Yates never did Bench Press, Squats, or pull up but we think these are the pillars for muscle building. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 9(4), 222-227. Of course people are going to come up with the drug thing, but most of that stuff was available then so it was not solely people taking more drugs. They are both going to give you the pump and create extra blood flow and create muscle trauma. Because you are not going to have the right nutrition to build muscle mass, and if you want to change something you have to build something. I think it is firstly because I am a Mr. Olympia, but when they train with me, then they respect the training knowledge. It takes a lot of determination and tenacity, and a degree of intelligence as well. Military Press 6-10 Close Grip Bench Press 6-10 Only one working set for each exercise, as many warm-ups as needed and don't get stuck to a number, if you are aiming for 10-12 reps on the leg press but you can do 13-14 then do them! [ Q ] Is it absolutely necessary to be doing upwards of one hour of cardio per day pre-contest? [ Q ] People are wont to be scientific when assessing their regime: for example, it is often said that nutrition is 70 percent and training is 30 precent of bodybuilding success. BY Dorian Yates. I don’t even include flat benching in my pec routine, because I think it stresses the front deltoids far too much to be an effective exercise for building the chest. 30 min; 4; Yes; Chris Lund. So I would actually do less getting ready for a contest, which is the opposite of what some people do. * Warm-up set. To me that was all part of the challenge and when I stepped onstage, although I had moral support, if I won it was down to me and if I lost it was down to me. [ Q ] You are obviously speaking for yourself with your own unique genetic predisposition, but others with a greater propensity for weight gain might need more intensive cardio. You are not going to see Mike Tyson smile in the ring when he is knocking somebody out. Every single workout counted when I trained, I didn't miss any meals and made sure I got my sleep. It's the same thing with exercise and recovery ability. If my body fat is low enough why am I going to do cardio? Barnett, C., Kippers, V., & Turner, P. (1995). You can really feel the burn at the top of this movement and get a great stretch in the pecs at the bottom without having to worry about getting stuck under the weight. But it wasn't taxing me and interfering with my recovery or leg training. [ Q ] And how important is form as it applies to High Intensity Training? It don't think that it is absolutely necessary and too much can be catabolic. I'm very independent and that's why bodybuilding is good for me; the isolation of doing it for oneself is mentally suited to me. That's what they think but I certainly didn't want more lower chest development. We can’t guarantee that you will win six Mr Olympia titles if you follow it, but stay disciplined and you should see some incredible results over time. I would never go over 120 beats per minute with cardio. This is just to do with reducing your body fat and this requires a negative calorie balance. [ Q ] What are your views on the negative aspect of a repetition? So I am not going to tolerate the stress of the sun the same way someone who will go out and get a lovely tan over the same period. Everything is always more complicated and fancy in the States. Indeed, it could be said that two periods define the modern bodybuilding age: BD (Before Dorian) and AD (After Dorian). It’s not about the weight here. It is the same thing with training: you go into the gym and break the muscle down; if you allow enough time to pass and you have the right nutrients in place it's going to repair itself and make itself slightly bigger and stronger, so when the next time this guy comes along with a 50-pound dumbbell and stresses us we will be able to handle it. All your building work and changes are done in the off-season. [ Q ] So, in a sense, the process of preparing for the Mr. Olympia was more important than the competition itself. [ Q ] It seems a little strange sometimes when a champion jumps up and punches the air and cries onstage but that could be the English influence coming through in me. With little guidance, a 19-year old Yates found himself in a youth detention center where his strength impressed many. I was doing 500-pound decline presses as my main chest exercise. When I first came into the sport, people had beginner's routines: three sets of this, three sets of that, three times a week. [ Q ] You cross me as being a strong individualist. I get their feedback, which is very important because they know what's going on with their body. ... Part 2: Dorian Yates Q&A Part 2 Reference: Bodycoaches. Again maybe that's my Englishness no bullsh!t thing. by Dorian Yates, 6x Mr. Olympia. How can I spark some life into my pecs? The idea is to emphasize the negative by slowing it down, because you're stronger on that portion. [ Q ] To your understanding, what is most important: training or nutrition? Without overtraining by doing too much weight training you can go more effectively into the recovery mode while being able to do a certain amount of cardio. [ Q ] What other factors went into creating the unprecedentedly massive, grainy look you presented? Suffice to say they will serve your chest-building needs far better than barbell flat bench presses. You have to use good control and arch your spine at the bottom when you contract. But I haven't trained my calves now for over four years and they are still 20-inches. So people sometimes get the wrong idea about my training: is it Heavy Duty? I was always doing fairy low sets; when I started there were Arnold and Lee Haney, and everyone else training six days a week, 20-sets. [ Q ] I suppose it is hard to argue against what you were doing when it worked perfectly for you and you were, after all, Mr. Olympia. I just cut back a little bit from '92 onwards. The way I presented myself was with very powerful, dominating classical music with a little rock muscle mixed in. Well I never really came from that school. Well I have got great genetics but I think I made the most of them. Well you can maybe understand this if it is a surprise for the first time, but after the second time and third time come on that's enough. Yes, if you complete that one set to failure and push it to the absolute limit that is going to be sufficient stimulus and intensity. So they are both important and necessary ("mass builders" and "isolation movements") pre contest and off-season. You grow when you are outside the gym. So what do I do for chest? We are not all the same in our ability to tolerate that stress. Most of their progress was in that first 12 months. On Wednesday, Dorian Yates have a rest from workout. Dorian Yates is an English bodybuilder hailing from Birmingham. Also instead of overhand grip pull-ups, he did machine pulldowns and cable pulldowns with underhand grip. [ Q ] With chest training it is a common misconception that you can isolate all of the individual fibers. Whether it's a barbell row, a dumbbell row or a Hammer row, they are always going to be there. So one set of squats with 400-pounds is probably more stressful then three with 100-pounds. I know and I would be like, "Hold on a minute, what contest was it that this guy won? That's why you have to listen to your body. I believe it is important, if not more important than the positive part. Muscleandfitness.com is part of A360 Media LLC Fitness & Health Network. [ Q ] You don't often hear that exercise mentioned. I think there is a combination. And for me it was sporting event. [ Q ] Is it true that Mike Mentzer encouraged you to use the reverse close- grip lat-pull down? Oh yes, you can be serious about achieving your goals but if you are going to start out saying "I'm going to be Mr. Olympia," it is just so way ahead that it is like deciding to climb Mt. And I found I got much better development from these exercises than from just heavy squatting. About Dorian Yates. So all of those factors probably set me apart. Maybe there is intramuscular fat as well because a lot of muscles are dense. As well as learning about what it take to be a champion, in the following interview you will get a unique glimpse, and never before published insights into the life and thoughts of Mr. Olympia, the gym warrior known as Dorian Yates. If you do too many sets and too much volume overall, your body is just going to be spending all its time trying to recover and not overcompensating because it doesn't have enough resources for that. That's just basic biomechanics, but most people don't know that. The muscle works in both phases so there should be equal attention to both. All rights reserved. I have this theory that most people don't progress at all after the first 12 months. Seeking some good, solid answers on common bodybuilding queries, and knowing of the amazing success Dorian achieves with all of his clients, I decided to go directly to the top. It was great for me to work out with him, but it was a few workouts and the main influence he had on me was to cut down my volume a little. I was on the regime, nothing less. I'm just walking and burning calories; better than just sitting on my ass. That was the mode I was in and everybody knew I was in that mode. Enter Dorian Yates. Since the goal of exercising is not to lift the most weight over the shortest ROM, this exercise is … [ Q ] What would you credit for giving you most of your initial muscle size? I would say that goal setting is very important, and would even break it down to monthly goals. And my main goal, my number one goal was to win the Mr. Olympia and continue to win it and to improve my physique. I always trained like that (High Intensity with its emphasis on few sets and maximal effort) so there wasn't a huge difference. So I tried a lot of different routines and that one I think worked out where I was training each body part twice every nine days. Come down as far as you can without doing damage to your shoulder joints. Anything works then pretty much because your body is not used to it. I never did one set per exercise: what I did was one set to failure. [ Q ] I would like to explore how you trained when you first began bodybuilding through to your peak as an Olympian. So doing it again is not really going to give you anything additional and might possibly be more stress for your body to recover from, so it may be harder to recover, and without recovery you are not going to grow. If I go and lie in the sun for half and hour I'm going to get burned because I don't have that much melanin in my skin; I've got pale skin. [ Q ] Given your views on an individual's searching for the answers themselves, would encourage your clients to ultimately work for themselves? Not rock hard. Also, the angle of the flat bench press puts the pec tendons in a vulnerable position. Is each of these approaches valid in your view? Nothing is going to happen. With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days. Then there was the advanced routine: six times a week, 20 sets total, which even included twice-a-day training. [ Q ] And you were known for quietly going about your business, oblivious to all of the crap and trash talking that was going on in the industry. How Does Michael Phelps Stay so Fit These Days? [ Q ] As an expert trainer yourself, do people look up to you more for the fact that you have the knowledge they need, or because of your six-time Mr. Olympia status? All rights reserved. [ Q ] You legs also tended to be in a class of their own in terms of hardness, mass and complete development. Stationary cycling or walking is what I used to do. I’ve seen so many trainers get caught up in the hype of the big bench. Later in my career I was doing one every seven days, so there were longer periods between the workouts, although I was doing more workouts, but they were shorter. Effects of variations of the bench press exercise on the EMG activity of five shoulder muscles. This routine is a 4 or 5 day body part split that hits the following muscle groups per day: Day 1: Chest, Biceps, Triceps Day 2: Legs, Calves (Heavy) Day 3: […] [ Q ] If a younger guy came to you today and told you he was considering competing in bodybuilding, what advice would you give him? He did convince me to cut back my volume a little bit more but Mike made the most of his time with me from a business point of view. I noticed if I trained more than four times a week or more than a certain period in the gym, I didn't progress and became over-trained - I was pretty good at picking up on that early on. That’s fine if you’re looking to be a powerlifter, but for bodybuilding purposes, the weight you can bench is pretty much irrelevant. reach failure! I do help people with training and I help them with their diet as well, but I work with them, not for them. A shallow decline press is much more effective than a bench press, as there is much more pec involvement. That is basically what it is. How would you contrast this to the dancing and gyrating we often seen onstage these days? So that is bullsh!t and there is no such thing (that one bodybuilding factor is more important than they other). It's your body and you are with it every day. Part 3: Incline Barbell Bench Press. [ Q ] There is a huge industry built up around this very thing and people are spending exorbitant amounts of money for such advice. People said I should move to the States and make more money, but I had way more distractions there. I used to take my dog for a walk for 40 minutes. This workout combines cardio and weight-lifting drills for serious body-sculpting results. Then you have got the nutrition aspect and the condition combined with the muscle mass and of course how you project yourself onstage, which can also influence people around you: judges and competitors. First of all, get an eating and training schedule, but the absolute most important thing is consistency. You have to monitor yourself. I always made sure I had a good variety of exercises and didn't do a barbell row and a dumbbell row together because it would be redundant: it is the same kind of movement hitting the same muscle fibers. Which was something different: everybody was doing a four-way split: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, as this fits in with the working week. If you look at people in the gym, they stay the same month in and out, year in and out. He did Hack Squats instead of Squats and Incline bench press instead of Bench press. Dorian Yates: Chest Exerciseshttp://youtu.be/pRD1P8NwFYIDorian Andrew Mientjez Yates (born 19 April 1962) is an English professional bodybuilder.
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