The strongest two cards for the Seven of Swords to be paired with are The Chariot and The Star. A need to acknowledge the challenges in order to move forward. Paired with the Star and your consciousness is about to expand as you set out on a quest for knowledge and growth. The card of course can indicate that someone cheated on you, a fact you might still not really be sure of. On a more positive note, the Seven of Swords points out that you need to be strategic in what you do. (i) Seven of Swords YouTube Video. The Seven of Swords predicts that someone will spend their time planning drama or conflict. 55 were here. Behind him, different swords are on standing on the ground. They look strong and stable. Seven Swords is a 2005 Hong Kong wuxia film produced and directed by Tsui Hark, starring Leon Lai, Donnie Yen, Charlie Yeung, Sun Honglei, Lu Yi and Kim So-yeon. It’s affected how you think and feel, but luckily you’re aware of it now. Hierophant: When the Seven of Swords is in combination with the Hierophant, it suggests some misuse of power, deception, or manipulation in the spiritual realm. It shines a light on areas of our lives where dishonesty is present, asking us to confront them, to deal with whatever is going on. The theme of the SEVEN SWORDS clearly sounds Venus, Neptune, Uranus. It's no surprise that when it comes to swords, attacks are sneaky and tricky, not direct like with Wands. Keywords: theft, stealth, cunning, rip off, sneak, dishonesty, half-assed effort. In those cases, the advice would be: watch your back. This card can be about straight-up dishonesty or theft. The thief is not necessarily a negative character. The Seven of Swords is about what you – or someone else – is/are hiding or holding back, and asks you to consider why. Tarot Meaning Reversed: The 7 of Swords reversed reminds us that "crime doesn't pay," without exception. the seven of swords is a card of lies and backstabbing. The Seven of Swords paired with The Hierophant indicates your break with a group will lead to personal transformation and was a good decision. Change of residence, job or possibly both. Keeping this secret may bring you stress and tension, along with deeper feelings of guilt and shame. The heart of betrayal and deception lay within its imagery, and the deliberate hiding of an act. Seven of swords in Ten of swords: Being alone. As an easy example… The Seven of Swords Gallery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Know that this is fear talking. On one hand, it can represent someone who is sneaky, who operates in the shadows and gathers information that might later serve them. Close your eyes. a black widow spider carefully crawls along the length of a blade, her path sharp and her vision clear. Art gallery and merchant. As a card of inner deceit, the reversed Seven of Swords represents keeping secrets hidden from others. This is both positive, in that you may be able to identify that source and change your circumstances, and negative, in that this source may well be aware of you and deliberately sabotaging you. Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meaning. If you get this card and you are tempted to cheat or take shortcuts in some way, this card gives a clear statement that you are going to get caught - simple as that. If some of the other cards appearing in your reading are also Swords, the Seven of Swords represents verbal sneakiness. The Seven of Swords may also be a warning of someone else using dubious means to achieve a goal – or theft. First forgive yourself, then confide in someone you trust. 7 of swords + Three of wands: Faking it until you are making it. Directed by Hark Tsui. They look strong and stable. 7 of swords + Five of wands: Lack of team-work. Seven of Swords Reversed: Opening up, being more honest about intentions. On the Seven we see a man tiptoeing away from society (the colorful pavilions). The Seven of Swords card can also signify running away from commitments or responsibilities. Perhaps you are still suffering from a break-up. The man is stealing the swords belonging to whoever is in the tent and he is making a quick getaway. The Seven of Swords tarot is the card that symbolizes betrayal and deception, unlike the Two of Pentacles which is a symbol for partnerships and sharing.. 7 of swords + Death: Sensitive information. The Seven of Swords is a card that appears in your Tarot reading to reveal issues of breaking free, doing things your own way and abandoning group ideals. Ask a Yes or No question within your mind. In most versions of Tarot decks he is scampering across the desert vista, in plain sight for us to see. While seven is considered a lucky number when it comes to money, the Seven of Swords is a disaster. Seven of Swords. There is often dishonesty connected with this card, and trying to get away with something or trying to get out of something by lying. Many depictions of the Seven of Swords: Moon in Aquarius card illustrate the meaning of theft. Alternatively, you may be the victim of someone else’s betrayal. The statement is not telling you to take the easy way out … it is saying there is a direct path to your life purpose – but, this fork in the road may cause you to consciously choose an easier path. The Future position is one place in a Tarot reading where the Seven of Swords is about you and you alone. Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Seven of Swords card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, below an overview of some quick facts and the most important words connected to this Minor Arcana Ace card. A vigilante. If some of the other cards appearing in your reading are also Swords, the Seven of Swords represents verbal sneakiness. All Rights Reserved. It represents escaping detection and getting away with something. The seven of swords is about learning to behave maturely (especially in social groups) and resisting the urge to act like a child when we don’t get our way. The Seven of Swords also suggests that you may need to use shortcuts or the ‘backdoor’ to get what you want. In relationships, we sneak around to find out information on the men we love. These are new plans, desire, perseverance, patience, charm, hope, faith, fantasy, partial success. General meaning: Taking shizz that don’t belong to you. In English-speaking countries, where the games are largely unknown, Tarot cards came to be utilized primarily for divinatory purposes. © 2021 Biddy Tarot. The Seven of Swords can also represent flexibility, adaptability, sharp wit, resourcefulness, being strategic or being overly rational. If there are lots of Pentacles in a reading with the Seven of Swords, someone’s personal belongings may have been stolen recently – perhaps you are a suspect! Similarly, the Seven of Swords reversed can suggest that you are deceiving yourself, trying to trick yourself into believing something even though it is out of integrity with your true self. The story is loosely adapted from Liang Yusheng 's novel Qijian Xia Tianshan and is completely unrelated to the novel except for some characters' names. seven of pentacles nine of swords Suit of Pentacles Tarot Cards . Traditionally, the Seven of Swords indicates theft, betrayal, deception and trickery. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist (霧の忍刀七人衆, Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū) was an organisation consisting of only the greatest blade-wielding shinobi of their generation that Kirigakure can produce. Make sure all your ducks are lined up before someone else comes in and attacks. The behavior of others has a direct influence on your life, and you will need to react to it. In fact, paired with the Ace of Wands, this is one of the best omens for succeeding in your own business that the Tarot has to offer. Seven is the number for wisdom, spirituality, philosophy and psychic abilities. There is an impatient restlessness associated with this Sword. Card 2 - Seven of Swords In the Seven of Swords card, there is a man that is seen running away sneakily from a camp of a few sort, while carrying 5 swords in his hands. … You will no doubt feel much lighter as a result. Before we explore the exact meaning, it’d be beneficial for you to note that in Tarot, for some interpreters, the right side of each card has to do with the future, and the left side has to do with the past. If you sense that someone is spying on you, you may be right. Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play Tarot card games.. Paired with The Devil card and you may be breaking a cycle of drug, alcohol or relationship co-dependency addictions. With Leon Lai, Donnie Yen, Charlie Yeung, Honglei Sun. Instead, you must prioritise what’s important to you and direct your focus and attention on the few tasks that will move you closer to your goals. Bullshitters. Afraid of failing. When a cute guy flirts with a friend and you make a move on him when she goes to the restroom, you are the clever thief pictured in the Seven of Swords. You may have enough of an overview to see how to advance through the maze and achieve your goal. Perhaps you have been talking behind someone’s back. Seven of Swords Upright Meaning: In the upright position, it indicates the action of the subject of the card. On the Seven we see a man tiptoeing away from society (the colorful pavilions). The importance of communicating yourself at this point, in your most honest way possible is that at this point in time you are traversing a potential trap of getting stuck into a lack mentality. The Seven of Swords is often the card associated with misdirection and a little deceit. The cells in human bodies renew every seventh year, which is why this card can also represent that a cycle is nearing its end. It’s the 80-20 rule: 20% of your work will account for 80% of your results, so focus on the 20%. Jotain epäilyttävää tapahtuu selkäsi takana. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Women who once cheated on their lovers and got away with it see this card in the past as a confirmation that they will be loyal from now on. Be aware that any time you use cunning or deception to gain an advantage over someone or something else, you are at risk of being found out. Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play Tarot card games.. If you get this card and you are tempted to cheat or take shortcuts in some way, this card gives a clear statement that you are going to get caught - simple as that. Seven of swords in Nine of swords: Afraid of responsibility. They may be planning to betray someone, or a group of people, in order to assure self-advancement. Drive: List, trickery, cleverness Light: Unmasking of … One just can't wish problems away. Tarot card images courtesy of the Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. Trying to get away with something. Just as likely, though, this card could show that your recent crafty moves are paying off at work and in love. Although it is important to think about and plan for the future, always keep in mind that you are not living in a bubble. My new YouTube channel is : Thoth Tarot Videos.The minor arcana videos are yet to be remade. The Seven of Swords is a card that demands you look inward and examine your own behavior. If you are lucky, you might get away with your secret intact. This is both positive, in that you may be able to identify that source and change your circumstances, and negative, in that this source may well be aware of you and deliberately sabotaging you. This encompasses all past blades, which were destroyed in the Fourth Shinobi World War, and the current generation of blades. Get out of your head and trust that you have everything you need to make your new venture a success. Love this deck?Buy theEveryday Tarot Deck, UPRIGHT: Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, REVERSED: Imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets. You may trust someone who then turns out to be running their own agenda, leaving you high and dry. Seven warriors come together to protect a village from a diabolical General. The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that deep within you already know exactly what has to happen. The Seven of Swords is a particularly important card in terms of what it signals about your future. While the thought of confessing may be horrifying, it will free you from the negative emotions you are experiencing. The Seven of Swords can be quite a tricky Card to interpret so it is really important to use the surrounding Cards to give insight into its relevant meaning. You can find Seven in many nature cycles. You may attempt to fool yourself that everything is okay when it is not. Two remaining swords are erected into the ground. Anyone who is self-employed knows that going out and doing it on your own means using any bit of information that can be acquired about your competitors. In the Seven of Swords card, there is a man that is seen running away sneakily from a camp of some sort, while carrying five swords in his hands. Major Arcana cards paired with the Seven of Swords indicate that your independence from group situations is a driving factor in your current journey. He gives the impression of having secret, solitary plans. With The World card paired to your Seven of Swords, you might be missing out on a lot of what life has to offer out of a sense of alienation or fear. The Seven of Swords can be interpreted in many ways, varying from treachery to self-preservation. In simple lines, pay particular attention to what precedes and follows to see what needs to be handled with care and what the outcome would be. Being excluded. The man has five swords in his arms. The card can point to lies, deceit or deception by you or someone in your surroundings. Magician (Cobbler): When the Seven of Swords is combined with the Magician (Cobbler in some decks), someone is trying to trick or deceive. Tarot Meaning: The 7 of Swords can point to someone who is behaving with less than ethical intentions. Seven of Swords. This is the card of thieving, conniving, and sneaky actions. Though, all the lists are bound to fail, even the clever Swords cannot escape the hand of fate. Think twice. Know that … While seven is considered a lucky number when it comes to money, the Seven of Swords is a disaster. You’re learning to trust people again. There is also an element of haste in this card, an indicator of moving fast in a decision making process. Think twice. He's taken some swords and seems rather pleased with his successful heist. The Seven of Swords does echo that theme too as in using your mind and wits to get yourself out of a difficult situation or to come up with a new approach to your problem. Perhaps you have been talking behind someone’s back.If there are lots of Pentacles in a reading with the Seven of Swords, someone’s personal belongings may have been stolen recently – perhaps you are a suspect! Criminal activity. Major Arcana. When you have received this card, you can be guaranteed that someone in your life, maybe even you, have been up to no good. An indication of triumph in the face of adversity, but must be through cunning. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. Seven of Swords Tarot Card Description. The Seven of Swords is a card known to many for its different challenges. it reminds us to take care so that we too don’t end up victims at the end of a friend’s sword. The Discipline of Sapphire speaks: Be disciplined. The Seven of Swords adds deception. The smile on his face suggests that he is proud of himself for having slipped away without being noticed. In English-speaking countries, where the games are largely unknown, Tarot cards came to be utilized primarily for divinatory purposes. The Seven of Swords paired with Strength is the “rogue agent” combination where you use your insider knowledge as a member of a group to go beyond its intended aims. Edit. This Tarot card can also signify underhanded behaviour, theft, burglary, fraud, dodgy deals and a general lack of conscience. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition. Copycats and biters. For those that participate in nefarious deeds now is the time to come clean. You have wit and cunning, the ability to create plans and strategies. Combinations calculator for Lovers, Seven of Swords, Reversal Three of Swords. If you sense that someone is spying on you, you may be right. In the Seven of Swords, there are six swords arranged in a crescent formation pointing down as if to attack a larger central sword. If there are many Cups in the reading with this card, a sneaky love affair is more likely. It can also indicate ignorance and irrationality. Seven of swords in Knight of swords: Pushing buttons. Seeking advice or offering advice. For example, you may be asked to travel for work to attend a high-profile event, but it would mean missing your child’s birthday, so you decline the travel opportunity, even though you know it will upset your boss. The Seven of Swords tarot is depicted as a man moving stealthily away from a military camp with five swords in his hands. Under a cloudless golden sky, the card depicts a man tip-toeing away from some desert tents. Seven of Swords Meaning In A Tarot Reading. Or can't find what you’re looking for? The Seven of Swords tarot card indicates the overly clever one. If the Seven of Swords is in your future position in a Tarot reading, this is a card showing that you must resort to some sort of trickery to get where you are going. With our tool ( calculator ), you will be able to find or calculate combinations of your selected cards. The Seven of Swords often appears reversed when you feel like a fraud and are suffering from ‘imposter syndrome’. Seven of Swords's Meaning. The Seven of Swords usually denotes an imbalance, unresolved issues, misinterpretation and a need to reevaluate all of your plans. Behind him, two other swords are on standing on the ground. Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card. 172 likes. Look out for any sneaky behaviour and listen to your intuition when something does not feel right or seems too good to be true. You may need a Plan B – or to go back to the drawing board. The Seven of Swords could also imply that you are trying to escape from a situation that is not working for you anymore rather than dealing with it head-on. The Seven of Swords tarot is the card that symbolizes betrayal and deception, unlike the Two of Pentacles which is a symbol for partnerships and sharing.. Now is the time to get real with where you are and confront your situation head-on. Your belief system is your natural grounding – your mental foundation from which you can take great leaps of consciousness, then return to regroup and renew. Got questions? Taking risks with your income will end up costing you more than you’re willing to let go of, so hold off on gambling, loaning, or investing. Seven of swords in Queen of swords: Revenge. If the Seven of Swords is in the past part of your Tarot reading, the foundation of your current situation stems from your independence. Rather than dutifully following the process, you may need to find ways to resolve your problem quickly so you can move towards your goals. Two remaining swords are erected into the ground. From this image, we can deduce that the Seven of Swords is about stealth, getting away with something, deception or betrayal. Seven of Swords is a Minor Arcana tarot card. A pairing with the Chariot reveals that you can cut in line for a professional promotion or seduce a prize catch in the game of love. Play ENESENus. You may doubt yourself and your abilities. If you have been secretly sabotaging a group at work in order to get ahead, you cannot immediately assume that the card represents a friend or lover sneaking around behind your back. 7 of swords + The Hierophant: Breaking the rules. The man has his eyes closed and is facing the carnival colored tents. Then press the triangle for your answer. Sometimes you just have to face what has to be faced. Continue to envision unobstructed success. The Seven of Swords shows a man sneaking away from a military camp with five swords in his arms. You may be able to accept some responsibilities or duties, but not all of them. SEVEN OF SWORDS. You or your partner may feel increasingly uncomfortable with this relationship and would much rather come out in the open. Tattoos by Award Winning Artist … It also represents indecision and impulsiveness. Play ENESENuk. You have come to a limit in the eyes of your group members which inhibits status advancement. Seven of Swords, Minor Arcana, Swords VII. Play ENESENau. At times, the Seven of Swords may be advising you to get off the battle field. Therefore, the Seven of Swords can talk of trickery, cheating, sudden affronts, juggling and intentional confusing with unrestrained Mercurian amorality. A man in a Fez hat is striding away with five of the seven swords he wants to steal. The Seven of Swords and Finances. And even if you are not, the cover-up will require a tremendous amount of effort, and it may not be worth it. It sometimes also means prying into someone’s life where you don’t belong. The Seven of Swords reversed is a warning that your days of juggling your affairs with skill, stealth, and self-reliance may all be coming to an end. Returning to a more straightforward practice. Another card which indicates forces opposing you, the VII of Swords points to there being a single source of your frustration.
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