Once the fry are big enough to swim on their own, move them to the larger raising tank. However, they are relatively small when compared to other cyprinids, the largest of which is the giant barb. Keep the pH level of the water within a range of 6 to 8, and a hardness level of under 10 Dgh. These freshwater fish are extremely low-maintenance and a pleasure to own. Allow for plenty of plants in the tank as they offer seclusion as well as a place to lay eggs. Author Note: Make sure you have a tight lid! This species is quite inquisitive and playful. They usually take on a beautiful red or pink hue. At the end of the day, your job should be to help your fish thrive as much as possible (no matter what they can tolerate). Though their size and need for a school necessitate a larger tank, these fish are still a great choice for beginners. There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. Basically, they are compatible with docile tank mates. A group is necessary to the health and well-being of this species, so don’t try to keep a solitary Rosy Barb. The minimum tank size for a small group of Rosy Barbs is 30 gallons. Odessa Barb. Red-Tailed Shark. At that point, provide infusoria or liquid food. Rosy barbs school if provided with the right tank size, they fight with each other to pick a pecking order. Some of their favorite foods include: They’ll also gladly munch on more unusual foods that other fish would reject, such as: When feeding rosy barbs vegetables, thaw and boil them first. Those may interest you: Rosy Barb with Swollen Belly..HELP. Monitor temperatures and pH levels. Instead, they’ll try to eat the eggs! These names are both accurate and notably easier to roll off the tongue, as opposed to its scientific names, of which it also has several. Rosy barbs will only breed in water that is a few inches deep, but make sure to raise fry in a bigger tank or their growth may become stunted. They can experience disease and stress, which shortens their lifespan significantly. The easiest thing to feed Rosy Barbs is dry fish food. They will accept a variety of foods, ranging from vegetables to live, meaty foods, and as noted earlier plant matter. Both have black markings on their fins and sides, although the extent of these markings varies by individual. The rosy barb is an omnivore that will take advantage of any food you add to the aquarium. They don’t have distinct markings or too many standout features. Tank Mates and Compatibility. Compared to other barbs, rosy barbs are one of the larger species and can grow to 6 inches. These non-native populations are found in countries like Australia, Singapore, and Mexico to name a few. Their semi-aggressive nature leaves fewer options when it comes to compatibility in a community tank. Fish guide for Rosy Barb, Puntius conchonius profile with fish pictures, description and information, Rosy Barb fish care, diet and fish diseases, tank mates, breeding and keeping the Cyprinid fish aquarium, Red barb Rosy Barbs will eat everything they can, so weight gain is possible. The only form of aggression you might experience is fin-nipping. They’ll focus more on group activities rather than fin-nipping. The plants are going to serve as a place of exploration while also giving your fish plenty of places to hide and feel safe. So, you’re not just considering the needs of a single fish. Rather, these species are a solid intermediate option. The average Rosy Barb size is around 6 inches in length when fully grown. Pet stores will usually sell Rosy barbs that are of a much smaller size. itemprop="description New Rosy Barbs and possible tank mates Hi, I have had several batches of subtropical rosies from a well known pet store that doesn't know how to look after their fish, and each time I've been left with one lonely rosy barb, who has been on her own for about a month (they don't sell them anywhere else). Once it becomes comfortable and has a large school to lend confidence, rosy barbs will inhabit all levels of the aquarium. When selecting a tank for breeding rosy barbs, a 20- or 30-gallon is optimal. These fish are a staple in fish stores around the world. They will not exhibit any parental behavior. They have a forked tail and only one dorsal fin. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding all of your pets. Their bottom is muddy as a rule and Odessa barb spends a lot of time looking for food on the bottom. Prevention. Tiger barbs are notorious fish known for fin nipping. It prefers lentic waters, but it can live at various conditions: from fast rivers and their tributaries to very small waters: lakes, ponds and bogs. Here are some care tips to help you get started! Tank Mates : Avoid keeping them with tropical fish that are long-finned and slow moving such as angelfish and bettas. They typically live 5 years or less which makes them neither the shortest- nor the longest-living barb or schooling fish. 3. Because they are powerful swimmers, it’s not uncommon for Rosy Barbs to destroy tails of other fish! Rosy Barb Tank Mates. Rosy barbs require colder water, so tankmates should also be able to tolerate temperatures around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Known for their hardiness, this species can adapt to a wide range of conditions without any problems. Also there are populations of the fish in Singapore, Austria, Mexico, Columbia. As tank mates, fish with a similar temperament are best suited like tiger barbs, cherry barb, mollies, rainbowfish, dwarf cichlids, swordtails, rope fish, knife fish, etc. Why doe… Rosy Barb breeding is quite doable in captivity. However, most fish also have some subtle black edging. The word ‘padamya’ from Burmese language means ‘ruby’. A typical rosy barb breeding setup has two females and a male. without any problems. Even though this is a hardy species, your goal should always be to provide the best care possible. You’ll learn about their diet, compatible tank mates, size, tank setup, and even how to breed them! Choosing Tank Mates For Goldfish. Some deviation is fine, and even to be expected in an aquarium. ... than that they are very easy to care for and Barbs come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes from the small Cherry Barb to the rather large Tinfoil Barb. Barbs will frequently appear on many lists due to this variety of sizes and behaviour. reply. Rosy Barb Tank Mates. As mentioned above, you … 3. When you first set up the aquarium, it is essential to keep in mind that Rosy barbs can grow up to 5.5 inches (14.0 centimeters). This species is also cyprinid fish, which means it has the following characteristics: The male coloring is what inspired its common names, the rosy barb and red barb. As long as you avoid long-finned fish to prevent the aforementioned fin-nipping behavior, you should encounter too many problems. It is considered one of the hardiest barbs, undemanding and beautiful, and most impressively colored during the mating period. For a breeding set up, have one male and two females. The key to keeping your fish healthy and thriving is to meet all of their basic environmental and dietary needs. In general, these freshwater fish are very peaceful and do well in community tanks! With regard to cichlids specifically, hobbyists have reported moderate to great success using rosy barbs as dither fish. Some Rosy Barbs spread them throughout the substrate while others let them fall into plant leaves. ), Silver Shark, Congo tetra, Zebrafish, Angelfish, Gourami fish, Mollies, Swordtails, and many others. Aggressive interactions aside, the rosy barb will interact less with other fish when it has a considerable school to swim in. Because of this, you should set up a separate 20 or 30-gallon breeding tank. Compared to other fish species, Rosy Barbs are quite simple in terms of appearance. The rosy barb is a peaceful but very active fish. Once they’re big enough, move onto baby brine shrimp. Sorry for the terrible quality, he's been very skittish lately which is why I wanted to get him some friends. They’ll even accept plant-based foods. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. Cherry Barb. They’re pretty, easy to care for, and fun to observe! Rosy barbs also do better with fish that prefer similar water parameters. They swim in the middle level of the tank. Diet / Foods : An omnivore, does well on a varied diet of flake, live and freeze dried fish food. To make your fish disease free, good water quality and proper tank management should be maintained. Each Rosy Barb you add to the shoal will need at least 5 gallons of water – the more space you can provide the better. The pair will then perform a strange mating behavior. LED lights and a plant substrate or regular nutrient dosings will create a thriving aquarium environment. Now, place a bonded pair into the breeding tank. This sometimes tricks inexperienced owners into thinking they’re not as large as they are! If you keep live plants, appropriate lighting and substrate are necessary to support their continued growth. At the bottom of the aquarium, create a base layer of a sandy substrate. It is important to remember: in a general aquarium, they must be kept in a flock. An aquarium of at least 30 gallons (114 liters) is recommended. However, they can adapt pretty well to basic freshwater tank conditions. Long tanks rather than tall tanks are better for this fish since the school will have plenty of room to roam. While Rosy Barbs are quite hardy, they can react negatively to poor water conditions and a lack of quality care. They’ll also accept flake foods and pellets, although these are generally less nutritious than the foods listed above. Rosy Barb Tropical Fish Learn all about the Rosy Barb's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. You must also keep Tiger Barbs in a group of at least six. As such, not all varieties of fish are compatible with them. Its tendency to nip fins and chase other fish will be greatly reduced. Author Note: Speaking of body color, there are some differences between males and females. As your school grows larger in the aquarium, this fish will become more active, confident, and happy. 2. Protein Skimmer: Ultimate Buying Guide plus 11 Reviews. Rosy barbs will accept food that is frozen, live, and freeze-dried. They’re opportunistic eaters that will accept pretty much anything you drop into the tank. Caused by an ectoparasite, the disease is easily identified by the white spots that form all over the body. It’s highly contagious, so an entire community can suffer from the disease pretty quickly. Freshwater fish that like current and warmer temperatures are advisable. You can also add caves, driftwood, rocks, and plastic ornaments. Rosy barbs are low-maintenance fish compared to many other species, and only truly need a filter and heater to feel comfortable. Aggressive tendencies can arise as a result of competition for territory or food, though on the whole rosy barbs are peaceful and do well in these environments. They can easily jump out of the aquarium if you don’t have a lid. In addition to the group, here are some other species that make great Rosy Barb tank mates: Rosy Barbs can also get along with various types of snails as well as shrimp. You never want to rely on the natural hardiness of a species. Rosy Barbs also have a reputation for handling higher levels of nitrates. They need space to grow. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Protein-packed foods like bloodworms, small insects, crustaceans, and brine shrimp are all good options. The few inches of depth in the breeding tank aren’t going to cut it. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. In the meantime, set up a separate tank for the fry. Identification. While they’re easy to take care of and they’re not demanding when it comes to diet, the … However, water movement, lighting, and substrate choices can all have a positive impact on the life and behavior of these fish. They are semi-aggressive, especially with tankmates that are slow-moving. To avoid that, it’s important to provide the best care possible. Goldfish would be an unwise companion since they are long-finned and slow-moving. If you’d rather take on a more natural approach, there are plenty of other foods you can provide as well. So ideally your goldfish tank would be 40 gallons or so to comfortably house a goldfish or two and its couple of tank mates. Rosy Barbs happen to be one of the hardier freshwater species around. Before you start looking for other species, make sure that you have enough Rosy Barbs to start with. Best Tiger Barb Tank Mates 1. Only give rosy barbs what they can eat within two minutes, and stop if you see their stomach bulging. Java ferns are a good choice. Choosing the right Tiger Barb tank mates is no easy task. Rosy barb is a very hardy fish but sometimes it is affected by ich ( a protozaon parasitic disease) due to inappropriate tank management. However, there are many choices available that will suit this species. The good news is that Ich is easy to treat with some over-the-counter medicines. Generally, this species is considered to be mature when they are only about 2.5 inches long. With 30-gallons, your fish will have more room to explore the tank together. A Silent & Reliable Canister Filter: Which Brand to Trust? They are active swimmers and will often travel around the tank. As for equipment, an efficient filtration system is a must. Feral populations have popped up, too! This is especially true if they have a large group to socialize with. When it’s bereft of this and housed in small groups, it tends to become aggressive and engage in fin nipping. The fish is encountered in Myanmar in Irrawaddy River and its tributary Chindwin River. Several species can coexist as tank mates with the Rosy Barb. If the water is warm and fast, you can expect to find this tropical fish there. A hang-on-back filter with a waterfall outlet is perfect, as it continually adds oxygen to the water. Eventually, she’ll lay her eggs. In the wild, you can find Rosy Barbs living in fast-moving rivers and lakes. Instead, you have to think about the entire group. Rosy barbs are originally from Northern India. In the video below you could clearly see how fast-swimming rosy barbs stress a less agile school of angelfish. For more information, please check our, When it’s bereft of this and housed in small groups, it tends to become aggressive and engage in fin nipping, rosy barbs are best housed with fish that are peaceful, fast-moving, and short-finned, With regard to cichlids specifically, hobbyists have reported moderate to great success using rosy barbs as dither fish, When feeding rosy barbs vegetables, thaw and boil them first, Only give rosy barbs what they can eat within two minutes, and stop if you see their stomach bulging, tank owners should test their parameters regularly, 12 Best Tropical Algae Eaters that will Truly Clean your Tank, Five Incredible Cheap Corals for Reef Tank. It may take some trial and error, but most owners see success with plants that have firm leaves. Fish guide for Neon Rosy Barb, profile with fish pictures, description and information, fish care, diet, tank mates and keeping the Cyprinid fish aquarium, Red Glass Rosy Barb, Gold Neon Rosy Barb Originally, Rosy Barbs come from several countries in southern Asia. They’re found in tanks…, The 15 Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Catfish, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…, 21 Best Fish For 5 Gallon Tanks (With Pictures). If you breed them in a separate tank, they could be an attractive option as a source of cheap live food. Interestingly enough, Rosy Barbs prefer to breed in shallow waters. Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See). These fish enjoy live, frozen, and freeze-dried food. If the vegetables are fresh, they should still be boiled but can obviously skip the thawing stage. Provide your rosy barb with some tank mates. They will most likely not do well with the Rosie Barb. Algae in your Freshwater Aquarium? Fill it with a few inches of water. The female rosy barb has a rounder, fuller belly and they lack the red coloration of the males, showcasing olive, yellow or gold colors instead. In fact, they’re one of the easiest fish to take care of! As a general rule, you should avoid slow-moving fish. They make for a beautiful display whether in a species-only or community tank. Rosy Barbs handle copper-based medicines well, so you can address Ich problems quickly. The best tank mates for Boesemani Rainbowfish will be species that are similar in temperament: barbs ( Tiger Barb Fish, Denison Barb, Rosy Barb, etc. They’ll move around together in the tank while the male continually nudges the female. A slight roundness is acceptable, but a “food baby bump” is a sign to stop. Rosy barb; Rosy danio (extra aeration & aquarium cover required) Swimming buffet These are fish who enjoy the same water parameters as your axolotls, but are likely to become dinner very fast. This makes them a cost-effective fish in terms of initial purchase and tank setup. If you aren’t sure where to start, you might want to consider these best tank mates for your new fish. These fish don’t have any specialized needs. She may also swell up with eggs. A shoaling fish such as the rosy barb or banded cory needs to be in a 30 gallon tank, and that is the minimum. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. By Guest, 3 years ago on Tropical Fish. The giant barb can grow up to a whopping 10 feet long and weigh more than 600 Ibs in the wild. The fish dwells in Bangladesh, North-East India ans some other regions of South-East Asia. They should be fed three times a week. Because of its potential aggression, rosy barbs are best housed with fish that are peaceful, fast-moving, and short-finned. The disease is known to affect stressed fish. Rosy Barbs have been a part of the pet trade for a long time, which is why feral communities of fish have developed in non-native regions. Also, perform weekly water changes to keep ammonia and nitrate levels low. Rosy barb tank mates: The Rosy barb is a great community fish that can be kept together with a wide range of other small and non-aggressive fish species that appreciate the same type of environment, temperature, water chemistry etcetera. But these elements are not as integral to their health as they are for other types of fish. Like many schooling species, the rosy barb loves the company. You might even witness spawning behavior in the primary community tank! For rosy barbs to show their full coloring, be active, and display natural behaviors, it’s important to try and match these water parameters. Never use hardiness as an excuse to get lazy! For example, white cloud minnows would be incompatible with rosy barbs because of the minnow’s preferred temperature range. We’re more than happy to help! Males are the more vibrant of the sexes. Try to copy the common Rosy barb habitat when you are setting up the aquarium. They’re most commonly found in India and Bangladesh. Rosy Barbs are peaceful and non-aggressive. You have to be careful about the types of plants you introduce. Though they live in schools, they are often found in areas populated by a variety of other fish. Like most other barbs, it is a schooling species and is best kept in a group of five or more of its own species. Like any fish, rosy barbs appreciate new driftwood, rocks and caves, and another décor to explore. The fins are transparent and have a similar color to that of the body. Their schooling movements are truly a sight to behold, and their colors create an underwater light show. At the very least, we recommend keeping a group of five. A group is necessary to the health and well-being of this species, so don’t try to keep a solitary Rosy Barb. Rosy Barbs prefer a well-decorated environment. I'm going to put my rosy barb in the 60L tank today I hope it does not nip the gouramis or anything! Typical waters where the fish can be found are backwaters and ponds of large and middle sized rivers. If you have room in your home and budget to get something a little bigger, a 30-gallon tank is definitely a better choice. However, it’s still important to understand their needs in captivity if you want to own some. The rosy barb’s appearance changes drastically depending on its gender. However, they will gain confidence over time. Fortunately, rosy barbs do well with “low-tech” plants like java moss that don’t require a CO2 setup or expensive lighting systems. In this case, water changes should be done each other week. Puntius conchonius and Pethia conchonius are its two most well-known names currently though it also used to be referred to as the Barbus conchonius. Rosy Barbs have a bad habit of chasing around fish with flowing tails. Despite their hardy nature, it’s still recommended to perform regular water tests to be sure these parameters are where you want them. Rosy barbs also like live plants, though silk or other types of fake plants will also work. In addition to the group, here are some other species that make great Rosy Barb tank mates: Dwarf Gourami; Cherry Barb; Mollies; Neon Tetra; Celestial Pearl Danio; Ember Tetra; Swordtails; Rope Fish; Black Ghost Knife Fish; Pearl Gourami; Emperor Tetra Because of their easy care, rosy barbs can tolerate a wide range of water parameters. As you can see, Rosy Barb care is not difficult at all. They typically stick to the middle and top parts of the aquarium. Rosy Barbs don’t spend a ton of time at the bottom of the tank. Rosy barb tank mates? Most owners have no problem with diseases at all! But be aware that with tank mates as well you would need a larger tank to house multiple fish. Unlike other species, Rosy Barbs can tolerate level fluctuations here and there. The rosy barb is a popular fish for beginners and advanced keepers alike. After the eggs hatch, they will feed on the egg until they can freely swim. Overall, their easy temperament, beautiful coloring, and fun behaviors make them an excellent addition to both species-only and community tanks. Learn more. These fish are readily available in commercial stores. However, tank owners should test their parameters regularly to make sure they don’t stray too far from the rosy barb’s preferred levels. Fishtankadvisor.com does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. It’s also necessary to invest in a good quality filter that is very powerful. The tail has a deep fork while the dorsal and anal fins are rather short. Rosy Barbs will not shy away from food! There, you can spot schools with thousands of barbs inhabiting fast-flowing lakes and warm rivers. These are tropical fish that do best in slightly warmer waters. Rosy Barb Habitat and Care If you’re looking to add a pop of color to your aquarium, Rosy Barbs are a freshwater species worth looking into. Select breeding pairs from a school that … Rosy Barbs are notorious for shredding plant leaves. But if you have live plants, be warned: they like to nibble on soft-leaved plants and will make them part of their regular diet. No matter what kind of fish you choose for a community tank, make sure they all thrive in the same water parameters and have similar temperaments. This will mimic the fast-moving natural habitat of these fish, which is essential to keeping them in good health. This is particularly useful for new tank setups, as you don’t have to wait for a full nitrogen cycle to introduce your fish to their new home. Typically, they will be gold or silver. It’s located on the rear of the body close to the tail. But before you do that, make sure that the water in your tank meets the following parameters. Balanced peas and zucchini are a favorite among pet owners. When these criteria are met and the rosy barbs have a large school to depend on, they socialize well and are a … However, we believe a 20-gallon tank is the bare minimum for a small group of five fish. The type of plants you keep in your aquarium may guide some of the equipment you buy, such as the lighting setup and type of substrate. Because of their voracious appetites, owners should be careful of overfeeding. They will only become a target. Other tank mates for Rosy Barb include Giant Danio, Serpae Tetra (short-finned), Dwarf Gourami, Botia Dario Loach, Clown Loach, Yoyo Loach, Green Tiger Barb & Albino Tiger barbs, Rainbow shark, Swordtail fish, Sail-fin Mollies, Red-eye Tetra, Black Neon Tetra; I had included Rosy barbs with Blue Gourami, Pearl Gourami, Juvenile Tin foil Barb, Juvenile Silver Dollar fish etc. Keep in mind, this is for a species-only small school. No fish is immune to diseases, but some species are tougher than others. One of the most popular Barb species, the Cherry Barb is a peaceful and often timid schooling fish... 2. If your fish does get sick, there’s a good chance it will be from Ich. Of course, there are still some basic guidelines to stick to. The body of the fish is wide and torpedo-shaped. Learn more about their preferred tank mates, habitat, feeding, and breeding." Whenever you’re looking to add new fish to your community aquarium, there are a few things to consider like compatible water parameters, temperaments and size. Also known as White Spot Disease, Ich is one of the most prevalent freshwater diseases and can affect all species.