High levels of uncertainty produce high rates of reciprocity. Uncertainty reduction theory focuses on how human communication is used to gain knowledge and create understanding. Retroactive uncertainty reduction is the process of analyzing the situation post interaction, which refers to making explanations for the other person's behavior and interpreting the meaning of behavioral choices. [41] Their study questions the assumption that increased knowledge of other people and relationships will help social actors to function effectively in the social world. Information seeking and similarity are negatively related. But these two tested axioms are only a partially useful formulation for understanding such intercultural communication. In addition, decreases in uncertainty level will cause University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign, USA. Amount of communication and intimacy level of communication are positively related. An active strategist would result to means of reducing uncertainties without any personal direct contact. In 1975, Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese created uncertainty reduction theory "to explain how communication is used to reduce uncertainties between strangers engaging in their first conversation together". The more one tolerates uncertainty the less information one seeks. Em Griffin, the author of A First Look at Communication Theory, conducted an interview with Charles Berger on uncertainty reduction theory. Scholarly studies have examined the practical application of uncertainty reduction theory in the context of job hiring by studying the communication process between interviewers and applicants prior and during an interview. [4] The judgment will determine whether the judge will continue to reduce their uncertainties or end the relationship. When strangers meet, their primary concern is to reduce their uncertainty or to increase predictability. Based on the concept of uncertainty reduction theory, the hypothesis that people identify most strongly with groups if they felt self-conceptual uncertainty was tested. [22], Empirical studies have examined the relationship between the effects of self-uncertainty and in-group entitativity. Amount of verbal communication and nonverbal affiliative expressiveness are positively related. [1], People engage in passive, active, or interactive strategies to reduce uncertainty with others. Michael Sunnafrank's predicted outcome value theory (1986) indicated that the actual motivation for interaction is a desire for positive relational experiences. For example, classification systems, such as stereotyping, create certainty out of uncertain situations. You feel a need to know more about this p… Uncertainty reduction theory focuses on when and why individuals use communication to reduce the uncertainty they have about others. [36][37] Although online auction users seem to favor passive strategies, including viewing product information and seller reputation, there are more active strategies in use: a user may look up the seller in other online platforms to gather relevant information or may use an interactive strategy, sending a private message to the seller asking for more information. [2] Previous researchers had approached interpersonal communication from empirical perspectives. [2], Based on further research two additional axioms were added to the theory, the 8th axiom was added by Berger and Gudykunst (1991) and the 9th axiom was suggested by Neuliep and Grohskopf (2000):[2], Berger and Calabrese formulated the following theorems deductively from their original seven axioms:[7], Viewed collectively, the theorems provide a framework for examining and predicting the process of getting to know someone. High levels of uncertainty in a relationship cause decreases in the intimacy level of communication content. According to Berger, If a person were to observe another in their natural environment, intentionally unnoticeable, to gain information on another, would be categorized as using a passive tactic for reducing uncertainties. axiom 1 - as the amount of verbal conversation between strangers increases, the level of uncertainty for each person with decrease - as the amount of uncertainty is reduced, the amount of verbal communication will increase Axiom 2 Kramer presents some major tenets and criticisms of the uncertainty reduction theory and then propose a Motivation to Reduce Uncertainty (MRU) model. 4. In gaining this information people are able to predict the other's behavior and resulting actions, all of which according to the theory is crucial in the development of any relationship.[1][2]. The uncertainty reduction theory, manufactured by Charles Bergerot, states just how communication can be used to gain knowledge, create understanding, and reduce uncertainness (Griffin, 1991, p. 136). People do not experience uncertainty in every event or encounter. [6] This part of uncertainty reduction theory demonstrates the positivistic approach Berger and Calabrese took. The theory asserts the notion that, when interacting, people need information about the other party in order to reduce their uncertainty. [14], A study of intercultural communication between Korean-Americans and Americans conclude that Korean-Americans' uncertainty level toward Americans did not decrease as their amount of verbal communication increased. 2/21/21 Good morning! [17] It shows that the effects of the similarity/dissimilarity of interviewers' and interviewees' nonverbal behaviors exhibited during an intercultural hiring interview have some effects on interviewers' perceptions of and hiring decisions about interviewees, but such effects are much less than Berger and Calabrese claim.[17]. You know your friend spends a lot of time with her colleague, Deb, both at and outside of work. • Passive, active, interactive [20] Both interviewees and interviewers engage in strategies to reduce uncertainty. Other assumptions related to this theory are: 1. Amount of verbal communication and intimacy level of communication are positively related. Despite their common axiomatic format and parallel focus on the meeting of strangers, this theory contrasts uncertainty reduction theory by identifying reduction as only one of the many actions that people take when uncertainty arises. Reciprocity rate and similarity are negatively related. People feel uncertain in initial interpersonal communication. Uncertainty can make people avoid a situation or behavior (aversive state) and cause cognitive stress. The approach "advocates the methods of the natural sciences,with the goal of constructing general laws governing human interactions". [9] For example, watching someone in class, cafeteria, or any common area without attracting attention. It is possible to predict people's behavior in a lawlike fashion. "New Directions in Interpersonal Communication Research." [26] Generally, people will be able to reduce their self-uncertainty either significantly or to a low degree, depending on the type of group they join and to what extent one can relate to his or herself within a group. First, AUM asserts that people do not always try to reduce uncertainty. Not all theorems of the Uncertainty Reduction theory are valid. A great example of ignoring societal norms is engaging in inappropriate self-disclosure. "[30], In addition, a study was conducted on 704 members of a social networking site to see what reduction theory strategies they used while gaining information on people they had recently met in person. This page was last edited on 10 December 2020, at 23:31. [32], Online auction platforms such as eBay are considered to be risky and uncertain environments for exchange, especially from the standpoint of the bidder, as there is limited information available regarding both the merchandise and the seller. Sanders, Judith A. The asynchronous nature of the communications and the added privacy concerns may make people want to engage in interactive behaviors and seek confirmatory information sooner than those who engage in offline dating. [35], Findings from the study illustrate that uncertainty reduction theory provides an insightful framework in which individuals' initial interactions in the context of online auctions can be understood. This gives you a feeling of uncertainty. Within the theory two types of uncertainty are identified; cognitive uncertainty and behavioral uncertainty. [40], Uncertainty reduction theory has been cast doubt on its association with communication beyond initial interaction. Nonverbal affiliative expressiveness and intimacy level of communication content are positively related. Berger and Calabrese used several studies as a guide to develop the foundations of Uncertainty Reduction Theory. According to the theory, any single aforementioned factor or all three of them combined can result in an increase in one's desire to reduce uncertainty in interpersonal interactions. First, communication behavior itself is what we endeavor to predict and explain. Such environments are a significant risk for both the seller and the buyer, given the financial and psychological cost of a transaction failing because of a lack of information. [25], A person's self-categorization is affected by group identification including nationality, religion, gender, ethnicity and many other associated groups. New York: Sage. "When groups are highly motivated to reduce the uncertainty surrounding a decision and there are no competing motives such as time or cost limitations, highly rational behaviors lead to information seeking to reduce uncertainty to optimize decisions. Second, AUM claims that people experience uncertainty differently in different situations. As uncertainty levels decline, information seeking behavior decreases. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2001. This information can then be used to predict people’s behavior, or the outcome of starting a relationship with them. Using uncertainty reduction strategies through online sources have proven to be good predictions and indicators of targeted individuals. University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign, USA. There are seven assumptions associated with the uncertainty reduction theory: People experience uncertainty in interpersonal settings. (2012) A First Look At Communication Theory. In other words, individuals engaging in initial interactions are motivated by rewards opposed to reducing uncertainties. [16], Study of mock hiring interviews examines nonverbal behavior between Indian applicants and United States interviewers. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory asserts that people have a need to reduce uncertainty about others by gaining information about them. [27], Given that uncertainty reduction theory was primarily developed for face-to-face interactions, critics have questioned the theory's applicability to computer-mediated communication (CMC). Nonverbal affiliative expressiveness and liking are positively related. Information seeking and liking are negatively related. Assuming the desire of people to reduce uncertainty in initial interactions, Berger and Calabrese's (1975) Uncertainty Reduction Theory focuses on initial interactions between strangers, suggesting that when strangers meet, their primary concern and motivation is that of gaining knowledge about the other person, thus creating a more predictable and controlled relationship.URT defines that … [9], These strategies are meaningful to communication studies in a way that people's "unique capacities for forethought and planning and their ability to monitor carefully ongoing communication episodes" is valued in communicative process. "Increasing Attributional Certainty via Social Media: Learning About Others One Bit at a Time", "It's Your Own Risk: Medical Students' Perspectives on Online Professionalism", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Uncertainty_reduction_theory&oldid=993504446, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from August 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Uncertainty is an aversive state, generating. Uncertainty reduction occurs primarily by questioning new acquaintances in an attempt to gather information about them. Furthermore, the initial interaction of strangers can be broken down into individual stages—the entry stage, the personal stage, and the exit stage. The uncertainty reduction theory has been applied to new relationships in recent years. Theorems based on the Axioms Theorem: proposition that logically and necessarily follows from two axioms, i.e., if a=b, b=c, then a=c • If similarity reduces uncertainty (a=b) • And if reduced uncertainty increases liking (b=c) • Then similarity increases liking (a=c) Logistics refers to the surrogates' requested financial needs and services. Amount of verbal communication and reciprocity rate are inversely related. Proportions of question asking and question/disclosure intimacy were higher in both CMC conditions than in the face-to-face condition, but only question asking mediated the relationship between CMC and verbal statements of affection. Low levels of uncertainty produce low reciprocity rates. B. Idealism, logistics and personal information all function to reduce potential parents' uncertainty about a surrogate mother.[39]. As more organizations are including online information extract as part of their recruiting process, empirical results show that applicants with negative online presence are perceived as less qualified than those with a positive or neutral online presence. The foundation of the uncertainty reduction theory stems from the information theory, originated by Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver. [19], The interview is suggested to be the initial means of communication in which both participants thrive to reduce their uncertainties. Thus people continue to try to reduce the uncertainties they feel about themselves by identifying with even more specific groups. [6] Their study find that the central determinant of both information seeking (axiom 3) and liking (axiom 4) is the predicted outcome values rather than reducing uncertainty. Compares meanings of "uncertainty" in the three theories as well as the roles played by natural language in the communication-uncertainty interface. [ 1 ] The situations of uncertainty create deficiency in the exchange of information that damages people’s capability to use effective interactivity with a romantic partner. 3. Uncertainty reduction: To predict and explain. If there is no mutual liking, either can choose not to pursue a relationship.[1]. [1], In the exit phase, the former strangers decide whether they want to continue to develop a relationship. (SG) Key Theorists Uncertainty reduction originated with two key theorists, Charles Berger, and Richard J. Calabrese. [29], Online dating mainly supports passive strategies for reducing uncertainties. [41] However, their findings provide supportive evidence that uncertainty (in long-term relationships) usually impacts negatively on the relationship. [6] Later research by Berger and Bradac (1982) indicated that disclosures by interactants may lead them to be judged as more or less attractive. Proactive uncertainty reduction, making predictions of the most likely alternative actions the other person might take, is strategic communication planning prior to interaction. Second, communication behavior is one vehicle that enables the formulation of predictions and explanations. Interpersonal communication is a developmental process that occurs through stages. Individuals typically enter this stage after they have had several entry stage interactions with a stranger. Pratt, Wiseman, Cody and Wendt argue that the theory is only partially effective in asynchronous, computer-mediated environments. For example, if you know you will be working on a project for a long time with an individual, you might be more compelled to learn more about him or her. Search for more papers by this author. Findings suggest that applicants prefer conversational questions that helps them reduce uncertainties about the job they are applying to. Low levels of uncertainty produce high levels of intimacy. You must reload the page to continue. Meaning individuals begin interactions under the guidance of implicit and explicit rules and norms, such as pleasantly greeting someone or laughing at ones innocent jokes. Uncertainty Reduction Theory. Although it continues to be widely respected as a tool to explain and predict initial interaction events, it is now also employed to study intercultural interaction (Gudykunst et al., 1985), organizational socialization (Lester, 1986), and as a function of media (Katz & Blumer, 1974). One will probe the other for indications of their values, morals and personal issues. Content is out of sync. [29], Antheunis, Marjolijn L., et al. [16] The study also expressed an individual's culture influences their selection of uncertainty reduction strategies. Nonverbal affiliative expressiveness and reciprocity rate are inversely related. Results revealed that people who feel self-conceptual uncertainty are motivated to join groups in which they identify with as an efficient strategy and immediate way to reduce one's self-conceptual uncertainty. Liking - Low uncertainty level produce increases in liking. [43], MRU suggests that different levels of motivation to reduce uncertainty can lead to certain communication behaviors depending on competing goals. [16] For example, US students exhibit higher levels of interrogation and self-disclosure than in Japanese students. [18] An applicant's interview satisfaction is measured in terms of the amount of information and time given to the applicant. This part of uncertainty reduction theory demonstrates the po… Uncertainty Reduction Theory rests on several basic assumptions. Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) - Flashcards. Research and theory development was steeped in the post-positivist tradition, using scientific methodology and deductive reasoning to reach their conclusions (Miller, 176). They also provide evidence with their studies that there is no association between information seeking and level of uncertainty, which disprove axiom 3 developed by Berger and Calabrese. Uncertainty reduction: To predict and explain. [33], Using uncertainty reduction theory and predicted outcome value theory, a study of 6477 randomly selected data sets of auctions conducted on eBay.com indicated that the more detailed information about a certain product was available as part of the product description the more bids there were and the higher the final bid was. Choose a delete action Empty this pageRemove this page and its subpages. Idealism refers to surrogates' decision to share details regarding their lifestyle and health. The theorems proposed in uncertainty reduction theory (URT): • Verbal Communication, Nonverbal Warmth, Information Seeking, Self Disclosure, Reciprocity, Similarity, Liking, Shared Networks What are the strategies covered by Berger for reducing uncertainty? New York: McGraw-Hill. Behavioral uncertainty pertains to "the extent to which behavior is predictable in a given situation". View SPCM 130-Uncertainty Reduction Theory.pdf from SPCM 130 at Colorado State University. increases in nonverbal affiliative expressiveness. According to the theory, people find uncertainty in interpersonal relationships unpleasant and are motivated to reduce it through interpersonal communication. [10], Study has shown that intercultural communication apprehension—the fear or anxiety with intercultural communication is positively associated with uncertainty. [21], Furthermore, online information's effect on job applicants has been widely discussed, as many guide books now suggest that applicants minimize what could be preserved by employers as negative presence in their online communities and strategically enhance any positive presence. According to URT, people are especially motivated to reduce uncertainty in interactions under the condition of future interaction. May and Tenzek assert that three themes emerged from their study of online ads from surrogate mothers: idealism, logistics, and personal information. The generation of uncertainty comes from people's lack of knowledge about themselves, information and environment. Intimacy level and liking are positively related. For example, your friend, Sam, invites you to join her and her co-workers for dinner. The level of involvement will increase as the strangers move into the second stage. All respondents used passive, active and interactive strategies, but the most common and beneficial strategy was the interactive strategy through which people show a perceived similarity and increasing social attraction. Interpersonal communication is the primary means of uncertainty reduction. This limited access to nonverbal cues produces a different set of concerns for individuals, as well as a different set of tools for reducing uncertainty. A Theory of Uncertainty Reduction: “Some explorations in initial interaction and beyond: Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication” (1975). Shared Networks - Shared communication networks reduce uncertainty, and vice versa. URT is a seminal theory in the field of interpersonal communication for two reasons: It is one of the first frameworks to originate within the discipline, and it has spawned extensive ongoing scholarship on uncertainty within dyadic domains.