic, positive change. Liberal conduct of people towards the querent. The Page of Wands paired with the Temperance card is an extraordinary combination, as the ability to forego mindless pursuits of pleasure, as represented by Temperance, delivers to you all the vitality of youth that the Page stands for. Instead of feeling aimless, you should follow wherever your passions take you. The Page of Swords in a Tarot reading is a warning about a partner poking their nose into your business or keeping an eye of what you do and who you meet, and may act before thinking through the consequences. Either you are having love problems like cheating, break ups or hardship to find love... Or maybe you want to double or triple your income... Or start a successful business... Or have powerful psychic protection... Or whatever else it may be - then you MUST check out spell work information and you too can create DESIRED REALITY rather than living at the mercy of the circumstances. Expect an open, free future, where only your choices determine your actions. ATTENTION: Do Tarot Card give you bad news? Big Opportunities Coming With The Two Of Wands Tarot. The Page of Wands will also appear as a strength when you have amazing ideas. Money problems? Expect a new type of relationship, spontaneous and exciting. Page of Wands as on Outcome Outcome in Love, the Page of Wands as the outcome card can mean a few things depending on the relationship. Avoid financial traps by evaluating what exactly depresses you at your current job or business. Your productivity is at an all-time high, or soon will be, so don’t be afraid to take on a few additional tasks. Yes, sexual attraction may be there but it may be temporary fantasy because Page of Wands indicates ignition of emotional passions. Look where it appears in the spread and what are the surrounding cards. Yes or No with The Page of Wands Tarot Meaning The Page of Wands is a good sign, even more so if you’ve been putting your own money and time into a project. It’s likely that a woman will help you somehow, in the sense that she’ll be able to ‘put in a good word’ for you if there’s something you’re going for. Very often, Page of Wands appears for someone who has certain sexual fantasies but is too shy to express them in a relationship. The page of wands hints that you might find a bit of money in the near future. Remember that this card indicates something new, exciting and communicative rather than repressive. When the Page of Wands appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that you will have fun times. The Page of Wands hints that you may discover a touch of cash sooner rather than later. Think of "Ask and it is given!" Expect a new level of deep connection in any existing relationships. Disciple, student, messenger, and the message, good and favourable news; a newsagent; honourable denomination, commission, news about a position or relation, contract or profession. …We would recommend speaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The page of wands tarot card in relation to your life. It represents the start of something new and exciting. Spell work is a very powerful ancient solution to overcome the challenge represented by this card in all sorts of situations. However, it may signal re-ignition of feelings through appearance of another person. If you are currently in a relationship, the relationship may not gather the momentum or stability that is needed to take it to the next level and will fizzle out. The Page of Swords points you towards a path of learning the importance of understanding messages as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth. The Page of Wands tarot card also suggests that you may embark on a quest for spiritual knowledge. Person or not, the influence here is to reinvigorate the heart with the innocence of spirit and draw support for spiritual change. The Page of Wands as a Positive, Strength or Advantage. In spell work, Page of Wands calls you to do Road Opener Spell. Like a budding Robert Langdon, you may uncover hidden wisdom in everyday encounters. Not only I give card explanations, but I also provide you with energy work solutions for each Tarot card. It’s just a case of putting these things into practice. If already in a relationship then Page of wands signifies an exciting and fun time with a very busy social life. A role model will be a good thing to have right now. If the seven of wands appears here, these ideas apply to your work life. A. E. Thie… Triumph is always temporary, and you need to work harder to win again. In case you apply for a job, expect good news. While Page of Wands indicates great passionate sex, it also calls the couples to examine their sexual desires and express them to each other without judgement. What you knew about your partner years or months ago may have changed. If you are particularly afraid of something, make a point to address this in a long term goal. Want To Learn What The Page of Wands Means For YOU? You might have been overconfident financially in the past and are now dealing with the repercussions. Page of Wands wants you to carefully examine what you love doing for money and what makes you depressed. This sudden pay can come in numerous structures. Evaluate your own and your partenr's sexual wants, needs and desires. The Page of Wands in regards to life issues. In the court cards, the page is the child, in a sense – the new kid. If your relationship feels dull, Page of Wands may signal a renewal. The Page of Wands coming up reversed for you indicates an energy of an experience with an uncomfortable or unhappy relationship with someone who is controlling and upsetting you. Everything is open and free, and the only restrictions you should have right now should be to your dependants, if any. think of someone living your perfect life, and aim for it. The Page brings us positive energy. Help yourself. And like other “new kids,” there’s usually a sense of excitement and readiness to get going. Page of Wands and Work. If the Page of Wands represents a situation instead of a person, it’s the start of a new project or event. Plus, discover what you can expect to learn from tarot. Then, take what you love and think creatively how you can turn it into your own stream of income! Somebody may give you cash as a blessing, or you could get a sudden reward from work. Forget dull moments with Page of Wands. The Page of Wands pulled in a business-related question would indicate that you are about to jump into a new venture or business idea. This card represents financial creativity, advertising, communication, new idea, travel and transportation, sports, release of new products and services as well as temporary projects. Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. Optimism, excitement, good news from afar, freedom. Past –The Page of Wands tarot card in the Past position can represent, specifically, a person in your past who has affected your life. Though they might sound a bit frightening, this card doesn’t need to be negative. This is a sexy card. It’s a great time to take chances as long as you have a positive attitude and are ready to work hard. The Page of Swords in Work and Wealth. To avoid negative outcomes that Page of Wands can still bring, take a closer look at your relationship and find out if something is lacking. The Page of Wands shows a young man holding a long staff in both hands as he looks inquisitively at the green leaves sprouting from the top. This a Page, after all, so there is a good chance this card is giving you a heads up with enough time to change the negative outcome you are headed towards. They’ll just seem ‘right’ for you. Either way, expect excitement! It might be a good time to make some younger friends, or join a club more suited for younger people. You can do this with our experienced, highly-recommended experts at Keen and Psychic Source. Page of Wands are the newbies, a burst of fresh energy, the college graduates on the first day at a job they really wanted to get. You have lots of goals and dreams. In a Question about Career and Work When this card appears reversed in a question about school, work, or career, then you may be losing your passion for your education or work. Six of Wands for love Upright. As childhood goes, the Page of Wands can represent you, seemingly mor… Unpleasant outcomes? Throw some paint against a canvas, go wild without any rules. You will find thrill in any situation. Friends – The Page of Wands tarot card in regards to friendship means things are going well. Health – The Page of Wands tarot echoes the young, fresh nature of the card when health is concerned. Love problems? Now that the devastation of the past has gone by, you are going to be blessed with all sorts … Yes, the potential for cheating is there but will it really happen? She has written many articles on a variety of topics within the spirituality niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Readings, Love & Relationships, Spells & Magic and Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her e-book). In the sixth position: The Page of Wands may be arriving in person in the near future. General: In general, this card indicates that things that you started some time ago are starting to come to fruition. You know how to eat well, you know how to exercise, you know what to avoid. This spell is done to aid you in new beginnings, no matter what they are and to help you create a smoother way to achieve your goals by overcoming obstacles and opening new, hidden ways. This generates new possibilities in existing relationships and/or new relationships/creativity. Try to stay focused. Don't like what you see on your Tarot cards? Rarely Page of Wands indicates long-term financial projects or jobs. You have lots of goals and dreams. Page of pentacles signifies a work situation where there are much routine and attention to details. Work and the Queen of Wands Your career path containing the Queen of Wands means that you can expect good things at work. A card can also mean a transition from success to routine or negative consequences. Worried about "bad news" or "negative outcomes" of this card and how it may affect you in real life? Sometimes, this card even indicates bringing a temporary third person into the bedroom and engaging in a threesome. Page of wands also speaks of careers where the Seeker can have a lot of fun; such as working in clubs and events. Quick Characteristics of Page Of Wands Including Love, Sex, Money And General Outcome, Major meaning: Expressive new ideas and circumstances are on the horizon, Quick message: Communication for good news and adventure, Personality strengths: Someone who is energetic, full of new ideas, creative, imaginative and fun to be with, Personality weaknesses: Person who thinks of his own desires, especially sexual and neglects the other. In general, the upright seven of wands signifies challenges and perseverance. Just because you didn’t succeed the first time, it doesn’t mean that the concept is wrong; it may merely be the execution that is out of alignment. Not tomorrow. Finances Meaning - Upright Page of Wands. Whenever I see the Two of Wands show up in a reading spread, I know there are plans in the making that have the potential of working out to be a great success. If you get the Page of pentacles in a career related question it is often time to reinvent yourself in some way. In the future position, the Page of Wands means that you will be struck by a bolt of inspiration after going through a bit of a rough patch. In most cases, it indicates a relationship that is driven by love and resentment. Forget dull moments with Page of Wands. Maybe this was something you were jealous of. Good news, excitement, adventure and renewal is something you can easily expect with Page of Wands. The Page of Wands is a minor arcana card that is firmly attached to the concept of both good luck as well as good news that will be coming your way in the very near future. Feeling scared?Then... Change Your Distiny With A Prayer That Always Works. Application, study, reflexion, arrangement, occupation, well-doing, goodness. But that may indicate cheating on your partner. Pages, also called princesses, are typically younger people, especially girls or very young women, though they can be boys or very young men as well. If not a literal person, the Page of Wands indicates the energy of easy distraction. Usually, this is not well thought out, as the Page of Wands represents someone ready to jump into an opportunity head first.
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