So I defiantly think this is a huge symptom. I just got to wait it out If I can..LOl. I agree with this statement. I got implantation bleeding 3 days before my period was due, lasted 7 days, i assumed it was a period even though each day was only spotting, got a bfn when it was finished and a bfp another 2 weeks later, turns out i ovulated early or something as would of been 3 weeks pregnant when the spotting finished! Started like you describe on and off, then I had a very heavy bleed at 12 weeks which hospitilised me, I then bled for 5 more weeks quite heavily. 4 angel babies; Cleveland, Ohio, 2 kids; Vagina, Russian Federation, TTC since Jan 2014; 3 kids; 4 angel babies; Cleveland, Ohio, TTC since Dec 2013; 146 kids; Fort Wayne, Indiana, 4 kids; Mueang Phuket, Thailand. I last got a BFP at 7DPO so now i'm 9DPO i'm losing courage of seeing a BFP! Has anyone experience implantation bleeding and then go on to have a BFP or BFN. I'd tested most days and all BFN's. Gives time for the hormones to build. Implantation bleeding on the Monday evening (9 dpo) and BFP on Wednesday morning (11 dpo) with a BFN at 9 and 10 dpo. That is why I am asking did anyone have IB and then go on to have a BFP. The HCG count came back at 51, and then doubled the next day. I wish the discharge was the same as last time, then I would know Im preggo already :-). Yeah I have another test and I'm gonna ring docs too. 13 DPO, spotting yesterday, bfn. 12dpo still no signs but still having cramps. However, some people spot throughout their pregnancy, and nothing is wrong. The blood from implantation bleeding is also different from regular menstrual blood. Anyone else gotten a BFN when they spotted and gotten a BFP? I can see how some people might mistake implantation bleeding and think they were having a light period. I was 10 or 11 dpo when I got the bfp. She referred me to hospital to get an internal scan but when I went they did a urine test and because it was negative they wouldn't do a scan (even though I had another faint positive this morning) she told me it was just my period...I ended up walking out because how can it be my period if I've had two positive test. I couldnt wait no longer and tested (again) today and got a bfn :( I was really hoping this month as had cramps for 2 days at 7dpo and was hoping that would be implantation. I … I have since confirmed it with several tests, and the lines are getting darker. I am going nuts waiting to see if this was in fact IB....Please anyone who has experience dark/brown spotting/bleeding a week before af respond. No, implantation bleeding pretty much always precedes a BFP. Wait a couple more days. Unfortunately, the spotting could be anything. I was hoping and praying this was implantation bleeding however I'm not so sure now. (hoping test wasn't wrong) Previously had BFN's at 10,12 and 14 DPO. Now i'm on day 2 of no bleeding since but still getting BFN. is there hope? Share Your Updates With Family And Friends Every Week. ... had spotting on Monday, did a bit of research online and it said if it was an implantation bleed then you have to wait 4-5 days for a positive result. I had booked a docs appt for Wednesday to speak about my cramps as they only started in my leg after having my first baby (used to just be in my pelvic area) but think I might see if I can get in sooner to find out what's going on. I suspected implantation bleeding. Thanks. Well I had an emergency doctors appointment this morning. 12dpo still no signs but still having cramps. My mind is absolutely boggled with this so any help would be appreciated greatly. Implantation comes before the BFP (usually about 7 - 10 DPO). Has anyone experience implantation bleeding and then go on to have a BFP or BFN. On a whim and because internet pregnancy tests are so … I read a lot of posts but I'm new to posting . So at 11dpo (day period due) I started with mild cramps thinking AF is going to show. However, I have a 28 day cycle. 5DPO I wiped and had bown/pink mucous before bed and then the following day light bleeding which lasted for 2 days. The bleeding could of been implantation but I think that's only supposed to last a … I thought AF had arrived last night, red blood & cramping, but 3 days early at 11dpo. Positive, then negative, then positive, then negative again?! OKay! I am going nuts waiting to see if this was in fact IB....Please anyone who has experience dark/brown spotting/bleeding a week before af respond. My menstrual are very regular (28 days) and I don't ever spot or get discharge between af. I'm now on a progesterone supplement (200mg/day) and will see my OB again on Tuesday after having daily HCG counts. There's really no way to know if it's IS until after you get a BFP. 3 kids; today feeling wet below(13 dpo),bfn. But after bfn today and now thinking AF will be showing on Tues:( But just thought would ask if anyone got a bfn so late but went on to get a BFP? id test around 9 or 10 dpo... ... After my BFP I experience lots of cramps I believe is good thing my princess is now 18 months old xx. So at 11dpo (day period due) I started with mild cramps thinking AF is going to show. At 2am on 13dpo I … Add message | Report | See all Sheep2345 Sun 22-Nov-15 17:52:28 Let me know how you go with your test tomorrow. Connect with 1000s of pregnant moms & parents in your area! I'm cd30 normally 28-30. Regular since a teen even after mmc and aways have cramps day or two before and a day of spotting. I'd wait 2 days and test again until you either get BFP or AF. Its hard to wait but then ur not wasting test. Not had any cramps since that pinching pain but had them from cd19-26. So it makes sense that that implantation bleeding would be like a shorter, lighter period. Implantation bleeding is pretty subtle. If you had ib at 7dpo then testing at 8dpo is still too early. Wow that’s so rude! It could be the cervix being irritated. I then used a CB digital in the afternoon, so not using first wee of day and got "pregnant 2-3". How long ago was the cramping and bleeding? I was thinking that 8dpo would be to early for a hpt to pick up any pregnancy hormones. I had pink and pale brown spotting on wiping for 4 days before my BFP, nowhere near as heavy as a period and then when it ended without any proper bleeding I tested 2 days later and got a BFP! Some light bleeding or spotting might happen 10 to Implantation bleeding bfp timeline I had a slight amount of implantation bleeding (maybe, maybe something else who knows) after my BFP and baby is a singleton. I had implantation bleeding at 9dpo. Good luck! You might need a pantyliner for a day or two, but you shouldn’t need a tampon. TTC since Jan 2014; I got a BFP on cd26 or 27. I didn't get my bfp until yesterday though, at 30 day late!! Period is due in 3 days. Mild cramps/dull ache started on wed/Thur bleeding started at 2am on Fri morning and that's when I had intense cramps so took pain killers then since then I've had dull cramps and back ache and lighter than usual bleeding, Could easily have been implantation then and you o later than you thought, My cycles are generally 31 days on average and I'm pretty sure I ovulated on day 16 so the cramps were 13dpo. it can take a few days!good luvck, Thanks....The only reason I am freaking out with waiting is because I became preggo in Jan. and on the day AF was expected I got the same small amount of dark/browinsh discharge....I tested the day after and was pregnant, but had a mc a week later. 11 dpo bfn then bfp A 29-year-old female asked: i have 31 days cycle. While I'm cautiously optimistic, I don't understand how my body could sustain implantation after such a … My implantation bleeding was different to my period. Just wondered if anyone had implantation bleeding that they thought was a period & then got their BFP? Probably just my body being weird though! Then on 4th I had some brown blood when I wiped in the morning and 5th some pink blood just once when I wiped in the morning. Thanks. But everyone is different and some ladies don't get a BFP until a week after missed AF. Indications that implantation has happened can include bleeding and cramping. Best thing to do is just wait and see if AF shows and test the next day if she doesnt. You can have implantation cramps & bleeding up to 12 weeks. If you've only implanted a few days ago then you wouldn't have a … If it's a BFN, wouldn't the bleeding NOT have been IB? BFN's but pregnancy symptoms - could I still be pregnant? The at 12DPO I got my BFP. I had spotting that seemed very much like implantation bleeding at 6 dpo and symptoms started with a vengeance at about 8 dpo. Very very light what I think is AF but I’m to scared to test her lol. If you ovulate later in your cycle, implantation bleeding may also occur later. Then, on Sunday (one day after bfp) I started feeling a sharp (though not severe) pain on what felt like the right side of my uterus. My mind is absolutely boggled with this so any help would be appreciated greatly. 43. Fingers crossed I am x, How did you go with this? I didnt get IB until I was 11DPO and it was just some light pink discharge. Posts. I had heard of implantation bleeding, but this was nothing like I'd read about, the spotting, dark brown stuff. Your HCG doubles every day (I think) after implantation, and from what I understand, 9dpo is average for implantation but most women still don't get a BFP till at least 14dpo. I had the same IB (what I think to be) at cycle day 23. It's either a miscarriage or I'm pregnant so I still have absolutely no idea what's going on. Well... the way you worded it, you're going to have one of the two: either a BFN or a BFP lol. Good luck! The thing is that I have had cramping since 8 dpo and they last basically all day. Thanks in advance. Has anyone else experienced clots during the 2 weeks post-ovulation and then gotten a BFP? I felt a little crampy and I got my BFP on Saturday afternoon. Anyway, I had alot of spotting and heavy bleeding during my pregnancy from about 5weeks post conception. on 11 dpo after i pee, i had like small bleeding when i wipe off then nothing. That is what I was thinking....when will a hpt detect if I had the IB at 7dpo?...I am now 9dpo and don't want to waste another test if its too early. That was exclusively testing with frers! that definitely was not there at the time i tested. Then I didn't test until a week later and I got my bfp. I'd tested most days and all BFN's. Have done HPT this morning which was BFN… Since then I have taken 2 HPT because I still could not believe it was positive and have gotten BFP on both of them. You might only notice it when you wipe. How do I add a pic? Hi, sorry prob being thick but not sure what bfp and bfn mean...! Thanks in advance I had a BFN all the way from 11 DPO to 15DPO, then i gave up and thought AF is definitely coming. So I AF cramps and really thought I was out, but got my BFP yesterday! I tested at 10dpo and got a BFN then I’ve held off testing until today (13dpo) with a FRER test and it’s still BFN. I got a BFP today at 16DPO,so a very shy bean! susienewmum. Is that usual? Hi Girls, Apologies for posting again but wondered how long after implantation bleeding would ou get a BFP? 4 days later she still hadn't arrived so i tested again at 19DPO and got my BFP! Hi all, Am just wondring if anyone got a bfn at 12dpo and later on got a bfp? Even though it was as painful as a normal period? I have read that it can be a few days to a week but wanted to hear from real women what the experienses are. I will just wait until after the weekend. Has anyone had this and ended with a bfp if so how long after or had this bleed about the same time and it ended in a bfn. Today no blood at all just creamy discharge. ! I am wondering if what I am experiencing is just the start of AF (though I've never had this happen preceding AF) or implantation bleeding or my body just trying to get back to normal following the D&C on 1/31. Light pink/light brown when i wiped this morning, now nothing. No af still but anouther bfn :-/ if I implanted with that pinching pain tues morning it takes three days to show in urine doesn't it?! Got a BFN this afternoon. ... but got my BFP yesterday! Reply (1) Report. ! I experience what I am thinking to be IB at 7dpo and I tested at 8dpo and got a BFN. Anyhow after work, I cook dinner and scoff a load of chocolate and tell myself I am imagining it as this am was a BFN. Thanks ladies for the input :-). Sounds gross ( and sorry( but using back passage might be better as progesterone pessaries can cause spotting. I'm I out after anouther bfn? Funny thing is when i checked the FRER i had taken on 15DPO there was a line - 4 days later!! Please tell me your BFP after bleeding stories. I’ve had a similar thing happen to me over the last 2-3 days! Hey, same boat here! I experience what I am thinking to be IB at 7dpo and I tested at 8dpo and got a BFN.
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