Ogbe Ogunda 25. I do not advocate resentment. | document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_INDEX);  The energies of dynamic transformation and transition run through this Odu, which is also closely related to the cycles of life. NO SE OBTIENE LA FELICIDAD NI EL PODER HASTA QUE NO SE SEPARE DE LA FAMILIA, YA SEA DE SANGRE O RELIGIOSA. | document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_LINKS);  Orun: 5th worship, usually observed at home. Irete also encourages you to find within yourself the source of sustenance and energy during difficult times. This becomes important during divination because seniority is a determining factor in the process of determining orientation. EN SU CASA HAY UN ENFERMO DESDE HACE TIEMPO, EL SE PONDRA BIEN DENTRO DE POCO TIEMPO, PERO OTRO FAMILIAR SE ENFERMARA Y SI NO CORREN CON EL SE MORIRA. Ogbe Oyeku 18. LA PERSONA TIENE UNA HIJASTRA Y DICE QUE ES SU HIJA, CUIDELA MUCHO QUE ELLA ES QUIEN LE PROPORCIONA SU SUERTE. It is time to develop a new vision of the future. Osa is the ultimate antithesis of static energies. In Osa we look for the eye of the storm to … This represents the world, as it exist outside your immediate surroundings – friends, extended family, neighbors, associates, business colleagues, etc. This Odu marks increased communication, dialog, interaction and exchange. EL DIA QUE SE VAYA DE SU LADO UD. Ogbe Okanran 24. POR ESTE IFA NO SE LE DA AKUKO (GALLO) A SHANGO, SE LE DA ETU (GUINEAS). Aiku —-Sunday means the day of longevity and the day of Obatala obatarisa obatako tako ni iranje, the day of Ela omo Osin, Omooluorogbo, Aja (Aja the spirit of whirlwind ), Aroni, Moremi Ajasoro, Obalufon, Obaluaye. UNA PERSONA A LA QUE UD. HAY QUE PONERSE EL COLLAR DE OBATALA. Insanity and corruption are possible. PRESCRIBE LA RUPTURA ENTRE PADRINO Y AHIJADOS DENTRO DE LA RELIGION. You are great sir, very very very Informative long life and prospect. Ogbe Iwori 19. Ogbe Odio 20. Owonrin is a reference to the principle of chaos in the universe. The vibrations that accompany the day are Ejiogbe, Irete-Okanran, Ofunmeji and Otura meji. IFA MAFEREFUN OKE. Learn how your comment data is processed. Osa is the reminder that one shouldn’t get too comfortable where they are. DESELA. I II. The forces that encroach on the individual do so through the open doorway created by this pressure. Obara Meji speaks of double personality, uncertainty and indecision in life. Tags: osi-opon, oyeku-meji, owonrin-meji, osa-meji, irete-meji, Disclosure: What follows is my own highly opinionated, intensely felt, not necessarily correct, and perhaps at times alienating view of Odu, and what they mean. Osa asks one to sacrifice their current condition of stability in order to establish a new foundation. History of the Sixteen Major Odu Ifa Odu Obara Meji. Owonrin Osa 101. CUIDE LA PUERTA DE SU CASA QUE SUS ENEMIGOS LE QUIEREN ECHAR UNA COSA MALA. GRANDES BENDICIONES DE LOS CHIQUITOS O MENORES. In the eastern quadrant one finds the Otun-Opon. EN LA ESQUINA DE SU CASA LE HAN ECHADO UNA COSA MALA PARA QUE LA GENTE NO VAYA A SU CASA. I really appreciate your visit and comment. This cour… Twitter: https://twitter.com/IfaBabalawo This quadrant deals with the invisible world and governs those things that are obscured from view. Ogbe Ika 27. There are a number of methods … Ika Obara ... pyramid based on the mathematical angles that create the golden mean which is represented by the Ifa symbol of the snail. I am not saying that it is wonderful to be in despair. Under the influence of Oyeku in a state of Ibi, you or your situation may have fallen pray to a “black out,” a total loss of vision and direction. Owonrin Odio 96. SI LA MAMA NO CRIO A ESTA PERSONA, EL (LA) QUE LO CRIO ES SU PEOR ENEMIGO PORQUE SIEMPRE TRATARA DE ESCLAVIZARLO(A), LE HARA PERDER POR SU EGOISMO, POSICION Y MATRIMONIO. VEA AL CAIDO NO LE DE CON LA MANO SINO CON EL PIE. The forces of oppression, both within and around you, can be conquered under this Odu. He was told to give a he-goat to Esu, a guinea to his Ifa and a pigeon to his head. The water element and the setting of the sun represent this quadrant, heralding the closure of the physical and cosmic day. Ose Ifa is divided into three categories: Orun Ifa, Isan Ifa, and Itadogun Ifa. Isan: 9th Day worship, usually observed in the temple with fellow awo. 96 Owonrin Irosun OwonrinIrosun. IKA MEJI. Owonrin Ofun 107. It is important to look at the path ahead, not at the road already traveled. Y CON TODOS LOS DE LA CASA, PORQUE HAN HECHO UNA COSA MALA. When he fought Owonrin Meji there was no winner. AQUI A OBATALA POR NO QUERER OFRENDAR SAL, LE SALIO LA JOROBA Y TUVO QUE RENUNCIAR A ELLA PARA NO QUEDARSE JOROBADO. However; the Osi-Opon Odus do not represent love alone. CUIDESE DE VOMITOS Y DE FATIGAS O DE ENFERMEDAD DEL PECHO. It is…, Exploring the Opon Ifa The Opon Ifa is the great divining tray used in Ifa divination and is also used in the preparation of sacred medicines. SI ESTA LETRA SE LE VE A UN ENFERMO, HAY QUE ANDAR RAPIDO, PUES SI SE DESCUIDAN NO ESCAPA. Be the first to get the latest updates and exclusive content straight to your email inbox. Yet this person became an accomplished writer and painter. The love of his mother. If you are looking for a course which will empower you with the knowledge to Interpreting Odu, Perform Ifa divination like a seasoned OmoAwo, then this is the course you have been looking for. As Obara, and particularly Obara Meji, have come to represent the Babalawo (or Iya's) life path, it must be considered a genuine warning sign for those wishing to be initiated back in those times. Owonrin when in Ibi, can signal bad judgment and the risk of jeopardizing one’s good fortune due to this imparted thinking. He fought and defeated Ose Meji, Ika Meji, Etura Meji, Irete Meji, Osa Meji and Ogunda Meji. The Osi-Opon is found in the western quadrant of the Opon-Ifa. Physics teaches that all seemingly orderly events appear increasing chaotic when viewed up close. This Odu embodies the libertarian spirit and elevates one above the forces that attempt to ride roughshod over you. LE HIZO UN FAVOR, LE COGIO ENVIDIA Y DESPUES HA QUERIDO DEMOSTRAR TODO LO CONTRARIO. Oturupon = Courage, humility. To this day no one knows the elder between Owonrin Meji and Ofun Meji. NO SE LA HA DADO. I I. I I. Ogunda Ogunda 10. Dangerous secrets may be circulating and you are advised to be careful of their presence. This is the main message. Owonrin Oyeku 94. Otura Otura 14. 100 Owonrin Osa Owonrinosa Owonrinaseyin. In order to give you a relative foundation from which you can draw your own parallels I will break down the Odus in a fashion which will allow me to…, Disclosure: What follows is my own highly opinionated, intensely felt, not necessarily correct, and perhaps at times alienating view of Odu, and what they mean. This is the day to divine for yourself and family. One’s affairs are unsettled, constantly in balance. This Odu brings powerful Ancestral wisdom, support and protection. O dábò! Prayer : Aparita Abebe Kuin Emi Aseloba Ami Lasme Inafeku Si Mere Arenifobo Kusi Manya Loko Esi Misan Inaunyebe Ibaun Yese Epandere Ashague Oni … The group of Odus located in the Opon-Ifa cardinal point called Ese-Opon is found in the southern quadrant of the Opon and deal with the element earth and things incarnate…. Okanran Okanran 9. OTURUPON MEJI. Owonrin Osa signals a swift reversal of fortune – that which was once good quickly becomes bad. Owonrin Owonrin 7. Happy Ose Ifa. Well, Owonrin Baturupon Temple is an Ifa Temple, this mean our first and more important Irunmole is Orunmila, the god which is witness to the human destiny, and so we are devotee to Ifa, that is a Philosophy of life, the Knowledge of the Mysteries of the Existence and the Oracle System used to predict the human fate. I am not in favor of hatred. OWONRIN MEJI. HABLA DE MUJER PLANCHADA, SIN NALGAS Y SIN BUSTO. Eventually and with great difficulty he taught himself to speak, but as a child he seemed mentally defective as well. Osa-Owonrin DominoWiki is heavily reliant on Javascript but you appear to be using a browser that doesn’t support Javascript, or you have Javascript disabled. The negative aspect of Owonrin is unexpected disruption destroying a weak foundation. Osemeji FestivalOn the History of OSEMEJI FESTIVAL by Babalawo Bogunmbe Adewale:Aboru Aboye o, Yoruba believe that main Odu fa came from heaven. Back a hundred to a hundred and fifty years ago, the primary meaning was to be very cautious regarding false opportunities. I I. II I. I II. TRATE DE MIRAR PRIMERO SU CASA ANTES QUE LA AJENA. Humility is learned through a swift blow from the hand of the stochastic forces of life. Owonrin Iwori 95. Release leading to liberation and evolution is a fundamental element of this Odu. CUANDO UD. "What will happen when we arrive on Earth?" "Osa is rich, makes a lot of noise, the sound of the bell reaches earth" were the ones who cast for Odu on the day that she descended to Earth, and also for Ogun and Obatala, among whom Odu was the only woman. TIENE QUE HACER OSHA. OSA meji osa is a little difficult to translate. Irete communicates a time when prosperity and riches may be discovered and conveyed to the individual. I suspect it is an elision of o oosa meaning spirit of the lagoon. II I. II I. II II. When Irete’s orientation comes in “Ibi“, there are forces that seek to undermine you or the situation at hand. Disclosure: What follows is my own highly opinionated, intensely felt, not necessarily correct, and perhaps at times alienating view of Odu, and what they mean. February 10, 2015 kemetic45 Uncategorized Yoruba-people-culture Yoruba-bronze-head In the Beginning, Olodumare (God) gave the Orisa Orunmila a flawless method of communication between himself and the Orisa called Ifa. ODU OBARA MEJI O__O OO_OO OO_OO OO_OO. Enrolling in this program gives you complete access to every course and lesson, any time from anywhere. Facebook: https://ileifa.org/facebookfanpage. Opons vary in size and decoration, but are generally carved from wood and are decorated with the sacred symbols of the Ifa cosmology. Ogbe Irosun 21. SEÑALA MORTANDAD DE BABALAWOS. The final transition is made. It is great to hear you liked the article. ABORU ABOYE. document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_LOCKED_001); 02 Jun 2020 document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_LOCKED_002); 02:36:45 AM CEDT document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_LOCKED_003); MEDITERRANEO document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_LOCKED_004); document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_BACK);  The Uhuru Times is an online Nigeria newspaper and published monthly printed paper in publication of Journal Communication Limited. EL QUE VISTE DE BLANCO DEBE CUIDARSE DE LA MANTECA. Owonrin Oturuopon 103. OTURA MEJI, IRETE MEJI, OSE MEJI. O UN HERMANO LE ENAMORO A SU MUJER. This Odu reminds you that all things will eventually return to their source and that nothing lasts forever. Osa = Radical changes. Oyeku allows one to shed that which is no longer needed. I II. Here was someone who might have been tossed aside as a total loss, a human being the Spartans would have abandoned on a mountaintop to freeze or starve to death within hours of his birth. AQUI LA GENTE QUIZO COGERLE LA TIERRA A IFE. The ase is sudden turbulant external change, as opposed to Owonrin which is internal change. Oyeku represents the unknown, those components that reside just beyond one’s field of vision. Humility becomes the key to success in various situations and you may have to yield in order to gain. The answers cannot be found in the past. PERDERA SU SUERTE. OKANRAN MEJI. Ofun = Spiritual windfall – can sometimes mean an ending. I appreciate your coherent writing style and the effort you have put into this article. The northern quadrant, the Ori-Opon, represents the Heavens – the home of the Ancestors and Orisa. 101 Owonrin Ika Owonrinika Owonrinojoose. It was her refusal to give up on him, her refusal to believe that he was hopeless, her insistence that he be treated with respect, and her patience in the way she spoke to him, even before she believe that he could understand, that ultimately redeemed him. The ubiquitous wanderer, or wind, who does what he likes and means what he does, was the nickname of Osa-Meji Before Osa-Meji came to the world he was advised to make sacrifice because he was going to practise his Ifa art in the midst of witches. DominoWiki is heavily reliant on Javascript but you appear to be using a browser that doesn’t support Javascript, or you have Javascript disabled. Please rectify this situation before attempting to use DominoWiki, otherwise you’ll be very disappointed! You must understand how your choices impact your future and determine the blessings or challenges you experience. Obara Ogbe 108. What an interesting take on this subject. Okanran refers to new beginnings and changing direction in your life. II II. What I am saying is that all of these emotions exist. The Osi-Opon is the “Not-I” in the aforementioned “I/Not-I” equation. Ofun Ofun 17. Evil prostrates, Sneaks silently to wreck havoc. The first book is all, the Odu called meji meaning the right and the left leg are identical. I found your posts informative which is highly refreshing. This means 256 possible combinations (Odu’s) or two to the eighth power. Owonrin Ose 106. The…, Disclosure: What follows is my own highly opinionated, intensely felt, not necessarily correct, and perhaps at times alienating view of Odu, and what they mean. Ofun Kanran = Peace, knowledge through study. IFA DE ESCLAVITUD. DICE QUE TIENE DESEOS DE TENER DINERO, OLOFIN SE LO VA A PROPORCIONAR PARA VER QUE COSA UD. Being the opposite of Otun-Opon, the Osi-Opon represents death, completion, and the place of transformations. Whether the abundance is monetary or spiritual, and increase is on the way. In its most extreme states Oyeku brings immediate cessation, a termination of expression and existence. I am happy you shared your ideas and I find myself agreeing. Insidious elements seek to gain entry or perhaps have already taken up residence. Lastly, Osa portends damages that are incrementally increased by someone running from their problems, rather than facing the source of conflict. The individual that sews the seeds of negativity will feast on the bitter harvest of their crops. HAY QUE TENER CUIDADO CON LO QUE SE COME Y BEBE, PORQUE LOS ENEMIGOS TRATARAN DE DARLE COSAS MALAS PARA MATARLO-A. AQUI SE ECHA EL EBBO A QUE FLOTE EN EL MAR. I I. I I. II II. Una vez todos los santos se reunieron y fueron a casa de Orula a preguntarle cómo él vivía y qué clase de trabajos hacia.Orula les contestó que todo él lo hallaba en el tablero y su Irofá.Los santos se burlaron de Orula y fueron a ver si era verdad lo que él decía y que lo probara Eshú había oído el relato de una persona de la calle la cual se enfermó. Each Odu is a recital of a set of poems called ese, that provide clues for the resolution of the problem during a divination session. SE DESCUIDA NO VA A HABER REMEDIO QUE LO SALVE. You will hear Odu expressed as the mystery or unknown… Or some other generic or depersonalized description that takes away from the fact that Odu is a womb and as such is the seat of feminine power. Oyeku’s increase come over time. Keep coming back as I will continue to write on subjects I hope will be of your interest. Owonrin Otura 104. In this article I share my…, Disclosure: What follows is my own highly opinionated, intensely felt, not necessarily correct, and perhaps at times alienating view of Odu, and what they mean. They dramatize a clear example of the power of love in the perfectly true story of a man born with so crippling a disease that he had no control over any part of his body but his left foot. Oyeku represents the senior feminine principal in the universe and serves to balance Ogbe’s overtly masculine energies. This change needs to be focused and directed towards a specific goal in order to be effective. Book One is as follows: Ogbe Meji Oyeku Meji Iwori Meji Odi Meji Irosun Meji Owonrin Meji Obara Meji Okanran Meji Ogunda Meji Osa Meji … Changes are just around the corner! Owonrin = Leaving behind the past. Cast divination for Jingbinni; The one that was going to reap fortunes with her Thanks. POR ESTE IFA SE LE DAN A OSHUN DOS ADIE AMARILLAS EN EL RIO. UD. The subsequent castings allow the diviner to choose among the associated poems for the correct meaning of the primary Odu. Physicality gives way to death. Ika = Sickness, change. HAY QUE CUIDARSE DE UNA VENGANZA POR ALGO MALO QUE SE HA HECHO. As the seat of feminine power, she is the essence of womb wisdom, mother wit, mothers intuition, etc. Blog: https://ileifa.org Restrictions are actually safe guards. You can study each lesson with your Computer, iPad or Cell Phone. This is the region that governs the world of the Self – the diviner, their home, immediate family and intimate surroundings. Irosun leads the second quartet of Irosun Owonrin Obara, Okanran meaning Plenty, scarcity, Noble, Challenges. 99 Owonrin Ogunda Owonrinetun. Owonrin Osa’s contrary nature marks tumultuous currents of energy that finds this Nation and its leadership living in the eye of the tornado. HABLA DE PROBLEMAS ENTRE COMADRES Y COMPADRES. Obara Obara 8. I cannot believe this is a The remedy is a period of rest necessary to allow you to gather the internal resources required to break free from the oppression. This is our Flag Ship Curriculum. UN ENFERMO LE PIDIO UNA MISA Y UD. The area from the sternum to the pelvis region falls under the auspices of the Osi-Opon. PERDERA. 6. I am not in favor of jealousy. The limitations on his life were all physical; they weren’t spiritual, they weren’t emotional, and they weren’t mental. DOLOR EN EL PECHO, AHOGO, ETC. It speaks of people with multiple personalities and or dual character traits. The Osi-Opon is represented by the sacred Odu Oyeku.I have said that each quadrant of the Opon-Ifa represents a way to spirit. Hope to see you again in the near future. OGGUN ASHE LENU AKOFA META ASHE OGGUN: SU BOCA ES HIRIENTE. Our Nations’ affairs are unsettled, and out of balance. It is through the gateway of Osi-Opon that this return takes place. CUIDAR MUCHO A ELEGBA Y PONERSE EL COLLAR DE OBATALA. SE DA UNYEN A TODA LA ORILLA DE LA CIUDAD. Owonrin brings with it the energy that enables one to break away, especially from the elements of one’s past that have hindered movement and success. Owonrin Ogunda 100. The Oju Odu fa were sixteen in number and Odu fa Ose-meji is number fifteen.The meaning of Ose-Meji, as it comes out from the divination that Ose made when coming to the world from heaven to become… I also invite you to post any questions related to the site’s subject as well as recommend related topics. In a state of “Ibi“, Oyeku may denote a condition of total blockage by elements that one is unable to perceive. Ancient message teaching the Philosophy of Ifá, Ọ̀runmìlà the Master Teacher, explaining to us this way of life that pleases Olódùmarè (The Creator)Through the Odu Ifa: Odu, Eji Ogbe, Oyeku Meji, Iwori Meji, Odi Meji, Irosun Meji, Owonrin Meji, Obara Meji, Okanran Meji, Ogunda Meji, Osa Meji, Ika Meji, Oturuupon Meji, Otura Meji, Irete Meji/Eji Elemere, Ose Meji, … Please rectify this situation before attempting to use DominoWiki, otherwise you’ll be very disappointed! Irete … HACE CON EL MISMO. Founded: 2007, Editor: Wale Adebayo Atunwase Awo of Ilobulan Osa is an Odu whose energy is highly active and brings with it sweeping change and the benefits such modifications impart. Hello, I found this by accident while doing some research on a different topic, as is the case for me. Awo in Training Part IV In the previous lesson I suggested learning the single legs of Ifa in order of seniority. What freed him? EN SU CASA HAY MUCHO ATRASO Y OSHUN ESTA BRAVA CON UD. He married and lived as normal a life as the restrictions of his physical body allowed. Owonrin may also indicate a state of negativity changing to positivity, the transformation of bad into good. This is the spirit world and is represented by the air element. Ika Ika 12. ESTA LETRA ESTA PREDOMINADA POR SHANGO, ELEGBA Y SAN LAZARO. Their visit may bring injustice and difficult energies that wear you down. Owonrin Okanran 99. CUIDADO CON UN HIJO, QUE NO ESTE ENTRE MUCHA GENTE PORQUE PUEDE ASFIXIARSE. MARCA DEUDAS CON SAN LAZARO QUE HAY QUE PAGAR. I don’t know how many of you have seen the film or read the book “My Left Foot“. OBARA MEJI. UD. Ejila Sebora = Loss, gossip, capriciousness. These newly initiated avenues of correspondence might either bring blessings or disruption, depending on the orientation of the Odu. Obara Oyeku 109. Kinetic energy returns to its source to be transformed into potential energy once again. Ogbe Owonrin 22. The way of the Osi-Opon Odus is the way of love. UNA CUÑADA VIVIO CON UD. Owonrin Ogbe 93. LA PERSONA TRABAJA DEMASIADO Y ES EXPLOTADA EN SU TRABAJO PUES NO LE PAGAN CON RELACION A LO QUE RINDE PORQUE AQUI NACIO LA EXPLOTACION DEL HOMBRE POR EL HOMBRE. Blockages may be implied, although in some cases one may be “blocked” for their own good. Great prosperity can be found through this sign, but it is a prosperity that comes about through respecting the natural order of things. The divination lot of the king that … SE LE DA DE COMER A LA LERI RAPIDAMENTE Y PONERLE SARAO DE EKO A OBATALA, A SHANGO Y A OSHUN. CUIDADO CON UN VIENTO MALO AL ABRIR SU PUERTA. NACIO LA ELECTRICIDAD, LA ENSEÑO OROIÑA (LA ENTRAÑA DE LA TIERRA). Osa’s contrary nature marks tumultuous currents of energy that find the individual living in the eye of the tornado. Follow Me on: Thank you for the good work and good luck with your site, I am looking forward to more updates in the future. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. SIEMPRE LLEGA Y SI UD. Wikipedia dedicada a la recopilación de conocimientos de IFA y el mundo de la religion Yoruba Osa Owonrin Osa Obara Osa Okanran Osa Ogunda Osa Ika Osa Oturupon Osa Otura Osa Irete Osa Ose Osa Ofun BOOK 12 Ika Ogbe Ika Oyeku Ika Iwori Ika Odi Ika Irosun Ika Owonrin. Physics also teaches that seemingly random effects show signs of order when viewed from a distance. CUANDO ESTA LETRA SALGA DE TOYALE EN UNA LETRA DE AO, EN EL TRANSCURSO DEL MISMO MORIRAN MUCHOS BABALAWOS. Iroso is also known by other names such as: Irosun, Ogbe Rosun, Loso, Orosun, Eji Rosun, Ojo Orosun, Elliocosun, Olloroso, Irozo, Irosun. Owonrin Irete 105. AQUI NACIO LA COSMONAUTICA: CAMINO DEL ARCO IRIS. If we look around us in our everyday lives, we see expressions of this all the time. | document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_START); | document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_CATS);odduns | document.write(LANG_FORM_FOOTER_CATS);osa-owonrin, HAY SECRETOS TAN ÍNTIMOS QUE NO SE LE DICEN A NADIE. One may have to pass through the trials of life in order to realize this prosperous condition, but through divination the requisite elements may be gathered. II II. Olodumare answered: "Whatever you want to obtain in life, I will give you the power to do so, While Ogundaogbe or Ogundabede speaks of traitor, infidelity, dishonest, unfaithfulness, lies or robbery, stealing, kleptomaniac attitude .. while odu Obara Meji speaks of two or dual personality traits which … Idobale ewu, Ni somo legbee keredu keredu Adifa foba tin wore ra meji leru Ero Egba Ero Esa Ngba oba ra meji Ni ara waa roni Ma maa reran Ma maa lowo Oyiya Yami loju n reran Oyiya Aboru Aboye! 98 Owonrin Okanran Owonrinokanran. These newly initiated avenues of correspondence might either bring blessings or disruption, depending on the orientation of the Odu. Ogbe Osa 26. OSA MEJI. Oturuopon Oturuopon 13. The exchanges that were potentially beneficial now only serve to distract and confuse. Owonrin Obara 98. Upon reaching the earth Ofun Meji began fighting the younger Odu in an attempt to regain the position that he held in the heavens. Obara Odio … And because they exist, they must be acknowledge and permitted expression along with all the rest of human experience cataloged by the 256 Odus which make up the sacred text of Ifa. AQUI FUE DONDE EL MONSTRUO SALIO A FLOTE. It is imperative that one’s destiny be discovered and pursued without interruption or disturbance. Osa Osa 11. Oyeku is an Odu that walks with Death and is the gatekeeper to this ultimate transformation. LO MANDARON O LO MANDARAN A BUSCAR PARA UNA COSA BUENA, ANTES DE IR HAGA EBBO, DE LO CONTRARIO CUANDO LLEGUES, LO QUE IBA A SER BUENO SERA MALO Y UD. Osa is an Odu whose energy is highly active and brings with it sweeping change and the benefits such modifications impart. Subsequent castings of the shells yield more information on the message’s meaning, origin and positive or negative quality. Irete Irete 15. Refusal to let go of that which “has been” gives rise to a state of bad fortune and imbalance. This is the day when the awo divine for their individual temples. Love is so powerful an energy that Emmet Fox, the Christian theologian, tells us that with enough love, there is absolutely nothing that cannot be accomplished, no barrier that cannot be broken down, no wall that cannot be scaled, no situation that cannot be reverse. UD. They represent emotions in general, negative as well as positive. Like Odi, pressure is a key element in the equation and this stress causes resistance and may eventually lead to a total breakdown. If you are looking for the best discount, then this is your best bet. Chief Awodele Ifayemi Owonrin Ika 102. Owonrin Irosun 97. Ogunda leads the third of Ogunda Osa Ika Oturupon meaning creator, aggressor, binder and two wisdoms and Otura leads the fourth of Otura, Irete, Ose and Ofun meaning the Undressed one, the forger, the conqueror and the benefactor. 97 Owonrin Obara Owonrinobara. This Odu marks increased communication, dialog, interaction and exchange. Obara Iwori 110. II II. Gesture: Touch the estera with the fingers and open the eyes as wide as you can. TIENE QUE PENSAR MUY BIEN CON SU CABEZA PARA QUE PUEDA ESCAPAR. Learning that material becomes the foundation for the next step, which is learning the sequence of all 256 Odu. 92. NO LO DEJES CORRER MUCHO BAJO EL SOL. and the last rank among them is OFU MEJI, the eldest son among the ODU IFA, but EJIOGBE was the one crowned as king among them in spite of his being the youngest among them, according to verses of Ejiogbe as follows: There are at least, and by far not the … Opon Ifa – The Great Divining Tray Used in Ifa Divination. Keep up the great work. OGUNDA MEJI. USTED CREE QUE LE ESTAN ECHANDO POLVOS Y MALDICIONES Y ES YALORDE QUE LE ESTA DANDO CUERO. Each primary Odu has a body of poetry associated with it, called Ese Ifá. This is Odu ifa is called Osa Ogbe ( Osa Esu , Osalulufunogbe , Osajagbelaya ) (1) Osa ja gbe laya ara ni Ba’le ile Kankan aki duro goloto ka ki baba eni aki duro goloto ka ki yeye ni Ose Ose 16. Emotions are also found within this section of the Opon. Fatigue sets in and disables further activity. When Owonrin come in a state of “Ibi“, it indicates that the individual or situation at hand is bogged down with the weight of the past.